This little beast stayed in the depth of the spirit pulse for a period of time, and finally succeeded in upgrading and became a level five monster!

"Great!" Jiang Tian couldn't help but feel excited.

Because with the return of the swallowing mouse, the connection between mind and spirit became extremely clear, and it was still stable.

This shows that the swallowing rat has no rebellious heart, and even if it wants to rebel, it can't do it at all.

With this connection between mind and spirit, and the contractual power of the oath of soul, the little beast could not do anything against him.

But soon, Jiang Tian frowned again.

Because at this time, the swallow Ling mouse, the body is really some "majestic", it looks like a fat white rabbit!

That's right!

Like a fat white rabbit!

"You..." Jiang Tian's mouth twitched, his face was embarrassed, but he was speechless in his heart.

"Squeaky, squeaky Roar

Swallowing mouse nods to Jiang Tian with a sharp and thick voice. It sounds ridiculous.

"I still like your voice before, at least it doesn't sound so Something else

Jiang Tian spits out a sullen breath and says something speechless.

In the past, the swallow Ling mouse was small and its sharp voice was just in line with its image. Today's swallow Ling mouse is "strong" and its voice has become powerful, which makes him feel uncomfortable for a moment.

Swallowing mouse shook the rabbit's body, and a little doubt flashed in his small eyes. Suddenly, he shook his head and sighed, showing a dejected look.

It's like saying "I'm helpless too"!

Jiang Tian's eyes twitched and he was speechless.

But very soon, the swallowing mouse began to speak again, only this time, it changed back to its previous shrill voice.

"Cheep Squeak Swallowing mouse shaking no longer small head, driving a body of "fat" trembling layer by layer of "meat wave", see Jiang Tian's eyes twitch, crying and laughing.

After listening to the other party's description, Jiang Tian soon understood.

It turns out that the change just now is not a change in the spirit pulse, but a chain reaction caused by the advance of swallowing spirit rats.

"From level 4 to level 5, it's no wonder that such a strong reaction will be triggered!"

Jiang Tian nodded slowly and muttered to himself.

"Tunling Why

He was about to open his mouth to say something when he suddenly uttered a strange look!


Jiang Tian's eyes were wild, and he suddenly found that the "majestic" fat body of the swallow Ling mouse suddenly trembled. Under the white light, the whole body began to shrink slowly!

In a short time, the little fat beast returned to its former appearance, and once again turned into a small and lovely one.

"Good! Great! Ha ha ha

Jiang Tian couldn't help laughing, and his heart was in full bloom.

To tell the truth, the appearance of torrid just now really scared him, and it was a little difficult to accept.

After all, the size of the body is a little conspicuous.

Imagine, when fighting with others, if he shakes his hand and suddenly calls out a "rabbit", this This is really embarrassing!


Jiang Tian watched for a moment and suddenly found a new situation!

Although the body of the swallowing rat has returned to its former size, the fur on its back has changed somewhat.

A silver line of thick fingers extends from the top of his head all the way back to the tail.

But that's not all. The sliver continued to stretch, making the tail of the swallow Ling mouse look like silver!

At the same time, the breath of goblin rat after shrinking is more profound than the previous "rabbit" state!

"This Is it the unique characteristic of the fifth level goblin rat

Jiang Tian's eyes flashed and his thoughts surged.

There is no such detailed description in the ancient books he has read, but there is no doubt about the scene before him, and he can only think so.

But in fact, he did not know that not every goblin rat would have such a change after upgrading to level 5 monster!


Finally, the change of swallowing rat came to an end. A shrill scream came out of his mouth, and two frightening lights bloomed in his rice like eyes, which made Jiang Tian feel a little dazzling!

"Five level monsters, or goblin rats and other creatures..."

In Jiang Tian's mind, his thoughts are rolling, and all kinds of scenes just make him excited.

With such exotic animals, it is undoubtedly equivalent to having a powerful arm of xuanyang realm, and also a helper with various strange talents.

If this is spread out, I'm afraid it will be enough for all xuanyang martial artists to fear and feel deeply envied!

Jiang Tian nodded and laughed: "OK..."


Before he finished, the swallowing mouse suddenly hovered in the air, leaving a dazzling silver light, and then plunged into the depth of the spiritual pulse."How Down there? "

Jiang Tian frowned, and some of them were very strange.

What the hell is the tunling rat doing?

However, the other party has been promoted to level 5 monster, and the intelligence will only be higher than before, and it will not be done for no reason.

Can we say, what surprises can exist in the deep of the spiritual vein?

Jiang Tian heart move, not from the surge of deep expectations!

Crackling Boom!

This time, the tunling mouse did not let him wait too long, accompanied by a thunder and fire, a silver white light and lightning fell up.


The swallowing mouse screamed a few times, and suddenly stopped in front of Jiang Tian.

And on its two front claws, there is a way of silver light flow uncertainty, flashing dazzling light!


Ginger sky eye corner a jump, suddenly big feeling strange!

And the silver light that really made him strange and flickered on the forepaw of the swallowing spirit mouse, was a twisted struggle in the silver light package, and there was more than a bouncing!

"What is that?"

Jiang Tian frowns, not confused by the big feeling.

"Squeak!" The swalling mouse screamed a few times, and a heavy light flashed in the small eyes of the big rice grain.

Jiang Tian was slightly heavy, and immediately realized that the object was not simple, and he retreated a few steps, and stared at the other party's actions.

The silver light on the front paw of the swallowing spirit mouse is a spiritual power confinement formed by its own Demon power.

But in this spiritual power, but there is a group of thick thumb strange black light!

And the dark light always twisted and struggled, restless and looked very unstable.


The swallowing mouse seemed to know its difference, and then made a sound signal, and the look in his eyes became more and more heavy.

Ginger sky eye angle contraction, not from rapid lift of the cohesion, at any time to prevent sudden changes.

Next moment, the swallowing mouse turns to the outside, and the front paw shakes the black light that the silver Demon power is imprisoned and throws out!

Whoosh Boom!

Silver flash, flying out of the meter in a flash.

After losing the control of the devouring mouse, the silver Demon power can no longer maintain the power of imprisonment.

After a second, it was pierced by the black light of the fierce struggle. The next moment, a really surprising scene is coming! , the fastest update of the webnovel!