Chapter 245

"Your Highness, it seems that agriculture is still the foundation of the country. Cotton, rape, hemp and so on are the next step to promote the cultivation of the common people on the land."

Xiao Ming has a headache for cotton. Pang Yukun takes the opportunity to say that he thinks that Xiao Ming attaches too much importance to handicraft industry and ignores the essence of agriculture.

"You're right, but there is still a shortage of food. It's hard for people to grow these things. After all, they have to bear the risk that they can't sell them at that time. Well, let the Production Corps plant some of them first, and then continue to promote them when the food production is stable."

Xiao Ming said.

Pang Yukun nodded. During this time, he and Xiao Ming have been planning the agriculture and industry of the six states, which are all in the plan.

"Besides, your highness, what is this new commodity?"

At the last banquet, Xiao Ming threw out another bait, but because of the problem of meticulous work, everyone ignored it. Now Pang Yukun mentioned it again.

"Mirror." Thinking of this new product, Xiao Ming laughs.

At present, the state of Dayu still uses bronze mirrors, which are very vague and can't see the specific details of the face.

The modern mirror is a glass mirror. By plating aluminum on the back of the mirror, the mirror can clearly reflect people.

However, it is impossible for Xiao Ming to extract aluminum now, because the extraction of aluminum requires electroanalysis, while the traditional silver mirror reaction requires nitric acid, ammonia, glucose and other things. He also has no way to produce mirrors by electroless silver plating.

After all, some industrial products can't be produced without electricity.

After thinking about it, he thinks that under current conditions, only glass, tin foil and mercury can be used to get mirrors.

"Mirror? Bronze mirrors? There are so many places in the state of Dayu that I don't think there is anything new about it. " Said Pang.

Xiao Ming shook his head and said, "what I want to produce this time is a glass mirror. I will show it to you in two days."

Li Kaiyuan looks excited. After waiting for so long, he will finally have new products. He can already imagine that the merchants will fill up the chamber of commerce again.

He couldn't help giggling at the thought.

Seeing his obscene face, Xiao Ming reminded him: "the task now is to purchase cotton. If you delay the departure of our king's fleet, how can I deal with you?"

Li Kaiyuan said excitedly, "yes, your highness, I'll do it now, but your highness, this mirror should be faster." He said later and began to laugh again.

"I'm going to Bo Wen college to talk to Lu Tong about the silver mirror." As he spoke, Xiao Ming stood up.

Having said that, Xiao Ming and Li Kaiyuan left the governor's office together. One of them went to the chamber of Commerce and the other to Bowen college.

A few days ago, when Pang Yukun mentioned new products, Xiao Ming talked to Lu Tong about making mirrors, asking him to prepare tin, mercury and other materials.

Although Xiao Ming did not find any mineral deposits in this area, tin is a very common metal in Dayu. The alloy of copper and tin is bronze. This bronze ware appeared in ancient times.

The same is true of mercury. In ancient times, mercury was a kind of medicinal material, so it was not difficult to get mercury. The preparation of mercury was very simple, that is, heating cinnabar to get mercury and sulfur.

The cinnabar is often seen in Taoist alchemy, which shows the degree of common.

When he arrived at Bowen college, Xiao Ming went directly to the chemical laboratory, while Lu Tong was waiting for Xiao Ming.

"Your Highness."

Seeing Xiao Ming coming, Lu Tong with a group of students bows to Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming nodded and asked, "how's it going? Are the materials ready? "

"It's all right." Lu Tong said.

Then he took Xiao Ming to see the mercury and tin in the glass container, and there was a pile of glass on the table in front of him.

Since the preparation of sulfuric acid, the students of the whole chemical college have been producing granular powder. Now they can prepare sulfuric acid, caustic soda and soda, but nitric acid and hydrochloric acid have not been tried.

However, the chemistry textbook Xiao Ming gave them already had the method of how to prepare nitric acid and hydrochloric acid. During this time, Lu Tong was preparing to take the students of the chemistry college to try.

Among them, nitric acid is prepared by decomposing nitre with high temperature and high heat to get nitrogen dioxide, and hydrochloric acid is prepared by using concentrated sulfuric acid and salt. Of course, this is only the chemical reaction formula they learned from chemistry textbooks, which requires specific operation.

But looking at Xiao Ming, it seems that he just wants to give them the knowledge of chemistry, and let them study the rest by themselves.

After checking the materials, Xiao Ming said, "go ahead, I say, you do it."

Lu Tong nodded. Now Xiao Ming has a vague idea of letting go of the shopkeeper, and let them try everything by themselves.

In fact, Xiao Ming knows what Lu Tong and others think now, but there is no way. Knowledge is not stored in his head, but used for practice. During this time, Xiao Ming has given Lu Tong all the chemical symbols.They are also clear about the periodic table of chemistry. His textbook is much more careful than junior high school chemistry textbook. There are all kinds of simple chemical reaction formulas.

The rest of him can only rely on Lu Tong and others to realize chemical experiments in chemistry textbooks, so as to apply them to the chemical industry. Otherwise, what's the use of learning knowledge? Moreover, with the current level of science and technology in Chongqing, junior high school chemistry knowledge is more than enough, and advanced chemistry will involve electrolysis and so on.

Without electricity, learning is blind.

Taking a piece of glass, Lu Tong pasted a piece of tin foil on the back of the glass. Because the melting point of tin is very low, it is only more than 200 degrees, so melting tin foil is very simple, just a little heating.

After wrapping the tinfoil, Lu Tong took out the mercury and poured it on the tinfoil and daubed it evenly.

At this time, mercury and tin foil had a chemical reaction and turned into a silver white liquid. This is tin amalgam. According to historical records, the solution produced by mercury and tin existed in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period. Although mercury is toxic, amalgam alloys are non-toxic.

This silver white liquid will adhere to one side of the glass tightly and will not fall off easily.

The steps of producing mirrors are completed one by one. Xiao Ming and Lu Tong wait for the moment of miracle.

Half an hour later, when the metal solution completely dried up, Xiao Ming picked up the mirror. At this time, he saw himself clearly in the mirror.

A young, a little handsome face, "ah, a year, the first time to see your face."

Xiao Ming sighed.

At this time, the mirror in his hand was not much different from the modern mirror, but it was a little dim. After all, the tin amalgam was not as bright as silver.

But even so, I'm afraid the mirror is a masterpiece. , the fastest update of the webnovel!