Leave the fire!

闱(一)杩欎笉姝绘棌婧愬笀锛孻 ang Ye 鐭ラ死锛屼粬涓庡鏂圭殑strength 宸窛镙规湰涓嶆槸涓 镣 镣 袱镣癸纴锲犳锛屼粬鏋沧柇绁嚭浜嗙鐏€

褰 粬镄勫墤琚鐏姞鎸佸悗锛孻 ang Ye 镄勫墤formidable power 鐬棿鏆村锛

浠栧苟娌°C湁婃斁婃斁 €€ chain 夌鐏纴锲犱 浠ヤ粬鐜 湪镄勮 湪镄勮 浣掳纴镙 浣掳纴镙 浣掳纴镙 浣掳纴镙 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰 湰忥纴锲犳锛屼粬鍙 熷姪浜嗙鐏竴灏忛儴鍒嗙殑锷涢噺锛岃 熷姪浜嗙鐏竴灏忛儴鍒嗙殑锷涢噺锛岃 屽 屽 屽 屽 鏄 鏄 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏 灏忛儴鍒嗗姏鏄撴柀鏂简闾f簮宁堢殑堢殑

杩滃锛岄偅婧愬笀鐪嬩简涓€鐪糦ang Ye 嬩腑鍓戜笂镄勭鐏纴鈥滃ソ铡夊镄勭伀锛佲 嬩腑鍓戜笂镄勭鐏纴鈥滃ソ铡夊镄勭伀锛佲

鍏 浈鍓嶈笍鍑 浈鍓嶈笍鍑 浈鍓嶈笍鍑 h鍑 鍑 锛岃 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 屽 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 澶勭殑 Ye Ye Ye Ye娑埚け鍦ㄤ 澶╅ 澶╅ 銆

婧愬笀寰井涓€妤烇纴鐒跺悗said锛 鈥滈€冨悧锛熲€

澹伴煶钀戒笅锛屽叾right hand chain ┖瀵旗┖瀵圭潃Yang Ye 灏辨槸涓€鎶撱€


鏁 竾涓埚锛屼竴鍙狧 eaven Raising Mountain Range 绐佺劧镊猋 绐佺劧镊猋 绐佺劧镊猋 Ye 澶撮 鍧犺惤 鍧犺惤 屼笅銆

Yang Ye 澶 篃涓嶆姮锛屽弽 篃涓嶆姮锛屽弽 嫔 嫔 嫔 嫔 €


涓€缂晄word qi 鍐 ぉ ぉ 岃捣锛屾墍杩囦箣澶勶纴绌 岃捣锛屾墍杩囦箣澶勶纴绌 岃捣锛屾墍杩囦箣澶勶纴绌 棿鐩 岃捣锛屾墍杩囦箣澶勶纴绌 帴琚剼鐑 帴琚剼鐑 帴琚剼鐑


闾e彧宸ㄦ彧宸ㄦ鍒氭帴鍒氭帴”Umbrella 阆搒word qi 锛岀灛闂翠的鏄偢瑁效鏄偢瑁€

涓庢钖屾椂锛屾暣涓懆锲 inch 殑绌 棿鐩 棿鐩 棿鐩 変簺铏 変簺铏 変簺铏 浜呜捣鏉ャ 浜呜捣鏉ャ 浜呜捣鏉ャ 浜呜捣鏉ャ

涓嶈翻澶勶纴闾f簮宁坆rows slightly wrinkle 锛屽氨鍦ㄨ伞镞讹纴涓€镞佺殑镫缁濆ぉ灏辫铡诲仛锛岃€岄偅婧愬笀鍗存槸寰井shake one鈥檚head 锛屸€滀綘鎷〈笉浣忎粬銆傗€

澹 煶钀 煶钀 煶钀 笅锛屽叾 姝ワ纴涓 姝ワ纴涓 姝ワ纴涓 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 姝ヨ笍鍑 宸茬粡娑埚け涓嶈銆

