Chapter 66

"Hydraulic hammer? "

Chen Qi was surprised that he had never heard of these two words.

But he has been used to Xiao Ming constantly creating these magical machines in the equipment department, which is a kind of satisfaction for him.

Xiao Ming nodded. He found a chair to sit down and gave Chen Qi a seat. Then he told Chen Qi about the plate armour and hydraulic forging hammer.

Plate armor, which appeared in the 16th century and was eliminated by firearms, has been controversial in history, and the debate about the strongest armor has never stopped.

But Xiao Ming believes that war will only eliminate the backward armor.

In the west, in the long middle ages, after countless wars, the Knights of the west finally chose plate armor, which only shows that the cost performance of plate armor is much higher than other armor.

Moreover, after the middle ages, the appearance of hydraulic hammers made the mass production of plate armour possible.

The word forging has appeared since the concept of steel appeared. The so-called electric hammer is the forging of steel. The more times it is forged, the better the quality of steel will be.

So there are such sayings as "100 steel-making", which all need forging. To put it simply, it is to repeatedly beat the iron with a sledgehammer, so that the quality of the iron will continue to rise.

However, this way of manpower using sledgehammers made the production of armor weapons very efficient, so hydraulic hammers appeared for the first time in the West. Some scholars believe that this is the beginning of Western military technology catching up with the East.

Now Xiao Ming is preparing to copy the hydraulic forging hammer.

Before the emergence of steam engine, he had to use the power of hydraulic power to lay the rudiment of industrial foundation, because he needed hydraulic forging hammer to make metal materials with enough strength, and at the same time to improve the production of lathes and other machinery. At present, Xiao Ming only has a small number of types of lathes.

This is far from what he expected.

Generally speaking, he needs water power to store all kinds of materials, materials, high-strength cutting tools and so on to make the steam engine.

Xiao Ming is saying that Chen Qi is getting more and more excited. The slow forging work of the craftsmen has made him unable to cope with the increasing steel orders. Now the machine designed by Xiao Ming completely solves his problem.

"Your Highness, if the hydraulic forging hammer is produced, it can increase forging by at least 30 times." Chen Qi excited way.

”No, forty times. "Xiao Ming said that he looked up the data and found that the hydraulic forging hammer directly increased the blacksmith's work efficiency by 40 times. This kind of hydraulic forging hammer can complete hundreds of strokes in one minute.

However, the only disadvantage of hydraulic forging hammer is unstable power. After all, the water flow is unstable, but even so, it is enough for him to use at this stage.

After a detailed explanation, Chen Qi basically remembers the manufacturing method of hydraulic forging hammers. In fact, the power of hydraulic machinery is basically universal, which is similar to niuli rollover. As long as it rotates, it can generate power, gears and bearings. These things are quite different, but the working parts are different.

So it's not a difficult job for Chen Qi, who has successfully made the niuli rollover.

Moreover, during this period of time, he observed and came to the conclusion that the ancients were absolutely not stupid, and their intelligence was not inferior to that of the modern people. The only defect was that they lacked education and knowledge.

In the field they are familiar with, they are not inferior to modern people in poetry, writing, painting, and even plotting.

It is the so-called "one point is transparent". Today's ancients almost had a person to point, and he played this role.

Aware of the importance of hydraulic forging hammer, Chen Qi focused on the manufacturing of hydraulic forging hammer. Thanks to the cheap lathe processing, the manufacturing of hydraulic forging hammer was very smooth. However, even so, the first hydraulic forging hammer could not be assembled until one month later, because the composition of hydraulic forging hammer is still very complex.

Xiao Ming believes in Chen Qi's ability very much. Naturally, Chen Qi has full power over this matter. When Chen Qi doesn't understand, he will come to the school to ask him, and they will discuss it together.

During this period, he taught the school normally, but he asked Lu Tong and others to start the first chemical production, extracting alkali from plant ash.

This work was originally the work of the servants and equipment department in the royal palace. Now Xiao Ming completely separated this work in order to refine the industrial system.

Moreover, during this period, soap production workshops sprang up in Qingzhou, and the demand for alkali increased greatly. This is also the reason why he took alkali out for production alone.

Otherwise, he will be bored to death by the businessmen who come to buy alkali.

"Thank you, your highness."

Another batch of caustic soda was transported out of the palace, and the merchants who bought it were very happy, but they were also very painful.

Because alkali is too expensive. Basically, alkali accounts for more than half of the cost of producing soap. If they sell this soap, they can only earn a couple of silver.

"Well, if we can learn how to produce this alkali, won't we be rich?"

As he walked away, one businessman said to another.

"Learning? How to learn? It is said that there is no production in the workshop area, only in the yard next to the palace. Not everyone can get close to that place. "

" yes, but it is said that there are 200 students living in it, and they go out once a week. If they bribe, maybe... ""Don't think about it. Every time these people go out, there are bodyguards with them. It's impossible for outsiders to get close to them."

"Ah..." The merchant sighed.

At this time, Pang Yukun passed in front of the two businessmen. Hearing the words, he could not help but sneer and said in secret: these businessmen are really interested in their own interests and do whatever they can.

Entering the palace, he met Xiao Ming and first repeated the dialogue of the businessmen outside to Xiao Ming.

"These merchants' tricks are clear to the king. In addition to this method, they also deliberately resell slaves to Liang Dahai, hoping to let these slaves mix into the workshop area. Hum, they look down on me, just let them in and out."

Pang Yukun said: "I remind your highness that it's not about crafts, but that now Qingzhou is more and more mixed up, so it's time for your highness to set up his own secret guard."

Xiao Ming looks a Ling, he said: "not the king does not want, but there is no suitable person."

Pang Yukun's Secret guards are actually similar to the royal guards of the Ming Dynasty, that is, the modern intelligence system. Without these people, Xiao Ming is blind and knows nothing.

For example, he knew nothing about the horse smuggling case revealed by the Wang family.

Pang Yukun thought of it, just because he thought he was stimulated by it.

"Your Highness, I'm here just for this. I think you must be interested in someone." Pang Yukun said with a smile.

Xiao Ming thought of Pang Yukun's need to find talents for himself. He said, "does Pang Changshi have a suitable candidate? Who is it? “ , the fastest update of the webnovel!