Chapter 256

The golden sun covered the withered and yellow grass, and the early morning frost showed that another cold winter was coming.

Guduo and kuha traveled day and night. Two days later, they saw the bloody wolf flag. This is the copper tent of the flag head Chagatai.

Only the Khan can live in the golden account, the Taiji can live in the silver account, and the flag heads of the tribes can only live in the bronze account. According to the color of the account room, the status of the golden account Khanate can be distinguished.

Looking at the bloody wolf riding in the camp, kuha whipped and sat down, and the horse quickly went to the copper tent of the observation platform.

"Head of the flag, please avenge me."

Entering the bronze tent, kuha saw the observation platform sitting in front of him and immediately knelt down and cried.

At this time, Guduo also came in. He looked at the people in the room. These are the banners of each tribe. He said, "Lord Bannerman, all the tribes of Keqing and kuha have been slaughtered."

Chagatai's eyes were gloomy, he said: "they also said that they had suffered from the army of Dayu state, and the tribe suffered heavy losses."

"Is it really the army of Dayu?" Guduo looks gloomy.

"They're wearing silver armor, and they can't be wrong." A flag leader said: "they suddenly attacked our tribe when we went to Cangzhou City. The people in the tribe could not resist. They killed people regardless of men, women, old and young. They burned the tribe when they killed them. They did not let go of our cattle, sheep and horses."

"Why didn't you find them in advance?" he said? We grassland people have Eagle like eyes. How come we can't even fight back now. "

The three banners lowered their heads. "We didn't expect that the army of Dayu would enter the grassland, so we didn't send scouts to patrol outside the tribe."

"Hum, you despise the enemy too much. Now you immediately inform all the tribes to send scouts to patrol the grassland day and night. You must find out the cavalry of the state of Dayu for me." Chagatai said angrily.

Kuha was full of hatred at this time, he said: "flag head, please give me another 2000 elite soldiers, I will definitely come back to see flag head with their heads!"

Chagatai nodded and said, "you and Guduo go to the south for inspection. You two go to the East and you two go to the West. We must find them out. These Dalits of Dayu dare to kill our noble people of Jinzhang Khanate. We must make them pay the price."

"I'll eat their meat." Kuha's face is crazy.

Chagatai stood up at this time, immediately let the bodyguard in front of him blow the horn, and the sound of horse's hooves came from the camp immediately.

Ten thousand blood wolf cavalry assembled on the grassland.

After Chagatai assigned 2000 soldiers to kuha, it also assigned some soldiers to other flag leaders, and led 5000 soldiers to the vast grassland.

At this time, they could not take care of Cangzhou City any more, because the cavalry of the great Chongqing state, who went deep into the grassland, made them sleep and eat uneasily, so they had to send a large number of cavalry to search on the grassland.

But even so, the vast grassland looking for the army of the state of Chongqing is like looking for a needle in a haystack. At the same time, this change was soon discovered by Lu Fei and Niu Zhen.

Somewhere in the grassland, thunder returns with the cavalry going out to explore the way.

After getting off the horse, Lei Ming put away his telescope and said to Lufei, who was trimming a river: "Captain, there are more and more scouts patrolling by barbarians. If this goes on, we expect to be found soon."

At this time, another group of exploring cavalry came back and said, "Captain, we found that there are two thousand barbarians coming to this side due north."

It's been more than half a month since they set out from Cangzhou City. They are very hard-working. At the same time, although they occupy a great advantage in the process of each attack, some soldiers are still injured,.

Now dozens of people have been injured, which seriously slowed down the March.

In the past half a month, Lufei and his party have attacked three tribes one after another. Now, with the increased vigilance of these tribes, it is difficult for them to find another chance.

"Now withdraw to Cangzhou City immediately." Luffy thought for a moment and said.

They had a strict plan to enter the grassland this time. When they set out, Xiao Ming said that once the barbarians began to round them up, they would withdraw immediately.

After all, their purpose this time is to harass and win time for the construction of Cangzhou city wall.

"Go back now?" Thunder is not reconciled.

Lu Fei nodded and said firmly, "Your Highness's order can't be disobeyed. Forget what your highness said? If the enemy advances, I will retreat. Go

After that, Lu Fei got on his horse and went to Cangzhou city with his soldiers.

At the same time, Niu Zhen also chose to retreat to Cangzhou City. According to his experience, if he continued to go deep alone, he would only be surrounded and annihilated.

Now they all rely on the advantage of the telescope to avoid the barbarians. If they are bitten by the barbarian cavalry, they can't escape at all.

After all, the barbarian's horse skills are much better than those of the cavalry who have only been trained for more than a year.

Cangzhou City.

More than ten days have passed since the last disturbance of the barbarian cavalry. At present, the foundation concrete of the new wall outside the city is being poured.At this time, tens of thousands of slaves were busy in the area of 500 meters. They constantly transported stones, sand, cement, water and other materials from the city to the outside.

waiting for the workmen to take the shovels and mix them up according to the ratio of 1:0.43:1.25:2.91, which is the C30 strength concrete of later ages. The high strength wall will basically use this strength concrete. After the

was stirred, the slaves pushed the concrete along the slope to the ground base and pushed the concrete into the wooden formwork that had been supported.

In these wooden formwork, there are ground beams tied up with steel bars. The thickness of each ground beam is one meter. There are seven or eight vertical and horizontal ground beams in the whole foundation.

Because the ground beam with enough strength will not let the future city wall sink and tilt.

The city wall is the key to resist the barbarians in the future. Xiao Ming doesn't want to build a shoddy project at this critical moment, so the design of the city wall must be rigorous.

He supervised the pouring on the foundation, and Xiao Ming was steadfast. Once the foundation was poured out, once the concrete solidified, the barbarians could no longer destroy it. The concrete solidified quickly, and the wooden formwork could be removed in a week.

"Your Highness, I didn't expect that architecture is also a kind of knowledge. In the past two days, officials have learned a lot." Zhan Xingchang said excitedly.

Xiao Ming said with a smile: "of course, otherwise I will not come here in person. If I ask you to come, the wall will be finished. Moreover, these craftsmen used to only build brick and concrete structures, and have never had the experience of concrete construction. This time I come here to train these craftsmen. In the future, these craftsmen will be the exclusive construction camp of Qingzhou."

"Construction camp?" Zhan Xingchang said with a smile, "that's a good name." , the fastest update of the webnovel!