Chapter 1452: loss

Through the observation here, Zhao Wudi also felt another problem. Although Liu Ning is currently making money here, the loss is also very huge. If you can’t bear the loss, I’m afraid this model cannot be promoted. What is the situation of other people.

If you want to do this in this state, it’s impossible for the time being. In addition, it’s the importance of a spiritual teacher. If others want to copy, they must find a spirit. It’s good if you don’t have his back and forth running back and forth.

I'm afraid there is no way to transport these things. There is another problem here, and that is the problem of storage space. If Liu Ning does not have so many supplies, and if there is not so much storage space, these things cannot be transported. Here.

So if you want to replicate Liu Ning's success, if you only learn some furs, it is absolutely impossible, and it is very likely that you will lose a lot in the end. Don't think this is alarmist.

"At the beginning, you pretended to be pitiful and feared that others would copy you here. I specially sent a legal team. My master also helped a lot by registering everything. As a result, I checked it this morning.

I found that even if we don’t register, it’s impossible for others to copy. First, we have to have a spiritual teacher to invest in shares. How many spiritual things can there be in the world? Those who can reach the level of the two of us, maybe the number of people. It's even less. How many shares are appropriate for them?

If you give too much, investors will definitely be unwilling. If you give less, they will be even more uncomfortable in this regard, and they will not do such things. We ourselves are in the process of spiritual construction. Of course, we are very aware of how arrogant we are, it can only be so.

If there is not enough profit, there are certain things we will not do, so these things still cannot be replicated, you don’t need to worry about this at all, and you don’t have that much capacity in terms of storage space. Have this ability. "

When it comes to this matter, Zhao Wudi still feels very curious. He knew that Liu Ning had a lot of storage space, otherwise it would not be possible to trade with Zhou's family, but Zhao Wudi was not a fool.

Everyone has their own secrets. People don’t want to tell you this. If you want to know this, it’s obvious that you’re disregarding your friendship. If you can do that, then I am afraid that others can do the same.

After many years, there are no friends anymore. In today’s world, everyone has some abilities of their own. When they want to do something, others have to look at it. If they can’t see clearly If it does, it’s no good for everyone.

So when this kind of thing happens, it’s best not to do too much. No matter what you’re thinking in your mind, you have to understand these things. It’s okay. If you don’t understand, then I am afraid that you are the one who suffers. It is fine to say a word occasionally. If you insist on telling this matter, then I am afraid it will be nothing good.

Zhao Wudi roughly estimated that the investment here has reached 800 billion yuan, and they continue to spend money every day. There are many people in the world who can come up with this money, but do they dare to invest in this matter?

The amount of money spent every day is still an astronomical figure. Although a lot of ore has been shipped back, compared with the current situation, I am afraid it is still not enough. After all, the price of the ore is there. If you want to pay back, it is unlikely at present.

You have to wait for a certain period of time, and you have to stabilize the mining. If there is no way to stabilize the mining, no matter what you think in your mind, it is very likely that you will lose money in the end. Zhao Wudi and his masters have been there before. Worried about this problem.

I was afraid that these people around me would plagiarize Liu Ning's work results, but now they are silent. There can be no problems with the work results. Just watch them here and there will never be any problems.

"In terms of ore sales, I think it is still possible. I have already shipped the first batch of 5,000 tons with Morgan Group. They are conducting large-scale inspections if they are the same as what they use.

In the future, they will order about 10,000 tons every month. This is the first major customer I have encountered. As for the others, they have not found it yet, so I can only wait slowly. As for It is not easy to say what the final situation is. If it is really able to continue, it will be quite good for me.

I am going to set up a special sales company to let them grab customers from other people. If I can talk about customers by myself, I don’t know when I will talk about them. Now these things have to come slowly. , If the downstream company is established.

This can be regarded as a one-stop service, including refining equipment and the like, but all of these are in my head. It has not been implemented yet, and I have to hope that you can support it. "

Liu Ning already knew the meaning of the above, so when he opened his mouth, he asked for a lot of things. When Liu Ning said he wanted to build a huge group, Zhao Wudi smiled and nodded beside him. This is definitely an opportunity. The resistance between Easterners and Westerners has intensified.

Orientals need such a huge steel group. If Liu Ning can step on this Dongfeng, many people will support it. This will also improve Liu Ning’s social status, no matter what Liu Ning thinks in his head, as long as This thing can be done.

It is a very beneficial thing for everyone. If this thing is not done well, then there is nothing to worry about. How long has it been here, as long as we can do everything well here. Now, some of the next things can pass safely, as to what the final result will be.

At present, everyone hasn't thought about it. Everyone is just thinking about the matter in front of you. As for what it will turn out to be, there is no need to delve into this matter at present, just look at the final result slowly.