"Elder martial brother Chen, you witnessed the situation at that time. What I said was not a lie?" With a strange smile on his face, Jiang Tian took Chen Yu's arm.

Chen Yu coughed softly and nodded his head: "Well! That's true! I have witnessed all the details of the meeting with my own eyes, as well as the college elders and many colleagues who testify. No fraud is allowed! Younger martial sister Sikong, you really agreed to younger martial brother Jiang's request. Since you said that, you should do it! "

"You How shameless you are Sikong Mengxue looks at two people, a face angry.

"Younger martial sister Sikong, do you want to ask the elder martial sister to judge?" Chen Yu frowned a little, but stopped.

Sikong Mengxue eyes a jump, no more to say.

Seeing her reaction, Jiang Tian couldn't help laughing in his heart and nodded: "don't be so troublesome. I don't think Miss Sikong is the kind of person who doesn't believe what she said. She was just joking. How could she not fulfill what she said?"

"I think so. How can a descendant of the grand Sikong family break his word?" Chen Yu nods heavily and looks at each other with a look of relief.

Sikong Mengxue's face was bright red and angry, knowing that they were making fun of her, but they could not say anything to refute, so they had to bite their teeth and recognize the planting.

Jiang Tian coughed softly and said, "Miss Sikong, I'm waiting for you to fulfill your promise."

Sikong Mengxue's face was red, and a strange look flashed in his eyes like autumn water, which made Jiang Tian's heart shake.

He bit his lips, and his voice was like a gnat: "Jiang Tian Brother

"What? The voice is too low. I can't hear you clearly. Call again! " Jiang Tian stares at each other and says with a frown.

"Rascal, rascal Sikong Mengxue Jiao rebukes, and runs away in the laughter of Jiang Tian and Chen Yu.

"Younger martial brother Jiang, go back and prepare well. I can't accompany you on the trip to the border. Take care all the way!"

"Ha ha! Thank you very much, elder martial brother Chen. Let's have a good drink when I come back! "

In the sound of laughter, Jiang Tian turns around and walks away. Chen Yu frowns slightly and sighs gently. A trace of worry flashes in his eyes.

The situation along the border is complex and difficult to predict. I don't know what kind of situation we are going to face.


The second batch of registration was closed soon, and the number of students was much more than that of the first time. This shows how enthusiastic the disciples are.

After the report of the list, the senior management of the college immediately gave instructions to start tomorrow!

Jiang Tian went back to his residence and arranged his belongings in silence.

In fact, there is no special thing, because there are such huge space as purple xuanjie, magic weapons, pills, Tiancai Dibao and other items can be carried with you, so you don't have to worry about the capacity limit of the storage bag like others.

In the remaining half day, many students were walking around each other, discussing with each other warmly and looking forward to the situation at the border.

But Jiang Tian is not so bored. He sits in the hall and takes out the inscriptions to continue to understand.

Fu Yuan said that he had already set foot on the road of inscriptions. Next, he only needed to continue to understand and strive to improve.

With his aptitude and ability, he does not need to spend all day in the Department of inscriptions and lines to listen to dogma and accept various complicated instructions. As long as he perseveres, he can achieve good results.

Unless there are some doubts or difficulties that need to be consulted by Fu Yuan, the rest of the things can be understood by themselves.

Jiang Tian quietly comprehended the classics and found that the way of inscriptions was quite mysterious. The more he studied, the more wonderful he felt.

However, his practice is still based on martial arts, and he will not put all his energy on it. After all, he is very prudent who is in charge of the second and who is more important.

At the same time, some news of Zixing college quickly spread to the major forces in Qingxuan city.

In Dugu family, an elder in silver robe walked into the main hall of the family after hearing the report from the family disciples.

The master, Dugu Tianlong, was sitting on the throne of the hall with cold eyes and a murderous face!

"Master, the second group of students of Zixing college have been prepared. They will go to the border tomorrow, and Jiang Tian is among them!"

"Hum! This time, I can't do anything wrong again, or my family will be really dignified! "

Dugu Tianlong roared with rage, and the whole hall was filled with the spirit of killing.

"Don't worry. I've made all the arrangements. This time, Jiang Tian will never come back alive again!"

The silver robe elder's eyes are shining, showing the will to kill. It seems that he has made a safe plan and just waiting to start.

"Well, I'm waiting for your good news!"

Dugu Tianlong nodded heavily. His eyes were like blood thirsty pupils. His deep killing intention made the whole hall tremble!


The next morning, the students of Zixing college gathered in the square and prepared to embark on a boat.


The dull roar resounded through the sky, and the golden boat suddenly fell from the sky and landed in front of the large-scale airship of the college, setting off a burst of violent air flow, which made people retreat."What a shame! Whose boat is this

"Are you going to go with us?"

"It's so grand. What's the origin of the other party?"

Looking at the golden flying boat, the disciples looked different, guessing and even angry.

Jiang Tian stood in the line of disciples, frowning slightly, and a little doubt flashed in his eyes.

The other side of this pair of style, put clearly did not purple star academy people in the eye, do not know what kind of person?

"Ha ha! Elder Lu has been waiting for a long time

With a wild laugh, the golden boat aura of a convergence, a white robed middle-aged man stepped in the air and landed on the large-scale airship of Purple Star College.

"Ha ha, it's Luan Jianming, the eldest brother. I don't know how many talented disciples will be sent by Tianji college this time?"

Lu Tiannan, the elder of Zixing college, walked out of the boat to meet the white robed man with a faint smile.

"Ha ha! Not much, not much, more than twenty! " The white robed man waved his hand and didn't care.

"You guys, come and see elder Lu of Zixing college!"

As soon as the words fell, more than 20 disciples came out of the golden boat. The white robed, yellow robed, and black robed disciples accounted for one-third of each. It looked like a clear-cut picture.

However, these disciples all have one common characteristic, all of them have cold eyes, sharp looks, and a look of aloofness.

Under Luan Jianming's beckoning, they all grab the Zixing Academy's flying boat and bow to Lu Tiannan.

"Hiss! It turns out to be from Tianji University! "

"Dear! Tianji college is the most mysterious one among the three universities. How could it set out with us? What a rarity

"Those who wear white robes should be astrology disciples. Those in yellow robes seem to be from array law system, while those in black robes seem to be the most mysterious disciples of special secret generation!"

"Why! Isn't there a refining system? Why didn't they come? "

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