The night sky is like an endless sea, and clouds float on it like a wisp of gauze.

"Achoo!" Chen Hao sneezed heavily, almost blowing out the spark in front of his eyes, which was Chen Hao's effort to get out, but it can't be extinguished.

"What the hell is this? Why is it so cold? " Chen Hao, who lost the protection of aura, shivered by the cool wind outside the cave entrance.

To tell you the truth, Chen Hao doesn't know whether he is a blessing or a curse? His day of great joy is the moment when he sleeps with his wife. Who knows he is suddenly struck by thunder! According to the truth, I didn't do anything immoral?

Fortunately, he didn't go to any hell, but came to this place where he was not familiar with the earth.

"Well, I don't know what's going on with my master and wife. My heart is full of..." Chen Hao hit a breath, he is really a little sleepy now, walk all the way, also should rest.

Chen Hao gets some dried straw together and adds firewood. Chen Hao knows that if the fire goes out at night, he must freeze to death.

With the passage of time, Chen Hao is really sleepy, he lies on the straw, a burst of sleepy intention he attacks.

But at this time, a black shadow flashed in front of him, and the flame in front of Chen Hao seemed to be shaking.

Chen Hao in the heart is startled, this big midnight, haunted ah? He got up from the straw and couldn't sleep if he didn't know what was going on.

But Xin Hao's equipment is to find his life! Cough, it is actually a thick wooden stick.

Chen Hao clearly saw that the black shadow flashed into the cave, so he held a torch in his left hand and a stick in his right hand, carefully exploring the interior of the cave.

Chen Hao didn't know how deep the cave was. With the fire, the situation inside the cave was clearly seen by Chen Hao. However, Chen Hao walked for a long time and did not see the shadow, which made Chen Hao feel helpless.

"Damn it, you're fast." Chen Hao knows that his torch is almost burnt out. If he goes on like this, he may be in danger of life. To know, it is not fun to be alone in the dark cave.

Just when Chen Hao was about to return home, a string of muddy footprints appeared in front of him. The footprints were not too big or small, and they didn't know what kind of creatures left them.

When Chen Hao thought about whether to continue to go deep, there was a roar of a giant beast in the distance.

Chen Hao is scared to the bone, he did not expect this kind of place also has the beast to haunt? Now he has no hair but a stick. He doesn't want to die again.

Chen Hao did not hesitate this time, he ran away, this ghost place, he did not want to stay for a moment.

In the moment of Chen Hao turning around, the shadow appears again! Chen Hao did not react to come over, he felt a hairy thing climbed on his shoulder.

In the light of the fire, Chen Hao can see its sharp ears and a pair of smart big eyes. Chen Hao is surprised, why is this thing so like a fox?

But that's not the point. The point is that a huge black cage is obliquely reflected on the wall of the cave.

Far away, Chen Hao saw a blood red eyes staring at himself.

"I'm a good boy..." It's not that Chen Hao doesn't want to run, but he doesn't dare to run. His blood red eyes are like a sharp blade, which directly penetrates Chen Hao's heart.

The fire red fox scratched Chen Hao's neck, as if to remind Chen Hao of the danger. When the black shadow in front of him approached Chen Hao, he saw that it was a green and handsome wolf.

"That's it. It's cool." Chen Hao knows that he is not the opponent of the wolf. He knows that he can not be soft hearted to deal with the wolf. He has to show a more ferocious appearance than it is. This is what the master gave him.

The little fox continued to chirp, not knowing what it was doing.

Chen Hao slightly bows, will leg and shoulder to open, put out a pair and green Wolf duel appearance.

In order to make himself more "fierce", Chen Hao winked at the green Wolf. He thought this guy would be afraid, but Chen Hao saw the green Wolf's mouth opening slowly.

"Damn it, Shifu, you're not effective..." Where does Chen Hao dare to talk nonsense here? He smears oil on the soles of his feet, grabs the little fox and runs away!

With the morning Hao's all the way running, the wolf roared, it directly toward Chen Hao roaring!

"Oh, my God Chen Hao directly left the stick and torch, he must now reduce the weight of the line.

Without the light Chen Hao lost the sense of direction, he was like a headless fly in the cave.

Chen Hao Ran for half a day. He didn't know where he was. As the howling of the wolf gradually weakened, Chen Hao was surprised to find that he even beat the wolf? Are you too fast? Or green wolf too much?

Chen Hao comforts himself that he must be young and defeated with absolute strength!

But now Chen Hao is faced with another problem, the green Wolf is out of the way, but what should he do now?Chen Hao can feel his feet are very wet, he seems to step on the mud inside, Chen Hao smeared a road, he did not know what trip.

"Ouch Chen Hao directly came to a dog to gnaw mud, and his straw skirt was missing.

Chen Hao touched something that tripped him. He was a jerk. Even I dare to trip

Chen Hao felt the things under his feet, a convex place, three holes How can I feel more and more frightened when I touch this thing

At this time, a dim red light lit up the surrounding caves. Chen Hao was startled by the sudden light. He looked back and found that the light was from a bead in the mouth of a fox.

Chen Hao takes the luminous bead, and a warm feeling spreads all over Chen Hao's body. Following the light, Chen Hao finally sees what is tripping over him

Yes, this is the skull of a dead man. Not far from him, his body is under Chen Hao's buttocks.

"Oh, my God Chen Hao sat up, he was really scared, but what made Chen Hao's blood flow backward was that his feet and cave walls were covered with white bones!

"This is What's going on? " Chen Hao felt a little creepy, these things, look at him is indeed some uncomfortable. He vaguely knew why the wolf didn't chase after him. There was a change here!

But Chen Hao is also experienced a lot of big waves, these scenes, can not scare him into anything, the matter has come to this point, Chen Hao can only brave the scalp, he does not believe, here the ghost can really eat him? , the fastest update of the webnovel!