Chapter 452

PS: it's only four o'clock tonight.

"Ha ha ha..."

The serious atmosphere in the Yamen was broken by Xiao Ming's laughter.

After such a long time, he basically solved the problem of Ryukyu with no blood and found a trade route with Europe.

To stop laughing, Xiao Ming said to Claire, "I'm glad that you can accept this condition. If you can sincerely trade with our king, we promise that your trade in East Asia will not be damaged in the future. On the contrary, you will get more profits."

"I hope so. The ultimate goal of our Dutch people is trade and profit, as long as your highness can guarantee that." Clare said with the same smile.

After nodding, Xiao Ming continued: "in this case, it's better for us to sign a trade agreement now to agree on our commitments." Xiao Ming said.

Having said that, he asked Yang Chengye to prepare a pen and paper to write down the results of the negotiation and form an agreement to stipulate the behavior of both sides. Claire also had no objection to this.

Then the two sides discussed some details and finally formed a treaty.

Firstly, the Netherlands returned Ryukyu Island to Dayu state under the name of Qi king of Dayu state, and Qi king of Dayu state guaranteed the safety of the Dutch trade company's residence in jeranzhe and the smooth flow of trade routes.

Second, Dutch trade company and Qingzhou chamber of Commerce jointly set up the Ministry of foreign trade in Dengzhou. In the future, all trade can only be carried out with the approval of the office.

Third, two thousand Musketeers and four warships were kept in the city of reranzhe. At the same time, the same number of troops under the name of the king of Qi were allowed to be stationed and managed together, and the two sides were responsible for their own military supplies.

Fourth, when the city of geranque was attacked by foreign enemies, Qi had the obligation to resist the enemy together with the Dutch trading company. At the same time, when the ships of both sides were plundered by foreign enemies at sea, both sides had the obligation to protect.


One by one, these clauses were written down, and soon a piece of paper was covered with words. After writing the treaty in the language of Dayu, Xiao Ming wrote another treaty in the language of Holland, which made Claire's chin almost fall off.

"Your Highness, why do you know our language?" Said Claire.

Xiao Ming said, "then why does Rhode speak the language of Dayu?"

"But he can only say, not write." Clare said that rod's past was not glorious. In fact, rod was a pirate before. It was with pirates from different countries that rod mastered the language of Dayu when he was young.

"Unfortunately, I learned this knowledge from a knowledgeable missionary." Xiao Ming also prevaricates with this reason.

"Missionaries? So your Highness's flint guns and artillery are all Clare was surprised.

Xiao Ming nodded for sure. Since he had cooperated, he had to give them a reason.

"This must be a very knowledgeable missionary." Claire grinned bitterly. Now he really wants to shoot the preacher.

With a slight smile, Xiao Ming gives the agreement to Claire. In fact, he is very quick at memorizing things, such as language. After all, the knowledge that needs to be recited is in the science and Technology Library. What he thinks of will immediately jump out of a word or even a sentence.

"Now it's time for us to sign. As long as this treaty comes into effect, war can be avoided." Xiao Ming said.

Clare took a deep breath, took a quill out of his arms and signed his name on the agreement.

Ryukyu Island was developed by the Dutch trade company, so it belongs to the wealth announced by Dutch trade. He has the right to deal with the company's property, provided that the company's trade will not be damaged.

After Clare signed the agreement, he handed it to Xiao Ming and said, "now it's your turn."

After taking over the treaty, Xiao Ming also signed his own name. The treaty was officially effective. He nodded with satisfaction and said, "I wish you a happy cooperation."

Clare's expression is very complicated. The treaty is a complete victory for the king of Qi, but a humiliation of failure for them. It means that the era when the Dutch informed the East Asian trade routes has officially passed, just as they have now lost the maritime hegemony of Europe.

"I hope your highness can keep the promise in the agreement, otherwise we Dutch will fight to the last soldier." Clare warned.

Xiao Ming looks serious, solemnly said: "my king has always kept his promise."

With a nod, Clare stood up and said, "in that case, we are waiting for your highness in the city of jeranzha."

"All right."

Xiao Ming wanted Claire to stay for dinner, but he gave up worrying about Claire's humiliation. After all, losers have their own dignity.

Seeing off Claire, Yang Chengye, who took part in the negotiation, looked at Xiao Ming with admiration and said, "I didn't expect that your highness is really knowledgeable. Your highness is really respectful!"

"Don't flatter and do more business. With the signing of the agreement, Dengzhou will be a commercial port for trade with the Netherlands in the future. In the future, all goods coming here from the Netherlands will be unloaded here, and our goods will be loaded on Dutch ships here."Since Xiao Ming talked about it last time, Yang Chengye has been looking forward to this day. Now two months have passed, and now he finally has something to look forward to.

He said, "I'm going to order that the courtyard next to the Yamen be vacated and changed into the Ministry of foreign trade." With that, Yang Chengye is ready to go. Now he is much more anxious than Xiao Ming.

Shaking his head, Xiao Ming goes to Xingyuan. Now that the agreement has been signed, there are still a lot of things to do. First of all, he has to take over Ryukyu Island and the Lingbao Mingke on the island opposite to the city of geranzha.

After that, his army would be stationed in the city of geranque to monitor the trade routes along the coast with the Dutch.

Thinking of this, he immediately sent someone to call Yue Yun. Naturally, Yue Yun was responsible for controlling the route.

Not long after returning to Xingyuan, Yue Yun came here. During this time, he had been leading the fleet training. When he learned that Xiao Ming had arrived in Dengzhou, he was coming to ask Xiao Ming about Ryukyu.

"The Dutch surrendered? It's boring Yue Yun looks disappointed. Now he looks like a cockfight, looking for opponents everywhere.

"It's not surrender. It's just that we will have a cooperative relationship from now on, but we should be vigilant while cooperating. That's the meaning of garrison." Xiao Ming said: "therefore, you should send some warships to Ryukyu, and I will train a group of Marines for you."

"Marine Corps?" Yue Yun's eyes lit up, which he had been dreaming of. , the fastest update of the webnovel!