Chapter 2251: Quality people

When these fierce beasts were about to attack, they never thought about how to do this. For these fierce beasts, they knew very well what the final result was, so when they were doing similar things, They know very well what state this matter will ultimately be in. If you let them follow their own ideas, this matter may not be possible, so in this state.

What they are doing can actually be seen with the naked eye. If someone doesn’t think it’s the same thing, I’m afraid there is nothing to say about these things, but if these things are really decided like this, then at present In this case, some things may not be so simple, so when someone is willing to deal with these things, someone will immediately feel some of the drawbacks, if they can make all these things better. .

That is naturally a very good thing, but the most scared thing is that these people report good things about the good or bad quality inspections. They say that they have no other ideas about those bad things. If this is the case, it is very Obviously, there is no way for this matter to continue, and no one is a fool. When doing this, they all know very well what kind of state this is.

If all people think this way, I am afraid that these things will not be able to proceed at all. Therefore, in this current state, everyone can only look at the side honestly. As for them eventually For the time being, no one can say exactly what the purpose is, because everyone doesn't know what the other party thinks, especially in this matter. If they can figure it out clearly, I believe they will all understand this.

But unfortunately no one can figure it out clearly, so this matter can be regarded as a hornet's nest. It is precisely because of this that when these things begin, they basically understand that no one can take it. This thing is done so well, so when these things are started, everyone basically knows what the end result is. If you insist on connecting these things, it can only show that you are a bit wrong. Too honest.

In today's situation, don't care what everyone thinks in the end. In short, this matter is not that simple. If you can solve this matter well, it is certainly very good, but if you can't solve it. , That would never be able to get in the way of this matter, precisely because I knew this matter, so when someone came to ask.

Liu Ning will still look a little unsightly, because Liu Ning knows this very well. If he really thinks that this matter is not easy to handle, there is not so much to say for the time being, but under the current circumstances, Perhaps these people’s thoughts are different from their temporary thoughts. Apart from saying that, Liu Ning has no other way. If these people are not allowed to do so, it is actually not a good thing for Liu Ning, so In this state.

Try not to do too many things. After all, so many things are not good for you. Looking at their current appearance, don't you understand?

If you really want to put this matter online, I am afraid that some things are not easy to handle. Now these people see it very clearly. If someone has other ideas, in the current situation Down, there must be no good results, so whenever they do these things.

Liu Ning will feel unusually irritable, and think that this problem can be solved through official documents, but not many people call it the so-called.

Putting the official documents in your eyes, this is the most depressing thing. No matter what you think in your heart, people don't give you this face at all, so what can you do?

So in this matter.

Liu Ning can be said to be extremely sad. If some people can alleviate Liu Ning’s incident, I believe Liu Ning can bring them many benefits, but it is a pity that no one has this ability. In the current situation Everyone actually sees it very clearly. If someone has this ability, then it will be a hell. When Liu Ning attacks the beast, there may be many people doing their own things, but When Liu Ning has achieved certain results, these people will turn their heads over to absorb the fruits.

For their shameless behavior, Liu Ning really didn’t know what to say. After all, in such a situation, others did their best. If you don’t know anything about scoring others, it fully explains. You are extremely selfish, so at this point, some things are difficult to define. If you insist on taking this matter as your own, then I am afraid that this matter will be difficult to say.

So in the current state, trying to prevaricate this matter as much as possible is actually good for everyone. If these people are not convinced, it will be a very bad thing for Liu Ning, so In this case, Liu Ning is actually very clear, if these things are not resolved.

I believe that in the next period of time, many people will not get out of this vicious circle, and they will have their own ideas, that is, Liu Ning has taken advantage of them, but Liu Ning has not taken advantage of them. But these people think so, what can you do?

In this matter, no one can find the evidence between them, and no one can find one of the dividing points. Therefore, in these matters, even if Liu Ning has paid what he deserves, but still Can't solve these things.

Nowadays, everyone can understand the situation. Don’t think that only you think these things are correct. In fact, everyone knows how to do these things. It’s just that no one has pointed them out at this stage. If it is clicked, not only will no good things happen, but there may be many people who will follow them. Don’t think that this is a simple thing. Once it is targeted, it will not be for them. What's the advantage, these human beings will never make mistakes in this matter.