Chapter 324

PS: there are four more in the evening!!!

"Your Highness, I'm back!"

Qi palace, Qingzhou civil and military officials gathered.

In the center of the main hall, Yue Yun and the rest of the sailors suddenly knelt on the ground, crying.

Niu Zhen and Lu Fei can't help but be moved when they see this. More than 700 people left when they set out, but now when they return to Qingzhou, there are only 231 people left in the Navy, and two-thirds of the sailors died in the vast sea.

Xiao Ming walks up to Yue Yun and helps the Navy officers and men up one by one. His eyes are warm. He knows that this is bound to be dangerous, but these sailors are still willing to look back.

It was the soldiers who had the courage to sacrifice themselves that made his fiefdom stable.

Xiao Ming believes in weapons, but what he believes most is his own soldiers. How can he sit in the main hall without their bravery and sacrifice.

"Soldiers, it is the king who should salute."

A thousand words in Xiao Ming's heart turned into a deep bow.

Yue Yun and other people's eyes were red, but their expression was still resolute. They all roared: "my glory is loyal. For your highness, we are not afraid of death and sacrifice, only that one day your highness can no longer let the people in Liuzhou suffer from external humiliation!"

"Yue Yun, you are a man of iron, I admire you!" Luffy gave a high drink.

"We admire it!" Cried the other generals at the same time.

At this moment, Yue Yun couldn't help crying. His mother died in the hands of Japanese pirates. His crew was attacked by the British fleet on the sea. Later, they escaped the pursuit of the British fleet under Wilson's leadership.

I didn't expect to encounter the Dutch fleet when crossing Ryukyu.

At this time, they had hardly the ability to fight back. With the heart of death, they sank a Dutch warship, but their ship could no longer continue to sail and could only be stranded on an uninhabited island.

If they had not met Cao's fleet, they would not have come back.

He has too much family hatred and national hatred on his own.

Xiao Ming patted Yue Yun heavily on the shoulder. He said, "I know you are suffering. The soldiers who died will not die in vain. I will recover ten times and one hundred times. The common people in Cangzhou will not die. I will recover ten times and one hundred times. The strategy of Qingzhou in the next few years is to attack the barbarians in the north and invade the Japanese to seize the sea trade routes."

"The barbarians in the north, the Japanese in the East!"

All the officials present were shocked. For the first time, Xiao Ming formally put forward the next strategy.

Yue Yun clenched his teeth and said, "Your Highness, we are all waiting for your words. Your highness doesn't know. Now there are many Western warships on the sea. Their warships and weapons are much stronger than those of Dayu. In my opinion, only our warships in Qingzhou can compete with them."

"The people of the Cao family have told the king that the Western powers are expanding their sphere of influence to the state of Dayu, so now we must first solve the barbarians in Youzhou, so that we can concentrate on seizing the sea trade routes."

Pang Yukun nodded, "barbarian disaster, always threatening the hinterland of Chongqing, must be removed."

Yue Yun said: "during this period, a large number of galleons can be built to prepare for the future naval battle. I must throw the Dutch and the British into the sea to feed the fish."

Xiao Ming smiles and pats Yue Yun on the shoulder. What he needs is such fighting spirit.

Facing the crowd, he said: "this time, taking advantage of the fact that Yue Yun came back to talk about these two things, I have ordered the equipment department and the military workshop to cooperate with each other to improve the production of flint guns. In this autumn, there will be an expedition against the barbarians. In addition to commanding the Qingzhou army, old general, you now immediately dispatch elite from the six state army to cooperate with the joint training of the Qingzhou army, and set up a car Camp. "

"Yes, your highness!" Niu Zhen took orders in a loud voice.

"Pang Yukun, in addition to the State Administration, the government had to be slow in money and food to cooperate with the shipyard in the production of Galen boats."

"Yes, your highness." Pang Yukun responded.

"Chen Qi, Lu Tong, I'll give you the lime bomb. In addition, during the expedition, I want to see the field artillery."

"Yes, your highness."

After giving a series of orders, Xiao Ming turned his eyes to the north.

The northern expedition of the barbarians was a plan, but it was also a last resort. Jizhou's civil strife became more and more fierce. At this time, the initiative to attack was just to defend. After all, if the barbarians took the opportunity to go south, Jizhou would be vulnerable at this time.

He believed that the barbarians would not miss the chance of chaos in the great Chongqing state. At that time, Jizhou was lost and he would be attacked by enemies on both sides, which he did not want to see.

So he made up his mind to invade the barbarians in the north, set up a car camp to form the first obstacle to the barbarians in the field, and asked Chen Qi to develop light field artillery.

They jointly made plans for the future of Qingzhou. Xiao Ming announced the rewards to Yue Yun and other Navy generals, and let Yue Yun sit down.

Knowing that Yue Yun came back today, he specially set up a celebration banquet in the palace, in order to help Yue Yun and others.

After the banquet, he summoned Yue Yun alone.

"Your Highness, it's a pity that Wilson was killed by the Dutch during the naval battle. Otherwise, your highness will be able to listen to him talk about the current situation in the West.""It doesn't matter. I'm satisfied that you can come back."

Yue Yun was moved when he heard that Xiao Ming was so concerned about the soldiers that he felt warm in his heart. He thought that even if he died in the war, it would be worth it. Then he remembered something and gave Xiao Ming the translator's pamphlet.

Xiao Ming opened the book for the translator to record the problems and scanned them one by one.

After reading these stories, he basically understood the current situation of the world. The invasion of Europe by northern grassland tribes hundreds of years ago also broke the European understanding of the world.

After that, the progress of European civilization seems to have undergone earth shaking changes, with the rapid development of science and the emergence of various scientific discoveries.

These scientific changes further promoted the advent of the era of great navigation in Europe. First, America was occupied by Europeans, then southeast Asia and East Asia.

According to Wilson, after the Dutch occupied the trade routes in East Asia, businessmen from other countries were forbidden to set foot in the trade routes.

Because of this, few foreign missions went to Dayu.

However, in recent years, the Dutch are declining, replaced by Great Britain, France and Prussia, and because of the problem of new sects, European countries are also full of contradictions and frequent wars.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, the level of science and technology in the West today is the level of the middle of the 18th century.

Steam engines have been proposed in Great Britain and are being tried.

As for the butterfly effect, Xiao Ming can't calculate the impact of a little deviation on the overall situation, but for him, the present world is a completely different history except before the Three Kingdoms.

Both Europe and Asia are on a completely strange track.

At this time, Xiao Ming suddenly realized that in addition to the geographical environment, this is just a strange world, a more dangerous world. , the fastest update of the webnovel!