"Your Highness, the soldiers are waiting for this day."

Lu Fei laughs heartily, today's king of Qi is different from the past, more intimate with the soldiers.

He is a forthright man. In the past, if Xiao Ming hadn't made trouble, he wouldn't despise him so much. Now he doesn't know why Xiao Ming's character has changed a lot, but it's good news for him. Maybe he can continue to follow him for a while.

Li Kaiyuan was gnawing a bone. The special smell of horse meat made him not bear to swallow it directly, but chew it carefully in his mouth.

With an expression of hope in his eyes, he asked, "Your Highness, it is said that Chang'an city is very prosperous. Can people eat steamed bread?"

"It's not necessarily that we can all eat, but life is more comfortable than ours." Xiao Ming pondered and said.

In Xiao Ming's opinion, the people at the bottom of the state of Dayu will not be very rich anywhere. Today's law of equalization of land in Dayu has already collapsed, land annexation is serious, many people are displaced, and thieves are springing up all over the world.

The state of Dayu is like an old man in the twilight, with a decadent smell.

Qian Dafu recalled Chang'an's life and said, "it's just a rich merchant with more aristocratic children. It's also said to be prosperous. At least as long as you have silver, you can buy whatever you want. Unlike Qingzhou, where money can't buy salt, aster went to Wei's fiefdom to buy some."

"Salt?" Xiao Ming suddenly, he said how can this horse meat be white water meat, because there is no salt in the palace, he said: "the east of the fiefdom is the sea, don't you understand the way of boiling salt?"

"Your Highness, it's not that the common people don't understand the method of boiling salt, but since ancient times, this salt has been an official camp. It's a capital crime to sell private salt, and your highness didn't pay attention to the official salt of this fief, so..." Qian Dafu said euphemistically.

Xiao Ming blushed for a while. It turned out that these were all evils made by Xiao Ming before.

In the five years of fiefdom, this guy didn't care about the world. He didn't think about how to build his own fiefdom. He was just greedy for pleasure. Many institutions on the fiefdom were not established.

With a long sigh, Xiao Ming said, "in this case, when Pang Changshi comes back, let him prepare for the establishment of the salt transportation department, and set up the official salt department in Dengzhou and Laizhou."

"Your Highness is wise." In Qian Dafu's heart, the king of Qi was finally enlightened.

Dusk gradually shrouded Qingzhou City. Before the sun set, Lu Fei and Li Kaiyuan took the soldiers back to their respective places.

They also need to patrol at night. In Dayu, there is a curfew in the city at night, and so is Qingzhou City.

At this time, the palace was dark, with only two or three rooms lit by candlelight. The lack of feudal material also made the palace less luxurious to light every corner.

In the side hall of the palace, where the servants lived, they were smoking and carrying firewood in and out.

Just turned the front hall, green Luo suddenly appeared in front of him, dark at night, if not for her green clothes, he really can't distinguish.

"Your Highness, the hot water is ready. Today, your highness must be tired of catching the barbarians. You'd better take a bath, change clothes and have a rest." Said luluo Rourou.

It has been three days since he came to this strange world. Every night is the most annoying time for Xiao Ming. The night without entertainment is really boring.

It's just one day once in a while. Now it's three days in a row. He really can't stand it now.

He looked at lvluo. He couldn't help it. If he went on like this, he would be crazy. He could only tease the two maids.

The side hall on one side of the bedroom is where Xiao Ming takes a bath. When he goes back with lvluo, a big bucket of hot water is ready, and aster is waiting for Xiao Ming by the wooden pass.

After three days of living worse than hanging silk, Xiao Ming finally has some psychological comfort now. At least the prince still has a maid to wait on him, which is the envy of many single dogs.

"Your Highness, I will undress you." Aster and pineapple come forward.

Xiao Ming straightens up and stretches out his arms. He doesn't bathe every day. In this evil ancient times, bathing is also a luxury.

It took a lot of servants to get water from the well and boil water. With money in his palace, there were only ten people.

The ten men took on all the hygiene, food and chores in the palace.

Moreover, the area of his palace is not small. It is 200 meters from north to South and from east to west. In Qingzhou City, Qi palace is the only luxury building.

Squinting, Xiao Ming enjoys the intimate service of green pineapple and aster. For the first time since he passed through, he thinks it's worth it.

Green rose and aster red face, they used to just serve the princess, never seen a man's body, heart shy, fear, curiosity and other emotions repeatedly intertwined.

But they knew in their hearts that since the princess gave them to the king of Qi, they were already the people of the king of Qi, and they could only suppress the shyness in their hearts.

"Do you want to wash them together?" Xiao Ming smiles very evil.

Lvluo lowered her head and didn't dare to speak. Aster said in a crisp voice, "don't worry, your highness. Your mother has given orders. When your highness gets married in the future, lvluo and I will be your Highness's people sooner or later."Xiao Ming is just teasing them to find some fun in their boring life.

Sitting in the hot water bucket, he took one more look at the aster. The aster is braver than the green pineapple. It seems that there is such an explanation in the letter of Princess Zhenfei.

"It's just a joke. Don't take it seriously." Xiao Ming said while taking a bath that he is not a sperm on the brain, and he knows what the focus is now.

After a pause, he asked aster, "aster, I ask you, if you want to make our fiefdom rich, what is the most important thing at present?"

Aster was very surprised that the king of Qi would ask her this question, and instinctively replied: "aster is a woman, how can you understand these things."

"I command you to answer." Xiao Ming frowned. At this time, he still followed the principle that a woman's talent is virtue. But aster's answer was unexpected.

Zheng for a moment, the aster afraid of the king of Qi again made the past surly temper, said: "land."

Xiao Ming nodded. It seems that there is not much time left for him to develop because of the threat of the northern barbarians and the intrigue of the princes.

He has been thinking about it these days. The first thing is to solve the problem of land.

In ancient times, there was a strange phenomenon in any dynasty, that is, the common people were always more than the land, and once the large-scale land annexation appeared, it basically heralded the end of the dynasty.

At present, the same is true of his fiefdom. A large area of high-quality land is monopolized by local elite families, and many people have no land to cultivate. Now, the first thing he has to do is to solve this problem.

At the same time, the second problem he wants to solve is the inheritance of knowledge. He is guarding a science and Technology Library. It's just outrageous.

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