Chapter 466

Name:Invincible Sword Tao Author:Yu Fei

When Xiao Yun's face smiled, suddenly, a huge animal roar startled the forest, and the trees in the forest trembled.


Xiao Yun's smile immediately condensed, and his eyes immediately looked in the direction of the beast roar. From the momentum of the beast roar, he must be a powerful monster.


The earth shook violently, and a terrible wind and sand swept in the distance and scattered around. In the blink of an eye, the sky became dark.


Seeing this, Xiao Yun immediately flew up and soared in the void. After he flew into the sky, about 500 meters below, there was an earth storm, and the sound of fighting obviously came from there.

Split the stars and cut the moon——


In vain, a shadow like the moon fell from the sky and cut downward.

Earth shadow——


Then another dark shadow rose from the bottom to the sky.


The terrible attack force went straight down and swelled into the sand.

At this moment, the forests in all directions are constantly collapsing, shaking around like an earthquake.


These two terrible attacks did not seem to hurt the terrible beast, but angered the other party, and a roar shook his ears.

Then, the surrounding soil poured in, forming a huge soil beast thousands of meters high. The soil beast waved its claws and cut down.


All the trees within a 100 meter radius fell down and were completely covered by the soil, and the surrounding mud peaks were visible to the naked eye.


At this moment, a total of four figures rose from the forest, and then fell on the new mud mountain.

These are three men and a woman. The three men are wearing the robes of the inner disciples of the sword sect and the women are wearing the robes of the outer disciples. They each hold a sword. The swords radiate light. Now they look at the front covetously.


Xiao Yun's eyes stared. Among the four people, the woman is not her sister. Who else can Xiao Ling be?


When Xiao Yun just saw that the woman was his sister, there was another animal roar in the jungle in front of him. At this time, a ferocious monster with yellow body and covered with rocks came out.

As soon as the monster came out, it gathered terrible anger and rushed to Xiao Ling and other four people.

"Younger martial sister Xiaohan, the three of us lead it away. Come and give it a life blow."

A male disciple shouted loudly.


Xiao Han answered.

"Do it!"


Three male disciples flew in three different directions. They flew away for a moment, kneaded out the sword formula one by one, and attacked the giant beast.

For a moment, the sword shadow was vertical and horizontal, killing and blasting around.


The giant beast felt pain, roared angrily, swept its claws, and the magic rose all over the sky.


Just as the giant beast raised his head and spewed out the rock, Xiao Han moved. The sword in her hand was replaced with a double dagger, and her body was like a ghost, rushing down the neck of the giant beast.


Xiao Yun's face changed when he saw his sister rushing towards the beast's neck.

This monster is called the earth rock beast. Every part of his body is like a rock. Even under his neck, it is very hard. If Xiao Ling rushes over, he will just die.


When Xiao Yun shouted, Xiao Han had come to the neck of the earth rock beast and stabbed the double dagger in his hand. However, the double dagger had been broken at this time. And as soon as the flame expands.


Xiaohan knows that he has been fooled.


The earth rock beast roared angrily, and its front claws were facing Xiaohan.



Xiaohan's body was thrown out towards the rear.

"Younger martial sister Xiaohan..."

The other three male disciples shouted and immediately flew over to rescue. However, as soon as they flew up, the rock beast waved its claws and swept away, and a strong air flow lifted up. Hit them straight back.


After seeing Xiaohan hit and fly out, the rock beast immediately jumped up, opened its mouth and swallowed it towards Xiaohan.

Xiaohan looked at the big mouth and swallowed it. His eyes were full of fear and disbelief.

Xiaozhu saved her with her life. She finally got out of the devil's claw and entered the sword sect. Is it... Is she so dead?

Unwilling, unwilling

The parents' revenge has not been avenged, and the brother has not been found. I can't die, absolutely not


Just when Xiaohan felt an extremely powerful death threat. She suddenly felt her small waist tight. Her small waist was hugged by a big hand and quickly retreated towards the rear.

Subconsciously, when Xiao Han turned his head, he saw the man's face clearly.

With silver hair, an ugly face and a black robe, he was looking at the ground rock beast coldly at the moment.

Is that him? The man named rainy night, the little white face who lives next door?


The beast's mouth fell down at this time, and an air flow expanded.


The prey of the earth rock beast failed. At this time, he was furious. His eyes were red and roared at Xiao Yun and Xiao Han, and his huge body rushed.

"Be careful..."

Xiao Han shouted.

But instead of retreating, the man moved forward quickly. Not only forward, but even hold yourself forward.


Xiaohan felt his body tremble suddenly.

When Xiaohan came back, she had been held by the man and came to the back of the earth rock beast. As for the earth rock beast, she was stuck in place, showing a rush and remained motionless.


Xiao Han doesn't know what happened. It's too fast. This scene is too fast. It's almost terrible.

She remembered that she was clearly attacked by the earth rock beast, less than ten meters away from her claws, but she came behind the earth rock beast in the blink of an eye, but the earth rock Beast remained motionless.


Xiaohan was shocked for a moment. A painful roar sounded from the earth rock beast's mouth. In vain, blood sprayed out from the earth rock beast's neck like water.

The huge head slipped down from the thick neck, and then the blood gushed out like water.


The headless corpse fell to the ground and there was a loud noise.


At the moment, not only Xiao Han, but also the other three male disciples looked at the scene foolishly.

They knew better than anyone how powerful the earth rock beast was.

But now... Just killed? In the blink of an eye, they didn't see clearly how the rock beast died. This... How did this man do it?