Chapter 430

Rod grabbed a handful of white sand from the beach and let it slide through his fingers.

Looking at the direction of the sand, rod muttered, "north wind."

Behind him, the boats carrying the soldiers kept going back and forth, transporting the soldiers from the boats to the beach. In the distance, ten warships were arranged in a straight line. He could see Claire sitting on the deck with the sea breeze blowing.

Since the Qiantang naval battle, Claire has been worried about the news of the king of Chu. After repairing and replenishing the ammunition, they set out to Dengzhou to explore the reality of another vassal of the great Yu kingdom.

It's not that Claire is sensitive, it's that they need to know the real situation of the countries around the sea.

As a matter of fact, their warships arrived here 80 years ago and established a colony on what is now Ryukyu Island. But at that time, the Dutch were fighting for maritime hegemony with the British, and after six major battles in 30 years, they finally lost to the British.

At that time, it was the weakest time in Holland. They were defeated by the pirates in this sea area before they had a firm foothold. However, they did not forget this rich land. After more than ten years of recuperation, they returned here again, recaptured Ryukyu Island, and ruled for 40 years.

However, as recorded before, this largest country in East Asia is still not worth mentioning. He remembers that the first group of missions trying to establish diplomatic relations with Dayu once described Dayu as follows:

our governor's gift became a tribute in Dayu, and it was taken by local officials in Guangzhou. Dayu officials lied about our arrival The news here tore up our letter to the emperor of Dayu, and finally drove us out of the country in order to cover up the embezzlement of tribute.

Dayu is a mysterious country for us, but behind the mysterious veil is a weak and degenerate country.

The officials here are corrupt. A class equivalent to the European aristocracy rules here, but different from the European aristocracy, the class called "aristocracy" here only cares about their own interests and ignores their own behavior, which will bring great harm and hidden danger to their country.

The officials here are ignorant, arrogant, corrupt, the people live in discontent with the officials, they are as weak and incompetent as the aborigines we conquered, the Japanese and the Filipinos are braver than them, and this country will only tremble in the face of the barbaric tribes in the north, and there is no noble spirit that we Europeans will fight against the enemy, which is enough to support my point of view.

At the same time, the emperors and officials of this country are not nationalists. They are always incredibly generous to foreigners, and unbearably cruel and cruel to their own people.

Great king, if you are willing to send troops, as we conquered the Native Americans, we will defeat this country and make it our colony.

Recalling this record, rod raised his eyebrows. At least in the south, he found that there was no exaggeration in the mission's description, or even beautification of the country.

The king of Chu whom they contacted was just such a king. Although Chu was very rich, the wealth was controlled by the aristocrats and the people were still very poor.

But just when they thought that the whole state of Dayu was like this, the king of Chu's words aroused their doubts.

Because in this backward and stupid country, there was a flint gun. After the defeat, the king of Chu even said that the king of Qi also made a hot-air balloon.

This makes them very surprised and frightened. Although hot air balloons have been eliminated by hydrogen balloons in Europe, they are still shocked by the appearance of hot air balloons in this place.

Because it means that a civilization different from other parts of Dayu is rising here.

And that's the source of their fear, to be able to make the muskets, and with the size of the country's population, they can easily beat them.

After all, it's very difficult for them to maintain their military presence in East Asia, and they can't support a large-scale war at all.

It is precisely for this reason that they are going to Dengzhou, or even Qingzhou. Once they find out the details of the king of Qi, they will decide whether to establish trade relations with the king of Qi or nip the threat in the bud.

After all, the Dutch have lost so many colonies that they don't want to lose the sea.

"Dengzhou city is twenty miles ahead."

When Rhode was stunned, a Japanese came up to him and pointed to the front.

Rod took a look at this Japanese man. His name is Sakai. He is a Japanese pirate in this sea area. Since they established a trade point in Nagasaki, Kyushu Island, they have been trading with Japanese for more than 30 years, and they have a solid relationship in Japanese.

In the eyes of outsiders, these Japanese pirates are pirates. In fact, they know in their hearts that these Japanese pirates are just soldiers sent by the famous Japanese nation to plunder their wealth.

Under their enlightenment, the Japanese mastered the production technology of the firearm earlier than the state of Dayu, and over the years, with the use of the firearm to arm the army, the ambition of the Japanese gradually expanded.

However, for the Dutch, the Japanese are still respectful, which makes them less worried about the power of the Japanese.And the expansion of Japan is not without benefits, at least they can sell more materials to Japan.

"Mr. Sakai, please lead the way. After all, we don't know much about it." Said rod.

Sakai nodded, his eyes swept over the bayonet mounted flint gun of the Dutch soldier, and then he looked at the six pound field gun being transported ashore, which was mounted between two wheels and was very convenient to transport.

Turning his head, these dangerous weapons made a little greed in his eyes, and he said, "well, Mr. rod, as you wish, our army will go ahead."

With that, Sakai began to gather 3000 soldiers and set out in a neat column to Dengzhou city.

Each of these Japanese soldiers was carrying a musket and an ammunition bag around his waist. This was the way the Dutch gave them to fight.

After the Japanese army, rod led the Dutch soldiers ashore. One thousand infantry carried guns and walked behind the Japanese. Behind the infantry, the artillery was tying six field guns behind the horses.

Following the infantry, the artillery also wanted to advance to Dengzhou city.

The distance of 20 Li was not very far. Two hours later, they saw the city of Dayu wrapped by the city wall.

Rod then picked up his telescope and looked at the soldiers on guard at the head of the city. Suddenly he laughed, "is this plate armor? It's kind of interesting. " , the fastest update of the webnovel!