Chapter 239

In the red sunset, people began to eat and drink.

The kitchen is constantly served with all kinds of delicacies that can only be seen in modern times.

Although Xiao Ming has been working hard on his hard power, he is also worried about his soft power. Apart from food, he is still preparing for the Renaissance, which is a war against Confucianism and feudalism.

But now he is still afraid to act rashly. Even if he is a vassal, he does not dare to make enemies with all the scholars in the world. He just waits to strengthen the authority of the school of Bowen and try to take Qingzhou as a pilot.

After all, most of today's scholars still take being an official as their lifelong goal, which affects his cultivation of talents. When

was eating, several people still couldn't stop talking. Pang Yukun said, "Your Highness, the wine, soap and perfume are on sale now, and your Highness has not considered the new products."

Pang Yukun has smelled the point. The drunken Qingzhou, soap and perfume have been tossing about for a year now.

The most important thing is that the right to sell these three kinds of goods was auctioned by him. For a long time, he could only make profits from direct selling goods.

Moreover, the merchants who took these three kinds of commodities were all big merchants in the States, but the small merchants in Dayu could not drink soup.

At that time, Xiao Ming was trying to make money to promote the rapid development of Qingzhou, but when he passed this period smoothly, the problem came out. The monopoly of big businessmen made the business still inactive.

Therefore, he has been considering the introduction of new products to provide business opportunities for the people in the fiefdom.

And now he has identified new products.

He said: "I have already. In the past two days, I have ordered the workshop to produce one or two pieces. This time, I will not auction the right to sell this product, but let all businessmen buy it."

Pang Yukun was very happy. During this period, the chamber of Commerce was a bit stagnant, and few new businessmen joined. If new products were launched, it would stimulate business again.

As soon as Pang Yukun's voice dropped, Lu Fei said: "Your Highness, the last general also has one thing to say. Luoxin's artillery has a special school. Should our other soldiers have one too? Otherwise, I'm afraid the soldiers won't accept it. After all, they played a greater role than the artillery in the Cangzhou war."

He had already thought about this question during the day. He said to Niu Zhen, "I have a school for you, old general. I don't know how much do you know about flag language?"

"Your Highness, I'm proficient in the flag language. Do you mean to select some soldiers to be the flagmen?" Niu said.

"More than that, there are drummers, trumpeters." Xiao Ming said.

"Drummer, trumpeter?" Niu Zhen stops his wine and looks at Xiao Ming.

Xiao Ming explained: "this drummer is trained for the future. This drummer can issue all kinds of orders by blowing trumpets in wartime, such as charge number, wake-up number, exercise number, exercise number, assembly number, emergency assembly number, rest number, meal number and so on. It can be said that it is no worse than the flag language. However, you may not know what a military name is. When the equipment department produces it, I will be back I'll show you. "

Niu Zhen nodded when he heard the speech. It seemed that the normalization of the army would go a step further.

Since the banquet has become a small-scale meeting, Xiao Ming simply said: "there is another thing, which involves all people, and this is the unified measurement."

Xiao Ming said this to Pang Yukun. Pang Yukun was surprised and said, "Your Highness, the weights and measures have been unified since Qin Shihuang unified the six countries. This is..."

"It's true," said Xiao Ming, "but I'm talking about another set of weights and measures. I'll write a textbook for you."

With the gradual pursuit of fine industry, the reform of weights and measures is inevitable, whether it is chemical or industrial, need a set of scientific weights and measures.

At this banquet, Xiao Ming just reminded them that these things should be done one by one in the future.

The banquet lasted for an hour, and all the people left with enough wine and food.

When Xiao Ming returned to his bedroom, he formally compiled the teaching materials. First, the military's flag language, bugle, drummer's operation and so on. Second, the unit of measurement.

However, when he wrote about the units of weights and measures, Xiao Ming had some difficulties. It was easy to write these units, but what was really difficult was the tools of weights and measures.

For example, ruler and other things, he has to find a way to produce them accurately.

After midnight, Xiao Ming fell asleep. The next morning, Li San arrived at the palace very early.

He said: "Your Highness, Zhao Yuanliang has been living in the Wei family restaurant since he left the palace. The man named Zhao Kuan who followed him also had contact with the merchants in the city. He didn't know what he was planning."

As Xiao Ming washes his face, he listens to Li San's report. He asks Li San to report to him every day.

"I'm sure I won't plan anything good. In that case, we'll go fishing for a long time. Hum, Zhao Yuanliang must rely on empress Zhao as his aunt. He's not afraid of the king, but I can't let him come here in Qingzhou." Xiao Ming said.

Li San nodded, "in this case, it's Xiumu. I'll inform the craftsman to be ready.""Well, let's start. If we get rid of this guy earlier, I will feel better." Xiao Ming said.

"Yes, your highness." Li San bowed and then turned to leave the palace.

Back to the secret guard, Li San prepared for a while and went to the equipment department. In the equipment department, he found three craftsmen who acted as bait.

These three craftsmen are all local people in Qingzhou. Their wives and daughters are all local.

Although Xiao Ming has always been very tolerant of craftsmen, he has to be a villain when it comes to Qingzhou secrets. All craftsmen of the equipment department and their families will be placed in a folk square in Qingzhou. Nominally, they will be arranged uniformly and give a lot of benefits. But at the same time, it is also to prevent craftsmen from selling the secrets of the equipment department.

The craftsmen were clear-minded, but they didn't say it, because it seemed normal to them. In the past, they had a more strict life than this.

"If someone comes to you, you will sell artillery technology to them. The secret guards will follow you all the time, but you should be on guard to prevent any accident." Li San said.

"Yes, as Li Dutong said." The craftsmen said that they were grateful to Xiao Ming from the bottom of their hearts.

Craftsmen are very low in Dayu, and Xiao Ming gives them dignity and rich salary. At the same time, their children can enter school for free. Now they have nothing else to ask for.

Li San nodded. He had ordered the city's Secret guards to take action on this day. If he found evidence, Xiao Ming would have reason to drive Zhao Yuanliang away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!