Chapter 1120: Mage

"What the **** are you doing?

I know that you are friends with this person, but you also have to understand that you are a magician. Like me, we all belong to the guild of magicians. Is it shameful to be in front of such a person?

Do you want me to lose?

Did you forget the friendship between the two of us?

Is this what you should do as a magician?

As a magician, you must unite outside. Have you forgotten the purpose of the Magician Guild?

What do you mean now?

I was ruined by this guy, don't you know all this?

You know better than I should know. Not only do you not help me when you are here, but you also become friends with this guy. You two will go hunting together in the wild. Do you really think I don't know these things?

If the Wizards’ Guild knew it, what kind of good result do you think you are? "

As soon as the two magicians met, everyone basically saw it. Although both of them were magicians and their rankings in the society were similar, Lin Lei was able to deal with it easily. In addition to being able to deal with this guy, it also I can often support Liu Ning, but Yale’s side is different. Now they have been hit twice. If it hadn’t been for Lin Lei’s mercy, I’m afraid this guy would have died a long time ago. Lin Lei has saved face. In such a battle of life and death, you should have been solved at once, but at this moment it still makes you wake up, but it is a pity that this guy does not have that consciousness, and now he still feels that Lin Lei is doing something wrong, he thinks Li Yinglei should Stand on your side and deal with Liu Ning with all your strength, so that you can end it all easily.

"You don't want to say this thing so grandiosely that I didn't take care of your feelings, so have you taken care of me?

I have warned you again and again. We are all elites among human beings. We should consider the entire human society instead of engaging in selfish fights here. Do you know the result of our fights?

Maybe all of us will lose our names. At that time, how great the loss was to mankind, presumably you know better than me. The two of us are indeed important and precious assets of mankind, but is Liu Ning not a precious asset of mankind?

He has also made a huge contribution to mankind, which is greater than that of you and me. If you don't even understand this, then you really have lived for so many years, and you have always been that selfish person. "

Lin Lei can tell everything clearly in his heart. Even if the struggle between the two is so fierce, he still knows where he should stand. The big interests of human society are above all interests, but now this guy is a little bit The child doesn’t understand, and it’s precisely because of this that Lin Lei has to let this kid understand. No matter what you thought before, now you have to focus on the overall situation. If you can withdraw at this time, the two sides will be revenge. , But it is absolutely impossible. As a result, Yale will avoid Liu Ning in the future. If Liu Ning finds him, it is impossible to single out the entire Wizarding Guild, but Yale is a very proud person, even if he is already If he fell into a disadvantage, he would never retreat at this time, because it was not in line with his character, and he could not afford to lose this person.

Because of Lin Lei's joining, the battle between the two sides was a little bit behind. The two God of War level powerhouses came next to Yale. Liu Ning was injured all over his body, but Liu Ning's eyes were already red. The strong did not get any benefits.

At this moment, a guy also vomited a little blood dipping machine, and the strong vomited blood from the God of War level strong. I am afraid there is only this time in human society. I have never heard of such a person before, although there are Lin Lei The reason for standing next to him, but Liu Ning’s main strength has also been reflected. If he continues to fight, Liu Ning will certainly have no good results, but these two God of War level powerhouses will not get any benefits. Their first fame might be destroyed here, so they also hope that under the interference of their neighbors, this battle will end here. The time is not very long, but the injuries are definitely not small.

Seeing that Liu Ning was going to fight, Lin Lei hurriedly grabbed Liu Ning. Although he didn't say a word, the meaning in his eyes was very obvious. I can stop this fight, but I absolutely can't stand by your side. Yes, the identity was originally fixed there. When Lin Lei joined the Wizards’ Guild, the Wizards’ Guild gave him everything in this world. Of course, some of them were due to his efforts, but most of them belonged to the Wizards’ Guild. Kindness, the Wizards’ Guild is composed of people like them. No matter what kind of ideas they have, the interests of the Wizards’ Guild must be put first, so this must be done. It is best if there is no competition between the two sides. If there is a fight, it cannot be in front of Lin Lei.

"If you are my brother, then you can let me go now. I also know what is in your mind, and I know where you belong, but today you see everything in your eyes. He insulted my wife. If I don’t even care about such things, then I won’t be able to gain a foothold in the rivers and lakes in the future, even if I have a great reputation, no matter how strong my strength is, that At that time no one agreed with me, because I was a coward in front of the Wizards’ Guild. Maybe I could not shake the entire Wizards’ Guild, but I could definitely shake the guy in front of me. I would never allow this guy in front of me to continue in front of me. Show off your power, I must kill this guy today."

Lin Lei and Liu Ning have been friends for a while, but Lin Lei has never seen Liu Ning before, so powerful, and his eyes are a little red. This is caused by hatred. Lei Lei is also a man, although he is still I’m not married, but I also know what the relationship is between men and women. If you really kill your eyes, this guy at Yale will have a hard time getting past. Lin Lei will probably help Yale in turn at that time. There is no way. Let Liu Ning kill Yale, and you cannot let Yale kill Liu Ning. This is Lin Lei’s current dilemma, so this guy really hates himself a bit. If he knew this situation, he would not come out. It seems that Liu Ning can support it. Going down, of course he was kind, and he was also afraid that Liu Ning would have an accident in this state.