Chapter 328

Outside the palace of the king of Qi, Cao Zhengyang looked at the three gilded characters on the plaque.

Now that Yue Yun and others have returned to Qingzhou, they have fulfilled the promise of the Cao family. Naturally, this time he came to Qingzhou to open the Cao family's Bank in the feudal land of the king of Qi.

At the same time, he also brought two million stone grain sold by the king of Chu to the king of Qi.

It can be said that these real profits are the sincerity of the Cao family this time.

After waiting for a while outside the door, a servant of King's residence led him into king Qi's residence. Along the way, he looked at the place and was surprised to find that king Qi's residence must be too simple.

When he arrived at the main hall, he saw the king of Qi who had been waiting there. He quickly walked a few steps and bowed himself: "Your Highness."

"Last time you told your father about the northern barbarians, how was the negotiation?" Xiao Wen was holding a book in his hand, and he looked tired and lazy.

"Back to your highness, during the northern expedition, our Cao family is willing to provide 500000 taels of silver. I hope your highness can win." Cao Zhengyang said in a loud voice.

"Five hundred thousand taels?" Xiao Ming suddenly smiles. Cao Jiaguo is really generous. This 500000 taels is enough for a quarter of the military expenditure of the barbarians in the northern expedition.

Cao Zhengyang nodded, "Your Highness, are you satisfied with this number?"

"Satisfied, of course." As a matter of fact, after Xiao Ming put up the fund-raising plan for the northern expedition in the chamber of Commerce, few foreign businessmen responded to it except local businessmen in Qingzhou.

After all, many people did not believe that Xiao Ming could win the battle of the barbarians.

Cao Zhengyang echoed with a smile, put forward the real purpose of this time, "Your Highness, what about the Cao family's Bank?"

"Since I have promised you, I will keep my promise. You cao family can open a bank in my fiefdom."

At present, Qingzhou bank has not been established, and the government is short of money. Although the settlement of Cao family bank will have some impact on the early stage of Qingzhou bank, in the long run, Cao family bank will not be able to compete with Qingzhou bank in the later stage.

After all, Xiao Ming's ultimate goal was to establish a gold standard monetary system, while Cao's Bank was just an original bank based on silver. When he issued his own currency, it was only a matter of minutes to kill Cao's Bank.

Playing finance with him is far from the Cao family.

It was for this reason that he allowed the Cao family to enter Qingzhou and set up a bank, because the current Cao family bank can promote the development of Qingzhou and provide financial support for the feudal people and merchants.

And his position on the Cao family is only here. If the Cao family wants to hold him like the Western capitalists, they will think too much.

"Thank you, your highness. In addition, we will provide 2 million stone grain for your highness one after another during this period. In addition to the Cao family's grain, a total of 2.5 million stone grain will be provided to your highness, hoping to solve his urgent need."

This grain is also the condition that Cao family promised him at the beginning, and the purpose is to establish a bank.

It can be seen that the Cao family is very interested in the banking industry. In this era, their thoughts are beyond many businessmen in Chongqing.

Xiao Ming nods and smiles slightly to show his satisfaction.

Now that the Cao family has reached Qingzhou, he wants to make good use of the richest man in Chongqing.

After deciding this matter, Cao Zhengyang left with great gratitude. According to his plan, he was ready to buy real estate and build a bank in Qingzhou.

Watching Cao Zhengyang leave, Xiao Ming smiles. A local rich man sends him to the door. He doesn't know whether it's a good thing or a bad thing.

Seeing off Cao Zhengyang, Xiao Ming goes to Qingzhou camp with nothing to do. Now there are 3000 flint guns in Qingzhou army, and there will be more in the next few months.

Based on this, he is confident that he can launch an offensive against the barbarians in the autumn.

"Your Highness, we can practice well."

Lu Fei came over with a waist knife. After the column was loaded with a flint gun, Lu Fei and other generals still wore a sword.

In this era of mixed cold and hot weapons, sometimes cold weapons will play a stabilizing role in the white-edged war.

Looking at the soldier who was training the hollow square array, Xiao Ming nodded.

"This formation is changing a little bit, but the speed of the soldiers loading bullets needs to be strengthened. It's too slow." Xiao Ming said, looking at the soldiers who were simulating loading bullets.

According to this speed, it's good that the soldiers of Qingzhou army can shoot two bullets a minute, and his requirement is a minimum of three.

Lu Fei scratched his head. "The main training formation these days is less filling, which will be strengthened next."

Xiao Ming continued to look at the other captains, some of whom were practicing bayonets with soldiers.

Scarecrows have been put up on the school field, and soldiers are practicing bayonets on scarecrows with bayonets.

Another school captain handed out sticks with cloth on his head to the soldiers. The soldiers were competing with sticks, which represented bayonets.

"Yes, it seems that what you have learned in the school has been applied." Xiao Ming said.Lu Fei said with a smile: "it's better for your highness to teach."

"Don't be modest about this. You are still required to come for practical operation. By the way, where are the chariots of the chariots? How about the chariots made by the military workshop?"

"Your Highness, this chariot is really good. Today, the military workshop has just sent three chariots to let us get familiar with the structure in advance." Said Luffy.

They talked all the way to the east of the school yard, and Niu Zhen was here at this time.

He just made it clear at the meeting that he was good at dealing with the cavalry Niu Zhen. He just designed the chariot.

"Your Highness." Niu Zhen is explaining the car formation to the soldiers.

At this time, Xiao Ming looked at the chariot. It was not his own chariot, but the Husi chariot in history. It was this chariot that had severely damaged the German cavalry.

In wartime, the Huss chariots were arranged into square or circular arrays depending on the terrain.

Moreover, the chariots are chained from wheel to wheel, so the chariots are tilted so that they can be quickly harnessed.

In addition, the wall of HUS chariot has a thick layer of iron plate armor, and holes are reserved between the armor for shooting.

On the whole, the Huss chariot looks like a box, like a mobile fortress, and has the same sharpness in attack and defense.

when attacking, the Huss chariot can be placed close to the enemy to provoke the enemy to attack with artillery fire.

At this time, the Musketeers hiding behind the vehicle will attack with firearms, further weakening the enemy.

And once the enemy appears the momentum of collapse, cavalry and Musketeers in the middle of the vehicle array will swarm out and reap the enemy's life. , the fastest update of the webnovel!