This time, ye Xiu didn't summon monsters. Instead, a huge stone appeared in front of him. He wanted to try his power.

Then a huge stone appeared in front of him. Without hesitation, he used all his strength to clap it.

At the moment of contact, the stone burst, not smashed, but powdered.

Seeing the scene in front of him, ye Xiu couldn't believe that it was his own strength, so he turned into two identical stones.

I didn't expect to be broken in an instant. At this time, ye Xiu's heart is really happy. He wants to find Wang Lei again.

Walking out of the training room, I found that it was a little late, and ye Qingya was still sleeping, so I fell down to have a rest.


the next morning, ye Qingya wakes up early and looks at Ye Xiu lying on the ground, feeling a little depressed.

He said in a low voice: "elder martial brother ye, when can you become a man and marry me? Ah

Unexpectedly, ye Xiu heard this sentence. He closed his eyes and said, "ha ha, soon, I will marry you."

Then ye Xiu opened his eyes, stood up and said, "but I have to kill Wang Lei first. He must die!"

At this time, ye Xiu has some hatred in his eyes. Ye Qingya comforts him: "it doesn't matter. I'll help you, because I'm tired of him too!"

They are ready to go out for a walk. When they get to the Dan room, they find that there are several disciples who are sneaky.

He stepped forward and asked, "what are you doing? Sneaky

Hearing Ye Qingya's voice, the disciples were frightened and stepped back to fight without saying anything.

Ye Xiu looked at the disciples carefully and said, "they are not from our family. Kill them."

When ye Qingya hears about it, she instantly kills those who disguise as disciples of Jiuyou sect. She wanted to keep a living, but unexpectedly, the man killed himself by taking poison.

Ye Qingya and ye Xiu bring these camouflage personnel to the Lord and discuss what to do.

The patriarch asked, "where did you find these people? Still wearing our jiuyouzong clothes? "

"We just ask you because we don't know. We regard jiuyouzong as our own home. We can come and go as soon as we say. We need to find out." Ye Qingya said.

The patriarch nodded and said, "yes, but we have no clue now. How can we find out?"

At this time, ye Xiu turned his head and said, "we caught them in danfang. Does danfang have any secret?"

The patriarch suddenly clapped his hand and said, "Oh, my memory, the top half of our clan's secret book is in the Dan room."

Ye Xiu knew that this secret script could only be learned when he was the master, otherwise he would be killed.

But only the patriarch knew the location of the secret script. How did some outsiders know about it?

"Lord, shouldn't you be the only one who knows the location of the scroll? How do they know? " Ye Xiu asked.

Seeing that the patriarch was at a loss, it was obvious that he didn't know the reason, which lost the clue again.

"Well, let's pay more attention to danfang these days. If these people don't go back, no one will tell us, they will come back." Ye Qingya said.

"Well, I'll leave it to you. If you have anything, please report it to me immediately, but I believe that nothing will happen with your current cultivation." The patriarch is very confident.

After receiving the task, they immediately began to carry out the plan and prepared to go to explore the news in the evening. After all, it was the dead of night in the third shift.

Squatting for a long time, and no one came, ye Xiu gradually fell asleep, and ye Qingya has been holding the position.

Suddenly, the sound of footsteps slowly approached. Ye Qingya patted Ye Xiu and said, "don't sleep, elder martial brother Ye. Someone is coming!"

"Good guy, we really caught them, but how did they get our jiuyouzong clothes?" Ye Xiu said softly.

Finish saying to see two figures slowly approach, leaf pure elegant want to hand, but be stopped by leaf repair.

"Don't worry, what are they going to do? Their skills are not like those who practice, but like thieves in the world. "

Ye Ya is in no hurry to make arrangements.

"No, do you have any?"

"I don't have it here. Did Wang Lei cheat us?"

"It's OK. We've been paid anyway. Didn't two people find our way before?"

"Well, we are the only people he's looking for. Don't you rely on others to cultivate immortals and not kill us?"

"Come on, don't talk about it. People give us a lot of money. Let's go after this order. Even if we can't get it, we don't have to worry about it!"

These two people you a I a of, didn't expect to be all heard by Ye Xiu, thought originally is Wang Lei do good, but he so do for who?

He said softly: "Xiaoya, these two are mortals. You go up and bind them quietly. Don't worry that they won't commit suicide, because they are afraid of death."When ye Qingya heard that, her figure flashed, and she came to them in an instant. She said in a soft voice, "if you come, don't hurry. Have a cup of tea!"

The two men turned their heads and were about to open their mouths. After they were knocked unconscious by Ye Qingya, they tied up with a rope, pointed the acupoints and prepared to put them into the room first, and then handed them to the patriarch tomorrow.

"Elder martial brother ye, how do you know they are mortals? Can you see through your eyes? "

Ye Xiu laughed: "ha ha, don't forget that my ears are very sensitive. They are from Wang Lei. There are still several waves of people who can be killed directly."


the next morning, ye Qingya and ye Xiu were awakened by the two men.

"Hey, what's the quarrel between you two? I got up in the morning and let people sleep!" Ye Qingya shouts.

"Why do you arrest us? Let us go now, or don't blame us for being impolite. "

Ye Qingya laughed: "hahaha, are you going to be rude to me? Look at you. Do you think you have a chance to negotiate with me now? "

Seeing that it was daybreak outside, it was time to send them to the Lord. He called Ye Xiu up and took them to the Lord's room.

When the patriarch opened the door, the two bound disciples asked, "how can we catch our own people?"

"Lord, you have a good look. These two people are mortals and have no accomplishments. How can they be our Jiuyou clan? We caught it last night

Hearing this, the patriarch immediately changed his face and glared at the two people angrily, saying: "OK, now we can see that the mortals have bullied our jiuyouzong."

With that, Zong mainly began to educate these two people. They were scared and quickly begged for mercy: "don't beat us, don't beat us, we all recruit, we all recruit!"

When they heard that, the patriarch stopped and caught them in the hall, waiting to be dealt with.