鏁癶undred thousand 涓埚锛屾辉澶勭┖闂村井寰竴棰わ纴绱ф帴镌€锛屼竴钖峬iddle-aged man 镊叾涓蛋浜嗗嚭鏉ワ纴鏉ヨ€咃纴姝f槸闾f簮宁堛€傞偅婧愬笀鍒hydrogen 竴鍑red 潵锛屼竴阆撶伀red sword qi 绐佺劧镊ぉkey岄檷锛宻word qi 阃熷害鏋佸揩锛岀灛闂存潵鍒 闾 闾 簮 簮 簮 簮 埚ご椤 埚ご椤 埚ご椤



鍦 腑绐佺劧鍝嶈捣涓 阆撴挄瑁 阆撴挄瑁 阆撴挄瑁 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 锛岃 簮 簮 簮 簮 埚 缁忓湪 ous ous ous 缁忓湪 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 澶栵纴 Ye ┖銆

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杩欑 瀛愶纴姝 瀛愶纴姝 f槸Yang Ye 銆

婧愬笀杞荤瑧浜嗙瑧锛屸€yuan ang Ye 锛屼綘绁炶 chain 掓槸鎸哄镄勩€effect厛鏄偅鍓厛鏄偅鍓纴鍙堟槸闾敳锛岀幇鍦ㄥ敳锛岀幇鍦ㄥ鏄伞鐏纴娌°C湁涓€浠舵浠$墿锛屼简涓嶅缑锛佲€

Yang Ye lightly said: “There are three sages in the undead, and two more?”

The source teacher said: “Do you need three for you?”

Yang Ye said with a laugh: “It seems that you are confident.”

The sound fell, and Yang Ye held the sword from top to bottom and slammed.


A sword qi is like a meteor falling from the sky, a powerful sword qi tearing space, directly hit the source!

Below, the source teacher’s eyes are slightly narrowed, and its right hand is slightly rotated. In an instant, the space in front of it suddenly turns into a dark, and in a flash, a black light column rises into the sky. This black light beam is hard and hard. Yang Ye is above the sword qi.


When they first came into contact, they suddenly exploded. At this time, Yang Ye’s hand-held sword had already reached the top of the source, and then Yang Ye’s fierce sword was a glimpse.

Above the blade, the flames are hot!

The source teacher brows slightly wrinkle, the right foot gently spins, the whole person disappears directly in the original place, when it appears again, it is already outside the number of thousand zhang!


In the distance, Yang Ye’s sword was hollowed out, and the space in front of him was directly illusory, and in a moment it was turned into nothingness.

Yang Ye turned to look at the source teacher, a moment of silence, a glimpse of the sword light flashed across the field.

In the distance, the source teacher’s eyes are slightly narrowed. He didn’t want to harden the sword. With the mysterious flame, Yang Ye’s sword was not good at all. He had already paid a painful price for the beginning of the game. At this moment, he was left in the left arm, and he was black, and even his undead power could not repair his left arm.

Therefore, he still chose not to be connected.

Its long and gentle rotation will flash away from the original place, and at this time, a mysterious force suddenly appeared in all around.

Sword Domain !

The speed of Yang Ye is not as fast as that of the source. If the other side is dodging, he has no way. However, he has Sword Domain and has Sword Domain, which allows him to pull the speed of the source teacher back to the same level as him!

When the Sword Domain appeared, the source was suddenly stopped, and the face of the source changed instantly.

There was no choice to dodge, and the source division stepped back half a step, and the right hand slammed forward and shot it.


A horrible black light broke out from the palm of the source, and in a flash, the entire Sword Domain was dark.

Silently, a flash of light flashed through the dark Sword Domain.


Inside the Sword Domain, a sound of a sudden sound suddenly sounded, and then, a Daoist shadow directly retraced a few thousand zhang!

This silhouette is exactly the source!

“Give me death!”

In the dark space, Yang Ye’s voice suddenly sounded. Then, a sword light came out of it, and the sword light flashed through the scene and instantly came to the source.

The source teacher’s brow wrinkled into the ‘Chuan’ shape.

At the moment, he is a headache. Yang Ye’s sword, hard to pick up, not hard, he will always be passive.

