Chapter 507

In the dim prison, Meng Youliang's face flickered in the flickering candle light.

As if he had thought of something, his eyes became more firm.

Xiao Ming has a deep look at Meng Youliang. If Meng Youliang really doesn't have access to Japanese, it's very suitable to give him the job. After all, his experience at sea is very important these years.

If Meng Youliang really knew Japanese, he would be clean. He would not have to be merciful to see him in the future. Moreover, he only lost a ship, which was not painful.

"If you think clearly, after you get out of prison, you can take my superstition to Dengzhou to find Yang Chengye, the governor of Dengzhou. He will give you a Japanese house boat. These ships were captured during the Ryukyu war, and I will keep them for you." Xiao Ming continued.

Meng Youliang nodded. He knew he couldn't get the warship he saw last time, but anzhai was already the top warship in Japan. He thought it was very good.

After explaining this, Xiao Ming continued: "lvluo is waiting for you outside. If you have anything to say, please say it now."

After that, Xiao Ming turns to leave, and follows the prison head behind him to open the door of Meng Youliang's cell.

As Xiao Ming walks out of the prison, Meng Youliang covers his eyes for the first time. He is often in the dark underground. The bright light makes his eyes tingle.

Lvluo is waiting outside the door. She looks excited when she sees Meng Youliang coming out.

"Talk to your brother and sister. I won't disturb you." Xiao Ming smiles at lvluo and mounts to leave.

Meng Youliang and lvluo salute Xiao Ming at the same time. Seeing that Xiao Ming is away, Meng Youliang looks excitedly at lvluo and says, "sister, I'm sorry for you."

Lvluo sighed slightly, "now why say these things? The past things are all over. I just hope my brother will not be associated with Japanese pirates in the future, otherwise you and I will not be brothers and sisters from now on."

"Sister, you don't believe me. My parents died in the hands of the Japanese pirates. I can't take refuge in the Japanese pirates even if I'm a wolf. I've endured humiliation for revenge these years. If it wasn't for the important news about the Japanese invasion of Dayu, I wouldn't have exposed my identity. But now I can still be a pirate to revenge my parents." Meng Youliang said excitedly.

"You still want to be a Japanese pirates!" Lu luoliu's eyebrows stand erect. Her body trembles slightly when she is seldom angry. She shakes off Meng Youliang's hand that pulls her arm, and says angrily, "you go, I don't have your brother."

Meng Youliang then reacted. He added: "sister, you misunderstand me. This time, your highness asked me to be the captain of a privateer. It's still different. I'm working for your highness."

"At your Highness's service?" The green Luo surprised way.

Meng Youliang nods and tells lvluo what Xiao Ming said to him.

After learning the news, lvluo was relieved, but she turned to worry about Meng Youliang. She said, "but why do you have to? Your Highness has given you a chance to live a down-to-earth life. Why do you have to go to the sea to fight for your life?"

"If I don't find you, maybe I'll be an ordinary citizen from now on, but my sister, I'm sorry for you, so I'll protect you with my life from now on." Meng Youliang said that this is the reason for his firm belief.

Without waiting for lvluo to speak, Meng Youliang continued: "in the prison, I heard from the prison head that my younger sister is his highness now, but I don't want her to be a slave all her life, so I want to work for his highness and be relied on by his highness like Yue Yun. In this way, my younger sister can't be sure that she will become a side princess in the future."

Lvluo was scared. She said: "brother, don't talk nonsense. My sister is just a slave. How can she become a side palace? People in this palace say that your highness will have a bright future in the future. This side princess must come from a famous family. Don't think much about it. Since you want to work for your highness in Shanghai, it's true to keep your life."

Meng Youliang wanted to continue to explain, but when he saw lvluo's appearance, he decided not to say it, but he stubbornly believed that as long as he could be like Yue Yun, it would be possible in the future.

They talked for a while in front of the prison door, when Zhao Long suddenly returned and handed a letter to Meng Youliang.

"Your Highness has said that the letter is in your hands. You can choose whether to go or not." Before leaving, Zhao Long said.

Holding the letter tightly, Meng Youliang said to lvluo, "sister, I will pay back what I owe you."

With these words, Meng Youliang clenched his teeth and turned away without looking back, leaving only the complicated eyes of lvluo.

Seeing her brother disappear in the crowd, lvluo's eyes are slightly red and sighs. She goes to the palace. It's not that she doesn't stop her, but that he can't stop her at all.

She knew her brother's character, and there was no room for him to go back to what he had decided. Because of this, he left him and went to the sea.

Now he was back at sea again, and she didn't know what it would bring him.

All the way back to the palace in a trance, she saw Xiao Ming waiting for her in the door.

Seeing this, she wiped her tears and went in."Your brother's gone?" Xiao Ming asked.

Lvluo nodded.

"You don't blame me."

"I dare not. Lvluo knows his brother. Even if his highness doesn't give him this chance, he will still return to the sea. It's better to fight for his highness than fight for revenge at sea." There is a trace of perseverance on lvluo's small face.

The softest person is also the strongest. Lvluo is always timid and weak, but at this moment, she also shows her inner strength.

With a slight nod, Xiao Ming said, "just understand."

Simply speaking, Xiao Ming asks lvluo to take a rest.

For Meng Youliang, he was just the right person at the right time.

He doesn't know whether he really has the ability, but the privateer must be put on the agenda now. Meng Youliang's greater significance is that this is the beginning of the privateer plan of Dayu state. As a supplement to the Navy, the privateer can not only guard against pirates, but also prepare seafarers for the future Navy.

Of course, in history, many privateers lost their direction and became real pirates.

However, Xiao Ming is not worried about this. He allows legal privateering. If these privateering ships become pirates, they will become the targets of Yue Yun's strangulation.

Because of this, he did not worry that Meng Youliang would betray him one day. With Yue Yun's prejudice against him, he would certainly pursue him to the ends of the earth.

After all, Meng Youliang's privateer has become a strong armed force. It is a standard navy to replace it with a Galen warship. , the fastest update of the webnovel!