Chapter 486

PS: the next chapter is repeated. Please don't read it.

"You are all brave warriors, but it's not the time yet."

Sakai's eyes are mixed with fanaticism, but he understands that war can not be won only by courage, especially in the face of the Dutch army. He clearly understands that the firearm is not the opponent of the flint gun in the battlefield, and he can only win by the number of people.

But now because of the arrival of the soldiers of Dayu state, they have lost this advantage. In order to achieve a greater victory rate, he can only expect more support.

"When will that be?" Asked a warrior.

After pondering for a while, Sakai said, "when the people of Murano Chunming arrive, we will be able to go out of the city to fight."

"Murano Chunming?"

All the warriors were silent. Among the pirates, no one knew the name of Murano Chunming.

Under his leadership, his pirates attacked many cities along the coast of Dayu. The wealth they plundered was the first of many pirates, and the warriors under Murano Chunming were also known for their ferocity.

These warriors can cause a large number of casualties to the army of Dayu in each plunder, which makes the soldiers of Dayu turn pale. The most important thing is that there is a 5000 person firearm team in Murano Chunming's hand. With this firearm team, they can gain an advantage in quantity.

When it comes to the name of Murano Chunming, the warriors no longer object to it, because Murano Chunming is one of the best warriors in China, and they all hold the attitude of admiration.

"Muye Chunming brought me news five days ago. According to his plan, they will be able to arrive at Ryukyu Island these two days." Sakai's eyes look to the East Sea.

As he expected, on the vast sea, a fleet is approaching the island of Ryukyu. The fleet is composed of 30 Yasukuni boats. On the first Yasukuni boat stands a middle-aged Samurai in Samurai clothes. He is Murano Chunming in Sakurai.

After getting the order to capture Ryukyu Island, he led the warships to Ryukyu to join Sakai.

"Mr. Muye, there is Ryukyu Island ahead." Said a soldier, pointing to the visible coast.

"Ryukyu Island will be ours soon," he said with a proud smile

As soon as his voice fell, a soldier pointed to the South and said, "my lord Muye, the Dutch warship!"

"What Murano Chunming turned his head and looked south. Sure enough, three warships were approaching them. There was no difference between these warships and the Dutch warships. However, when he saw the flag on the warship, he shook his head and said, "this is not the Dutch warship, it's the warship of Dayu."

Sakai had already told him about the king of Qi in Qingzhou, so when he saw the flag on the warship, he immediately distinguished it.

"Don't fight them. Speed up and get close to the shore. We are not their opponents at sea." Murano Chunming is very clear about the power of these warships.

After getting his order, the Yasukuni speeded up to the Ryukyu coast.

On the other side of the three warships, Yue Yun issued an order to prevent these warships from landing on Ryukyu Island.

Although they have more than 20 warships together with Dutch warships, these warships can only patrol in the nearby waters with three as a unit. What Yue Yun didn't expect is that his three warships soon found a group of Japanese pirates trying to support Ryukyu Island.

"Destroy them!" Yue Yun gave the order.

At this time, the three class III warships accelerated to the Japanese warships, but to Yue Yun's surprise, these Japanese warships didn't seem to fight with them, but quickly approached the shore.

Among them, the leading warship was less than a mile away from the coast, which made him a little anxious. It was obvious that three warships could not destroy this large number of Japanese pirates fleet at one time.

At the same time, six Japanese warships suddenly separated from the fleet and approached Yue Yun's warships.

"General, there are warships coming." Cried the soldier on the watchtower.

"Ignore them and bombard the ships heading for the coast." Yue Yun took a telescope to observe these boats. These six boats and other boats had some alleys, because other boats carried a large number of soldiers, while these six boats were frigates with only a small number of crew.

Now the purpose of these ships is to prevent them from attacking the ships in front of them.

Seeing through the purpose of the Japanese pirates, Yue Yun directly commanded the fleet to approach the coast. At this time, the first home ship of the Japanese pirates had already landed, and the Japanese pirates came down from the ship and rushed to the island.

Seeing this, Yue Yun became more and more anxious. The more Japanese pirates on the island, the more unfavorable to the Qingzhou army. After reaching the shooting distance, Yue Yun immediately ordered the warships to fire.

"Boom boom..."

With the sound of the guns, the shells flew to the boat which was berthing. Suddenly, the boat burst out in bursts of screams.

Many Japanese pirates were directly smashed into the sea by shells from the ship, and three class III warships fired continuously, with more than 100 shells in each round attacking the anzhai ship.The Japanese pirates on an Zhai boat had no resistance. They tried their best to slide the boat to the shore. Some of them even jumped into the sea and swam to the shore.

During the shelling, more and more home boats landed, and a large number of Japanese pirates fled to the island. Under the shelling, they also paid a lot of casualties. Under the continuous design, hundreds of Japanese pirates died on the ship.

Seeing that most of the Japanese pirates landed, Yue Yun was upset. They found it too late, otherwise they would not let so many Japanese pirates land on the island.

But the fact has been doomed, he felt that now should go back to inform the king of Qi.

Looking at the approaching six Anzhu boats, Yue Yun gave the order to retreat. Although he was not afraid of these Anzhu boats, it would be very troublesome to be forced up. Now he should go back and lead more warships to come and deliver the message.

At the sound of the bell, the three warships sailed to the direction of reranzha city. An hour later, they arrived at Baisha Ou beach. He immediately sent someone to shore to inform Xiao Ming that about 5000 Japanese pirates had landed.

Then he and other warships converged and left in the same direction as before. Since these Japanese pirates have come, they don't want to go back.

Outside michila castle, Xiao Ming and Claire soon get news from Yue Yun.

"Five thousand." Clare's face is a little dignified. As a result, the number of Japanese pirates has increased, which means that they have to pay a greater price to capture the castle.

And the most important thing is that these Japanese pirates do not know where they will flee, when and where they will launch attacks.

"Lufei, send scouts to patrol immediately to prevent sneak attack." Xiao Ming immediately gave the order.

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