Silence for a moment, the source of the right hand slightly trembled, in an instant, a black long spear suddenly appeared in his hands, in a blink of an eye, the long spear in his hand slammed out, this spear, directly stabbed in the Yang Ye sword Above the tip.


A sharp and harsh sound suddenly sounded in the field. The source spear pointed to the tip of Yang Ye’s sword, and it melted in an instant. When I saw this scene, the source teacher suddenly changed and was about to receive spear. At this time, Yang Ye even led the sword to drive straight into the face of the source teacher, and the long spear in the hands of the source teacher has been turned into nothingness by Yang Ye’s sword, accurately speaking, it is burned into nothingness. !

This Heaven and Earth can hold things away from the fire, there are, but rarely, obviously, the spear in the hands of this source is not in this range!

at this time.


A horrible aura suddenly emerged from the source within the body, and Yang Ye, who had already come to the source division, was instantly shaken out. This flight flew a few thousand zhang!

After stopping, Yang Ye looked up and looked at the source division. At this moment, in the source division, I don’t know when there were many black qis. These black qis lingered around the source, like a poisonous snake.

At this moment, Yang Ye found that the source of the aura is much stronger than before!

The source teacher walked towards Yang Ye and walked, “Yang Ye, I didn’t expect you to be forced to this point.”

When the sound fell, the source teacher took a step forward. In an instant, the space around Yang Ye began to crack in layers. In all around, suddenly there was a mysterious force. This force directly shrouded Yang Ye. It’s up.

In the distance, Yang Ye brows slightly wrinkle, he glanced at all around, then raised his hand and took out!


The surrounding space is directly annihilated!


The strength of the two reached the limit of the surrounding space. At the moment, the space within a few tens of thousands of squares burst into bursts in an instant, and the field was dark.

At this time, Yang Ye grasped the sword with both hands and slammed into the distant source.


A sword qi flashed through the black hole in the dark space and went straight to the source.

The source of the right hand clenched into a fist, in his fist, countless black qi suddenly gathered, in a blink of an eye, it slammed forward is a punch.


A powerful force fluctuated, and this force directly slammed on Yang Ye’s sword qi. This time, Yang Ye’s sword qi did not smash this power as before, but that stock Power does not prevail.

When the two forces came into contact, they burst into flames. The source was about to shoot, and at this time, his brow was wrinkled because Yang Ye had disappeared more than ten thousand feet.

The source teacher put away his hand and was going to chase it. At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in the field. “You don’t have to chase.”

Hear this, the source teacher is slightly stopped, and then turned to a slight gift, “small building adults!”

In the city, a voice came slowly. “This child can’t help you, but you can’t kill him, chase, but it’s a waste of time’s all.”

Source teacher said solemnly: ‘Small building adults, this person innate talent, it is rare, why do the small building adults do not personally shoot them, killing me for the undead? ”

That sound said: “At this moment is the critical period of the patriarch adult, I want to maintain the array of Death Tower and Death Qi, although this does not prevent me from killing him, but in this big universe, there is an unknown powerhouse, just in case. I have to be cautious, you have to be cautious. As for Yang Ye, I will personally solve this person in the future.”

The source teacher gave a slight gift, “Understood.”

The voice is said again: “You go to the big universe, Death Qi, you personally supervise. This Yang Ye thing, put it for a while, Death Qi is heavy.”

“As you bid!”

The source teacher once again gave a gift, then turned and disappeared at the end of the sky.


At this time, not far from the solitary day suddenly felt a spiritual sense locked her.

The solitary looked up to look at the Necromancer Tower, and the voice came out. “After going back to the Great Thousand Universe, everything is more cautious. Before I and patriarch are born, don’t provoke Yang Ye, this child is full of protection. Is it not your enemy, understand?”

Dear and respectful, “Understood!”

“Retreat!” The voice came.

Solitary again, once again, then turned and retired.

After the retreat of the solitude, the voice suddenly sounded again. “Somewhat…”

The sound fell, and a glimpse of the light slowly fell from the sky, and then turned into nothingness.

Endless black hole, light door.

A little girl with her hands behind her, she looked at the light door coldly, expressionless, eyes like Ten Thousand Years Cold Ice, without a trace of affection!
