Chapter 1633: opportunity

In addition to such an opportunity, they are now saving a lot of money. If they are on Lao Wang's website, they have to pay hundreds of thousands or even millions of yuan in handling fees every day.

Moreover, the advertising fees are also very high, but it is different now. Now they have saved the money. The reason why it has become like this is because Liu Ning's promotion methods are different.

When Lao Wang’s promoted their shopping website, they had to use money to buy traffic. Liu Ning showed that for a week, young people want to see what’s going on.

So they also downloaded such a shopping website. Many people are not here to buy things. They are here to meet new friends, but then again, you don’t buy things for a day or two. , But don't you buy anything after a long time?

Moreover, Liu Ning’s understanding of human nature is very good. People who buy things are all at the same level. People who do not buy things are not registered. This can represent your wealth. Although Liu Ning knows this is very exaggerated, In fact, he is not optimistic about such a method, but such a method is indeed very effective. After the introduction of this hierarchical system, people who buy things instantly come up.

Many people don't necessarily want to buy things here, but they find that they are on the website, and at the same time they can improve their wealth level. Why don't these people buy things here?

Some people have little money at home.

But there are many friends around them. When those people need things, they use their accounts to buy things for them, which increases their wealth level a lot. Anyway, people in society have their own ways.

As long as you launch a hierarchical system, it's like playing online games. I don't know how many people will pass it up. As long as your wealth level increases, many friends of the opposite **** will contact you.

Of course, this does not mean that everyone worships money very much. It is mainly because of social customs. Money is the core of society. Everything is done around money. Most of what a rich person says is correct.

Even if a person with no money is right, not many people will be happy in the end. This is the real situation of the world now, so raise your wealth level. This is what everyone should do now, too. What everyone wants to do the most, as for success or failure, that is your own business, and it has little to do with other people.

Seeing that their opinions failed, the Lao Wang family immediately started the second method, which was to end from the traffic. Their online mall opened a wide range of red envelopes, thinking that they could bring others back.

But the people of Lao Wang's family did not pay real money. They just raised the price and then paid a lot of red envelopes. In fact, the price of the purchase was about the same as before, and it may even be more expensive.

Liu Ning has long known what kind of routine these people are. In his original era, various websites appeared endlessly. Didn't those people use this method?

So Liu Ning quickly found the drawbacks.

And I tried it myself. It’s better not to use this red envelope. Liu Ning recorded all of his records and posted them on the largest forum. Soon someone followed Liu Ning’s method to test it, and it was true. As Ning said, many people have discovered this secret.

On the surface it seems that you are rewarding everyone, but in fact, you also made a lot of money in it, so the red envelope craze soon fell. Instead of getting what you want, the Lao Wang’s side has let yourself be here. Morale plummeted, and many people threatened that they would never buy anything from them for the rest of their lives because they were not real.

Until this time, the management of Lao Wang's family was panicked. They also knew that this matter was beyond their control and had to be reported to the core children above, if they continued to conceal it.

I am afraid that they will not have any good results in the end. Working for people from the four major families can indeed be proud of themselves. They can even reprimand the guards of the mansion. This is all indifferent. After all, you have made money for their family. , More privileges should be.

But if you do too much, then this matter is not easy to say. For example, the matter in front of you has brought such a big enemy to the family for no reason. Do you think this is correct?

If it is correct, how can this matter be resolved?

If you want to bow your head with Liu Ning, it’s not easy now. Everyone knows that Liu Ning eats soft or hard. When you can’t play hard, it doesn’t matter what your mouth says. what.

No one will take care of you in this matter. You can only eat the consequences for yourself. So now these managements are very worried and don’t know what their final result will be. In the high-level struggle, these people Still feel that I am really too weak.

Liu Ning is naturally very happy. Under the current situation, you can only be blamed on yourself. If you could have a good talk earlier, it would never have happened.

Now it can only be said that you can’t control yourself. As for what you will become in the end, that’s your own business. We will never control it here. So now it can only be over. In the end, we can change. What it looks like is our own business.

So you don’t need to worry about your situation. Who made your family so arrogant and domineering before? If your family can discuss it well before, it may not be able to solve this matter, but you did not hold back. This thing was done too much.

So don't blame us next, we will get everything done. As for the final result, it is your people's affairs. It depends on how you people solve it.

When these things are resolved, everyone will know what to do. Otherwise, no one will know. What you need to do now is up to you. The initiative is still in your body. It depends on how you handle this matter. Pick it up, otherwise this matter won't be so easy, just look at it.