Chapter 294

In the equipment department, song Changping took his artillery production team to a seat.

After the independence of song Changping, song Changping only brought his own artillery production team.

Standing in front of the blackboard of the equipment department, Xiao Ming drew the structural diagram of the flint gun.

The only difference between these two kinds of guns is the way of gunpowder excitation.

The torch is very simple, basically the same as the principle of artillery. As long as you get the barrel, this technology is not a problem for song Changping and others.

It's just that for Xiao Ming, it's no longer necessary to reproduce the firerope gun, and the firerope gun can't achieve good results against cavalry in the field. Two shots in three minutes is just like Guan Ning's three eye firegun in the late Ming Dynasty. There are only two bullets in front of the battle, and the rest is hand to hand combat. Once the firerope of the firerope gun goes out, it needs to be rekindled. At this time, the firerope gun and the fire will be destroyed It doesn't make any difference.

The flint gun avoids the situation that the fire rope goes out when the fire rope gun is shooting, and has higher stability, which is why the flint gun quickly eliminated the fire rope gun.

"Generally speaking, the outside of the flint gun is divided into four parts: striking iron, main spring, buckle spring and powder pool. Among them, striking iron is used to fix flint, main spring provides power for striking iron, buckle spring is the iron sheet impacted by flint, and powder pool is used to pre install a small amount of powder to ignite the powder in the barrel."

The trigger is used for firing, and the mechanism keeps and releases the power of the main spring, and transmits the power to the striking iron. The mechanism is to engage the mechanism when someone pulls the trigger, and then release it, and the spring is fixed to the cover of the spring on the powder pool, so that the flint gun can work It can withstand the wind and rain. Generally speaking, the principle is that when the trigger is pulled to gather strong force on the main spring, the resistance iron will mesh with the mechanism. After pulling the trigger, it will push forward the resistance iron until it can release the movement, and make the impact iron push forward the flint

On the blackboard, Xiao Ming points to the structure of the suifa gun and explains it a little bit. Song Changping and other craftsmen carefully remember and engrave the structure of the suifa gun in their minds.

At the same time, they wrote down the dimensions of each structure on the blackboard.

In Song Changping's opinion, forging the small parts of the shooting is a very troublesome thing, whether it is the striking iron, spring, mechanism or trigger.

On the whole, Xiao Ming said, "now you can put forward the difficulties."

"Your Highness, it's still the spring problem. How to make steel elastic?" Song Changping raised the most important question.

In his opinion, if the spring can't be made, the flint gun can't be produced.

At this time, Xiao Ming began to laugh. He said, "originally, it was impossible, but now it is possible."

"Oh, why?" Song Changping said strangely.

"Do you know why we have been looking for tungsten and have not started to produce flint guns?" Xiao Ming asked.

Song Changping and others shook their heads.

Xiao Ming said at this time: "the barrel is just one of the problems. You can make the barrel by hand, but at that time, you can only produce the firerope gun, not the flint gun, because there was no spring steel at that time, because the spring steel needed carbon and manganese to produce. Even if you had the barrel at that time, it was not very useful, on the contrary, it would waste a lot of manpower and material resources."

After a pause, Xiao Ming said, "so now you know why Wang has been paranoid about tungsten mining, not only for cutting tools, but also for spring steel."

Song Changping nodded slowly. As craftsmen, they naturally know that the barrel can be made by rolling iron, but the barrel made by hand also has disadvantages, that is, the barrel made by different craftsmen will have errors, and it is very time-consuming.

The structure of the suifa gun is clear, and Xiao Ming asks song Changping to give the task to his team.

Now that we have a lathe, we need to carry out assembly line production. Now that we have the precision scale, we need to set standards for craftsmen to manufacture different parts and finally assemble them. In this way, we can improve the production speed of the flint gun.

After all, he can't compare with western countries or even Japanese countries in the old way, because his fiefdom is only 600000 households, and all his labor comes from limited slaves.

In addition to improving the degree of mechanization, we can not compete with our enemies at all.

"Your Highness, I'll be in charge of the spring steel." Song Changping took the initiative to stir up the most difficult part.

Xiao Ming showed a look of praise, he said: "in that case, let's go to find Zhang Liu."

Xiao Ming and song Changping find Zhang Liu when they ask the members of the suifa gun research team to take charge of their own parts.

Nowadays, the molds of boring machine tools, milling machine tools and drilling machine tools are all prepared, just waiting for the extraction of tungsten ore.

"Prepare some charcoal, calcine tungsten ore powder and charcoal together, and calcine at the temperature of ironmaking." In the backyard of the equipment department, Xiao Ming finds Zhang Liu who discusses the problem together.

At Xiao Ming's command, Zhang Liu and the craftsmen immediately took action. They were waiting to extract tungsten.Based on the current scientific and technological conditions, Xiao Ming can only use the carbon reduction method to extract tungsten. In historical data, in 1783, the Spaniard de purya discovered wolframite. In the same year, he used carbon to reduce tungsten trioxide to obtain tungsten powder for the first time, and named the element.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's carbon reduction method is feasible. Although the purity of tungsten extracted by this method is not high, it is more than enough in this era.

It may even make his lathe technology in Qingzhou equal or even surpass that of the West.

The mixture of tungsten ore powder and charcoal was poured into the blast furnace heated by regenerator. Zhang Liuming, Xiao Ming and others began to wait.

After an hour, waiting for the blast furnace to cool down, Zhang Liu takes out the mixed powder through the reserved port. At this time, some silver white particles come out of the black powder.

Although these particles are few, it has been proved that tungsten has been successfully extracted by charcoal reduction method.

"Your Highness, are these silver white particles tungsten?" Zhang Liu asked. When mixing materials, he had never seen such silver white particles. The only answer is that this kind of thing is tungsten.

Xiao Ming nodded with joy in his eyes. This is another technological breakthrough in Qingzhou. He said, "yes, this is tungsten. Now we can produce tungsten steel."

Zhang Liu and other craftsmen's face was filled with a thick smile, he immediately said: "you go to get a sieve to sieve out tungsten, and then take some charcoal to continue to extract tungsten." , the fastest update of the webnovel!