When Mi Zhiyong heard Zhao Yu's words, his face suddenly sank and his face was full of anger: "Zhao Yu, Chen Hao, he offended xianzun. You are attacking my mi family in violation of the Xianting regulations. When the Xianting punishment comes, Chen Hao can't protect himself. At that time, he violates the rules of Xianting, but you are only a half immortal, not even a fairy. Do you think Xianting will keep your hand? I'm afraid you will be killed once and the best outcome is to maintain the majesty of the immortal court! "

Zhao Yu immediately turned his head and revealed a trace of coldness: "how do I do? You don't need to worry about it. I'm still saying that. If you hand over the flower family before you start, you may still be able to keep it!"

"Ha ha, the one who gives up the flower family is wishful thinking!"

Chen Hao's expression instantly sank, showing a touch of cold: "brother Zhao, since he doesn't hand in, you go to save people!"

"Jiuyou Jue!"

Feet a little into the shadow, instant hand, a piece of the sky.

Mi Zhiyong's face changed in an instant, his body suddenly retreated, and in an instant avoided the attack of a sword. He drank softly: "I let people go. Why be aggressive?"

Chen Hao just ready to continue the action of the hand suddenly a stiff, revealing a little incredible, before the MI Zhiyong also a shot do not let people's appearance, now just a start to release people?

Zhao Yu's figure flickered slightly, appeared next to Chen Hao, and said in a soft voice: "the master of the rice family really understands things. In this case, Chen Hao and I will go back to the city master's house and wait for your rice family to send people. I hope that the flower family will not be less than half a person, otherwise, we will come to the flower house again. At that time, it will be just a war."

The main hall.

Chen Hao looked at Zhao Yu and frowned slightly: "Lord Zhao, do you know why Mi Zhiyong changed his attitude?"

Zhao Yu immediately nodded: "yes, adult, you may not have thought of it."

After a short pause, he turned to a smile: "my Lord, your real background is unknown to MI Zhiyong. However, he knows that the background of your adult is extremely extraordinary. In the past, the reason why I challenged you with adults was that you were subject to experience and the rules of the fairyland. But now that you do it in the rice family, the people of the rice family dare not hurt you. After all, you offend Even if you will be punished, you still can't get rid of your background. After the event, no matter what the result will be, the rice family will be doomed to bad luck, and at least will be destroyed! "

Chen haodun exposed a touch of clear understanding of the color: "so it is."

It's no wonder that power can make people so intoxicated. He can also understand why he met some extremely mentally handicapped people in their initial practice, and what kind of family they were.

This is not the benefit of power, just like him. Before that, they only asked about their state of mind. After knowing his identity, Zhao Yu and Mi Zhiyong, as half immortals, had no idea about him. In the long run, if their minds are not firm, they will despise the situation and see the gap between them!

After a slight pause for a moment, he said in a soft voice: "originally, I was going to practice in the sacred wind city, but now I want to come here, but it doesn't have much effect. I'm going to leave the sacred wind city temporarily, and wait for the rice family to send the remains of the flower family to the city Lord's house. You can arrange it."

Zhao Yu immediately nodded: "OK, you can rest assured, although I won't help, but it is not a problem to protect the flower family temporarily."


In response, he pondered for a moment and quietly raised his head: "by the way, didn't you say there was a change of the Shura people last time? In that direction, I'll take a look

Zhao Yu thought for a moment and then said, "my Lord, if the news is correct, the latest information is in the north."

Chen Hao directly nodded: "OK, I'll go first."

Zhao Yu said in an instant, "my Lord, wait a minute."

Chen Hao quietly turned his head, revealing a puzzled: "Zhao City Lord, what's the matter? Is there any accident? "

"That's not true."

When the words of denial fell, Zhao Yu turned to show a trace of hesitation: "my Lord, if you meet the Shura people, it's best not to disclose your Xianting identity."

Chen Hao's brow suddenly a frown: "although I am not ready to reveal, but the fact is how, you are to say to listen."

"Don't worry, my Lord."

In a soft voice, Zhao Yu bowed his head and pondered for a long time, then quietly raised his head and spoke with hesitation: "my Lord, this is the case. You of the Shura family should also understand that they are doing something against Xianting in the dark and in the open."

Chen haodun some doubts of the opening: "I know, this matter nine Xuan world should know few, this has what problem?"

Zhao Yu hesitated for a long time and said quietly, "my Lord, I don't know what the specific information you have learned. But what I want to say is that if you meet the Shura clan, if you are not an opponent, as long as you don't expose the Xianting identity, the chance of life danger is not great. Many people who don't join the Xianting clan have contacts with the Shura clan."

