Chapter 171

"The net of heaven is wide and clear, but it doesn't leak. Qinchuan says that you can't escape from Wuzhishan after all."

Xiao Ming's spirit was shocked, and he was almost killed by the old fox. He always remembered this account. "

when Wang Xuan came back, he had already learned the news of the rebellion of the Qin family. He said:" if such a fierce minded man is hanged at the gate of the city to make an example, the whole Qin family should be killed to avoid future trouble. "

Pang Yukun didn't object. The murder of the king of Qi was a crime of great treason and immorality. According to the law, he should punish the nine nationalities.

Now the Wei family, who conspired with the Qin family, were all arrested and beheaded after autumn, while the rest of the Qin family had already been beheaded in Dongshi.

The four powerful families that once dominated the world disappeared completely in Qingzhou.

A few days ago, Xiao Ming still had illusions about the aristocracy and was kind to them.

However, after the assassination of the Qin family, he will no longer sympathize with these powerful families, because he knows that the contradiction between himself and the powerful families can not be reconciled, either you die or I die.

He said: "we will escort all the participants of burning the official village, such as Qin Chuanyun, to Cangzhou. In order to make an example, we will hang them on the wall of Cangzhou, so that the rebels can understand what will happen to them."

"Yes, your highness. I'll do it now." Pang Yukun smiles.

The Qin and Wei families were located in Qingzhou, where there were no more powerful families. From then on, it was the kingdom of the king of Qi.

The news brought by Wang Xuan means that the cloud of war will finally come to Cangzhou, which is a fatalistic war for Xiao Ming.

Barbarians can lose, but he can't, because once he loses, he will lose everything.

If he wins, he will not only change his position in the vassal state of Dayu, but also win a stable development period from then on.

And that's what he needs. After all, he has technology crystal. As a civilization maker, his task is to promote the explosion of civilization.

In modern times, it is precisely because of the outbreak of bug like technology in Europe after the 15th century that Western civilization defeated Eastern civilization for the first time.

Here, in this time and space, he will never allow his country to be opened again by Western artillery.

"Your Highness, when you go to Cangzhou, you must take good care of yourself. Don't try to be brave. Now your Highness's safety is related to the millions of people on the fiefdom."

After the trial attack of huyantuo tribe, the barbarian army will surely come.

Cangzhou's affairs are very important. Xiao Ming has to go to Cangzhou personally to conduct the battle. This is also for the sake of safety.

Xiao Ming holds aster's little hand, which arranges his cloak for him. Aster just blushes slightly, but he doesn't refuse. He says, "I haven't seen Jinghong dance arranged by you and lvluo? How can you be willing to die! "

Lvluo said with a smile, "yes, elder sister, you can stay in the palace and have me to take care of you. Your Highness's daily life will not be wrong."

Aster nodded and sighed.

When Xiao Ming went to Cangzhou this time, he only took lvluo alone, while aster stayed in the palace. After all, he needed a confidant to stay in Qingzhou.

He rubbed it on Aster's little hand again. At this time, Xiao Ming said to lvluo, "let's go. Time is pressing."

Lvluo nodded and followed Xiao Ming cleverly except for the palace.

Outside, five hundred cavalry escorting Xiao Ming to Cangzhou City have been waiting for a long time. Xiao Ming looks at the worried aster and smiles.

They were the maidservants given by Princess Zhenfei. In this era, they can be said to be their own personal belongings.

They can't resist what they do to each other. The problem is whether they are happy or not.

Although he has changed, and now he is the prince, Xiao Ming still resists the use of power in his heart. Maidservants need to be cultivated.

Obviously, during this period of time, the two of them have been close to each other, and some small movements are also natural.

"Let's go!"

At the command, the cavalry moved slowly to Cangzhou City, and three days later, they arrived at Cangzhou City.

At this time, Niu Zhen, Lu Fei and Luo Xin had been stationed in Cangzhou City for more than a month, and Zhan Xingchang had completed the repair of the city wall.

When you ride into Cangzhou City, you suddenly feel desolate. Unlike Qingzhou City, Cangzhou city is only ten li long and wide, and there are few people nearby. Even if you enter the city, there are only few people.

These people are yellow and muscular, dressed in rags, and have fear of the coming war in their eyes.

In the past month, a large number of troops have entered Cangzhou City, which is enough for them to guess what they have learned.

In Minfang, Xiao Ming can still see the ruins left by the war three years ago. Because of the war, most of the people in Cangzhou were either killed or taken away.

Few people came back in the later period. There were many houses in the city, but few people. Naturally, these burned houses were not repaired.

In Cangzhou City, Xiao Ming's Xingyuan was ready. After entering the city, he went directly to the station where Xingyuan was.

"Your Highness!"

As soon as he settled down in Xingyuan, Niu Zhen rushed over.Xiao Ming said, "the old general is free. Thank you for finding such a beautiful courtyard for me."

Xingyuan is located in a courtyard, but there are many rockeries, flowers and gardens in it. Although it is not as beautiful as the palace, it also has its beauty.

"If your highness likes it." Niu Zhen said with a smile: "there are still some good courtyards in the city, but your highness said that they are closer to the gate, so he chose this one."

Xiao Ming nodded and said, "are there any changes in the barbarians these days?"

Niu Zhen's face became solemn. "In order to talk about this, the huyantuo tribe is less than a hundred miles away from Cangzhou City. It's estimated that they can go to Cangzhou City tomorrow."

"How are the city's defenses going?"

"According to the plan, the guns didn't go up this time. They used the rolling wood, hot oil, stone, but the catapult went up, but they also used stone, and the powder can is not allowed to be used for standby." Niu said.

"Well, in this way, the powder can also be transported up. Don't use it until you have to." Xiao Ming said.

In the case of Qin Chuanyun, the grassland merchant made it clear that the formula of the gunpowder came from the barbarians, so the barbarians knew gunpowder.

This is not surprising. After all, gunpowder has been used for hundreds of years, and Dayu kingdom is also using gunpowder weapons such as fireplaces against barbarians. It is impossible that barbarians do not know what this is.

In this way, he was more worried, because the methods he used to deal with the barbarians might also be learned by the barbarians.

Because of this, he would attach importance to the gun. The powder can is easy to learn, but the gun can't be made without technology.

When he arrived in Cangzhou, he didn't want to enjoy himself. He got up and said, "it's still early. Let's go to the city wall and have a look. Zhanxingchang doesn't know how to build the city wall." , the fastest update of the webnovel!