Chapter 1379: Difficult to handle

Liu Ning saw this situation after entering. Wang Tingting didn’t have that much cash at all, so this girl put her necklace and watch on it. For this girl, we must do well. Never let others talk about us.

Judging from the current situation, if you don’t hand over the money, I’m afraid it will be difficult for Liu Ning to get out. Wang Tingting understands this very well. This is exactly what Wang Tingting thought of when doing these things. There is no regret at all.

Because she could see that these people were going to play for real this time, and they were trying to make a fortune on Liu Ning's body, so Wang Tingting would never be able to make Liu Ning something, if it was to make Liu Ning something.

I feel that my life is too wrong, so Wang Tingting will help Liu Ning pay the money. It is precisely because of this that Liu Ning helped herself to say these things before she was moved. Liu Ning was already very Moved, but now I can use all my net worth to pay the fine.

Although Wang Tingting brought this matter to Liu Ning, the story comes back again. Many people are ignorant of profit at this time. Since the end of the world, Liu Ning has basically not seen many people with affection.

If these people encounter any problems, they will soon push these problems to other people. Don't expect them to do anything good. But in Wang Tingting, Liu Ning seems to see the love between humans again. , And saw the so-called conscience among human beings, this is the best aspect of the entire society.

It’s a pity that Liu Ning hasn’t seen these people at all. These inspectors are all the dregs of society. In order to get a portion of the money, they can do all kinds of things. I really don’t know them. Where is your conscience?

Even if the little girl took out the necklaces and jewelry, these people were still not ready to let them go. It seemed that they still had to continue to ask for money. Liu Ning really spurned these shameless prosecutors. Are you here to serve the common people like this?

What are written on the signs at the door?

Are all those things fake?

Is it all to fool the people?

If this is the case, you people deserve to lose your job.

"You **** girl, you dare to record a video in this place. You really don't put us people in your eyes. If you let you go out today, then I am afraid that not many people will dare to pay.

They may try to take advantage of it, thinking that we people are all making jokes. If you don't give you a good look today, you really don't know how our brothers do things. "

These guys are also becoming angry now, and their lives are still OK, but the sudden appearance of people like Wang Tingting makes them feel insulted.

The main reason is that some people dared to resist them. This is not a good thing. There were a lot of people in the past, but these people did not dare to say a word to Liu Ning and others, but now the situation is completely different. Yes, people like them dare to record videos now.

And even threatening them with this thing is really bad. If that's the case, then we don’t talk about any rules. If they really let him take this video out, they will definitely have no good fruits. Eat, the Internet is so developed now.

You can put all of these things on the Internet at any time. Once it arouses public outrage, even if their department is very important, the people on the guard house will lose the bureau and protect the handsome. It is absolutely impossible to fire them. If you want to get people like them up.

I am afraid that the government has no way to explain to the people below. It is precisely because of this that these people are really scared in their hearts. They must not let Wang Tingting give this to [新笔趣阁]. Take it out.

Liu Ning doesn't know what to say about Wang Tingting's approach. If the world is reasonable, then all these things you do are okay, but the problem is that the world is not reasonable at all.

You want to reason with these people, but will these people reason with you?

Even if you get their video, what can you do?

Looking at them as they are now, do you expect them to repent?

It's because Wang Tingting is too immature. On her turf, she thought she could threaten these people by relying on these two videos.

They have been in the society for so long, and they don’t know how many people have been extorted. You expect to use such a thing to frighten them, that is really stupid, so Liu Ning knows what the result is at this time. Got to stand up.

Otherwise, this girl will definitely suffer. In this state, how could they let you leave here?

Because the videos in your hands can almost knock them all down the abyss, even if they are fighting against the rules, these people will definitely keep the videos.

What was the result at that time, I’m afraid you can’t think of it yourself. Don’t think that people like them will behave the rules, and don’t think that this is the working organization of the guard house. For them, they can always find some blind spots.

So if you want to do this, then some things have to be carefully weighed. Maybe these people can really kill you, they can do anything.

If you don’t take out this video, at most it will extort some money, and then they will let you go from here, but if you take out this so-called video, it’s not a matter of money. Up.

People like them will never allow you to threaten them in this way. Even if you kill a hundred, they will never let you go out so easily. It is very likely that you will lose your life. In this industry chain Above, people like Wang Tingting are at the bottom of society.

If people like Wang Tingting can really threaten them, how can they make money in the future?

That is absolutely impossible. For people like them, no matter what is in your mind, it is impossible for you to achieve it because you have broken the rules.