Chen Hao's look suddenly a Zheng, after a while just some uncertain mouth: "what do you mean?"


after a long time of hesitation, Zhao Yu said slowly, "your honor, this time you come out to experience, it should not be clear that Xianting is indeed the head of the human race, and Xianting is even more powerful than the nine xuanjie world. However, after all, Xianting is only a part of the human race, and Xianting is not necessarily a member of Xianting. Do you understand thatChen Hao's eyes suddenly narrowed. When he said this, he didn't understand. The only thing the Shura had to deal with was Xianting, and Xianting had been commanding the Terran for so many years. I'm afraid that there are not many powerful people in the clan who have not joined the immortal court, but their strength is terrible. These people are of interest and inspiring people's hearts.

After the completion of the meditation, he quietly raised his head: "I understand. Do you mean that the Shura will not attack people who are not immortal?"

Zhao Yu immediately shook his head: "that's not true. Although there are the above reasons, the Shura and my people are not the same race, and killing can't be avoided. As for the specific details, my cultivation is too low, but it's not clear. If the adults have the intention, you can understand it by asking after you go back."

"Well, I see. I left first."

Words fall, Muyang's feet a little, suddenly fly out, but a few blink of an eye will disappear in the sacred wind city.

"System, you come out."

"Ding, what do you want from the host?"

"I ask you, if fate is wrong, if she wants to kill me, can you take me away?"

"Ding, the system can use the method of reincarnation to let the host rush into reincarnation. However, the host needs to practice again at that time."

Chen Hao feidun's body suddenly stops in the air, revealing a little faint color of daze. He just asks boring questions. As a result, does he really have it?

Slightly pause for a moment, not thinking, feet a little, continue to go toward the north where the Shura people live.

"System, I come to jiuxuanjie, but you haven't sent out tasks all the time?"

"Ding, the host has no tasks to trigger."

"Fate has been found in front of me, you have no task? Shouldn't you hand out a mission related to fate? "

"Ding, system searching."

"Ding, the quest is generated. Ask the host to find out who is the wrong person through xianzun yuanmie, the task reward, and the magic elixir."

Chen Hao's look suddenly a Zheng, really have a task?

In a flash, the figure fell directly to the cloud. He waved his hand and took out the Xianting token.

In a short time, a light curtain rises, fate with a white face appears on the light screen.


Chen Hao coughed softly and turned to some tentative opening: "that immortal statue? Can I ask you something? "

Yuan Mie's expression was stunned and turned to a smile: "what do you want to ask? As long as it doesn't violate my principles, I will consider whether to answer you or not

Chen Hao's eyes slightly turned, turned to show a smile: "I think for so long, I still think you recognize the wrong person, do not know, you recognize me as who?"

Yuan Mie's expression was slightly stunned, then he gently shook his head, and sighed: "it seems that you are going to be possessed of evil. I didn't tell you before. No matter whether I recognize the wrong person or not, I won't trouble you. Why should you persist?"

Chen Hao smelled the speech and revealed a trace of faint meditation. After a long time, he was very sure to open his mouth: "you didn't say that. I remember that when you gave me yuehuangqin last time, you didn't say it and left at all!"

"Do you have any?"

Yuan Mie asked back, then turned with a smile: "I promise you now, no matter whether there is a mistake or not, I will not find you trouble, so, how good?"


The words fell and his eyes turned slightly: "xianzun, can you ask who is the person you recognized as wrong? What's your name and what it looks like? If I meet you, I'll send you a message. "

"Ha ha."

A light smile and light fall, the fate of the voice slowly: "then I will wait for you to find, face, similar to you, the name, if there is no such name, it is the same as your name, in addition, he will complete the illusion of too empty, if you find, remember to inform me."

"Ha ha."

With the sound of the sound again, the light curtain slowly dissipated.

When the light curtain dissipated, yuanmie slowly looked up at the sky, around, is a cold palace, flowing light.

After a long time, Yuan Mie slowly lowered his head and whispered: "the name, the face, and the face can also be coincidental, but the breath is also the same. Just, it is clear that the gods and spirits are all gone. Why does it appear again? Can people who have both spirits and spirits perish from reincarnation

After a long time, a light curtain rises with a wave of hand.

After a while, on the screen of light, the figure of a man who could not see his face clearly appeared. In the past, the figure of this person should be a woman.

As soon as the woman appeared, she whispered, "Nangong, it's hard for you to find me. What's the change in the east?"

Yuan Mie smelled the speech and shook his head slightly: "what changes can there be in the eastern land? Can the Shura people still impact the immortal court?"

The woman said in an instant, "then you?"

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