Chapter 314

Zhu 56 is taking the young people of the village to pour the cement road of the western city.

A young man suddenly stopped at his side.

When the sun was blocked, Zhu 56, squatting on the ground to level the concrete floor, raised his head and saw the young man's face, he suddenly laughed and said, "reporter Jiang, why are you here?"

The person in front of Zhu Wuliu was a newspaper reporter who often went to Zhujia village to read newspapers. Seeing Zhu Wuliu smiling, Jiang said, "you can still laugh. Today's newspaper published the precursor of locust disaster and drought in Liuzhou. Your highness published the measures to prevent locust disaster in person. If you don't go back to think about which one you can do."

"What? Locust plague Zhu 56 suddenly confused, "what's the matter?"

Reporter Jiang then said what was in the newspaper. Zhu Wuliu gradually became clear. Now spring ploughing has just begun. According to the newspaper, there are still ways to prevent it.

"I'm going to buy ducks." Zhu Wu and Liu quit their work and got up and ran.

Other young people also followed suit and ran to Dongshi, where people often sell ducks.

Reporter Jiang looked at Zhu 56's figure and sighed, how can those ducks in Dongshi be able to help so many people in Qingzhou?

At the same time, with the promotion of the government, the news of locust prevention spread among the people.

For a moment, a duck was hard to find in Qingzhou. When foreign businessmen saw that ducks had become a hot commodity in Qingzhou, they immediately began to pay attention. But soon a law prohibiting the sale of ducks at exorbitant profits at high prices dismissed their idea of raising the price of chickens and ducks by more than ten times.

However, the law also gave them some profit margin. Many businessmen decided to buy ducks from other places and sell them to Qingzhou.

"Your Highness, even if Li Kaiyuan buys a lot of chickens and ducks, so many people in Liuzhou will not be able to help. Since they all eat, the lower official suggests that people should not eat as well. Now we should emphasize that people should catch locust larvae to eat, which is much faster than chickens and ducks."

After Xiao Ming said that the locusts could eat, Pang Yukun immediately organized officials to go down to the field and catch some locust larvae.

At this time, looking at the locusts cooked in the pot, Xiao Ming was sweating.

He said, "how do you feel now?"

"It has been two hours since I ate it. Everything is normal, but the taste is a little strange." Pang Yukun licked his lips, remembering the smell of locusts.

Xiao Ming has a black thread. It seems that his work is not up to standard this time. He said: "in fact, locust frying is better. It's crispy and chicken flavor."

"Deep fried?" Pang Yukun's face turned green, thinking how he didn't say it earlier.

Xiao Ming nodded. The newspaper had just been sent out. He just told the people the news in advance, but the people doubted that the locusts could eat.

He said: "it's fried food. In this way, you can gather people to go to the field and catch some locusts. The more, the better. I'll set up an oil pan in Dongshi to wait for you. It will make you more comfortable than eating meat."

Pang Yukun shook his head, he was completely defeated by the king of Qi, also did not speak, he directly organized people to catch locusts.

Xiao Ming is not idle either. This locust plague is fatal. He dares not joke. He can't control Jizhou, but he can keep the harvest of his fiefdom. Now he can't come to the late Ming Dynasty where there is rebellion inside and robbery outside.

Let the king's cook move all the king's cauldrons to Dongshi, and take the oil and salt with him. Xiao Ming takes a stand in Dongshi, preparing to give a lesson to the people in his fiefdom, telling them that locusts can also be eaten.

In order to control locust plague, eat less and eat more locusts.

There was such a big stir in Dongshi that many people came to watch. In the afternoon, Pang Yukun brought a bag of locusts.

"Here comes the locust, your highness." Pang Yukun still has soil on his body, so he must go down to the field to catch it.

Xiao Ming patted the dust on his body and said, "I've worked hard. I'll fry the locusts myself for you."

Pang Yukun said with a smile: "in that case, I will wait."

Xiao Ming then opened the bag, which contained a lot of lively locusts. He poured all the locusts into the water and drowned them. After washing, he fished them out.

Then he poured oil into the pan. When the pan was hot, he put the locusts in. Suddenly, the smell of meat burst out. Then Xiao Ming added salt.

When the whole body of the locust was brittle, he fished it out.

"Pang Changshi, try it again this time." Xiao Ming handed the locust to Pang Yukun.

The strong fragrance came from the locust. Pang Yukun swallowed. At this time, he picked up a locust and put it into his mouth to chew.

At that time, his eyes lit up and he nodded repeatedly, "Your Highness, this locust tastes really good."

Xiao Ming also picked up one and ate it. It tasted better than the locusts he caught when he was a child. After all, the locusts here are pure natural and have no pollution.

All the people around were stunned. Surrounded by the crowd, the king of Qi and Pang Changshi ate the locust like this."Your Highness, I'll give it to the lower officer." Pang Yukun became addicted to eating. He took up a plate and couldn't help eating it. He muttered, "Oh, I'm going back to have some wine and vegetables this evening."

Xiao Ming laughed and said to the people around him, "in this newspaper, Ben Wang has published something that locusts can eat, but many people certainly don't believe it. Now Ben Wang and Pang Changshi try it themselves. You might as well have a try."

As soon as his voice fell, the people standing in the front row immediately crowded over and picked up the locusts to eat.

Some foreign businessmen can't help fighting for food.

"Ouch, it's delicious."

"It's better than chicken. I'll let my family catch it when I go back."

"I've never eaten anything so delicious."


Fighting, many people have happily cried.

Fan Zeng stands on one side. He is copying the picture with a pen. He wants to print the picture of Xiao Ming and Pang Yukun leading the people to prevent and control the locust plague in the newspaper.

A bag of locusts in the afternoon time all into the stomach of the people.

All the people who ate locusts were in high spirits. After they went back, everyone publicized the delicacy of locusts in the village.

In order to further stimulate the people's desire to catch locusts, Xiao Ming asked Li Kaiyuan to buy locusts in Dongshi and use them to feed the soldiers of Qingzhou army.

He did not believe that the stomach of the people in the six states could not eat the locust.

When Xiao Ming was busy controlling locusts, the production of this flint gun was not down. After five hundred craftsmen arrived at the equipment department, the production of this knife was much faster.

Within a few days, all the 200 drilling machines were equipped with drills. At this time, the hydraulic drilling machine was fully started. Half a month later, the military workshop sent Xiao Ming the first batch of 500 flint guns. , the fastest update of the webnovel!