Chapter 588: Check monitoring

All the monitoring has been checked, except for the one that was missing for just one hour. According to Liu Ning’s inference, the yellow car should have entered during that time period, and the other party deleted the monitoring at the gate. It is enough to show that the opponent's strength is strong, which is not something that a small squad leader can do.

It has already happened. You don't need to look at me like this. You can't cover this matter. Even I dare not lean up. Do you know who that young man is? It is the grandson of our Commander King, and he is the only grandson. The person in the car is actually following Young Master Wang. I am afraid that you also understand the seriousness of this matter. Tell all you know about it, and don’t hide anything. It's about your lives. "

Fatty Wu said to the remaining soldiers that these people must know the seriousness of the matter at this time, otherwise these guys will not explain it.

Reporting officer, we absolutely explained everything. The surveillance on our side just now has not been destroyed. Just come and see. All of us are standing guard outside. Only the squad leader said that there was something to go back, so he went in, as if It was about seven or eight minutes after Master Wang arrived. The monitor received a call. I saw that the monitor’s face was unsightly. Then the monitor entered the room. Then we heard the gunshots. The rest is what everyone sees. That's..."

Similar things have happened in the army before, so these soldiers dare not hide them. They also know that such things involve high-level secrets. Many people have lost their lives in such secrets. They don’t want to become victims. So I told everything I knew.

After listening to this guy, Fatty Wu ran over immediately, which made it hard for others to imagine. This was a fat man's speed. Fatty Wu took the monitor of the squad leader's smart device. When he was about to open it, he found that it was blank. , This guy is also very routine in doing things, leaving no news for these people, nothing.

Immediately notify the people in the Communications Section to investigate the previous call records of your monitor. Anyone involved must report it to me. I want the original record. "

Any communication in the army is recorded, so this clue has not been broken.

Although the surveillance has been deleted, the yellow car should have entered from here. I will tell you the truth. Answer me honestly. I can still save your lives. If you don’t say anything, it will be a What? In the end, you also know very well that it is normal for a few people in the army to die. Just think about your family members..."

Fatty Wu said to these guards, since it has been determined that they entered through this door just now, they have at least checked the documents of those people. Even if they can't be used as evidence, they can provide them with a clue.

Fatty Wu said by staring at the deputy squad leader, the squad leader is dead, so this time he can only ask you.

If you have a choice, the deputy squad leader can’t wait to find a hole to drill down. He doesn’t want to get involved in such a thing, but Fatty Wu stares at him, and there is Young Master Wang next to him. This is not something you can hide if you want to. Understand.

Well... those people are from the reconnaissance camp..."

In just a few words, this guy seemed to have exhausted all his strength. After speaking, this guy only felt his calf muscles turn.

This also verified Liu Ning’s idea that he could not find them using the system. It can only show that they are members of the army, and only the scouts in the army have such capabilities. If you replace them with investigators in society , Liu Ning was able to catch them long ago.

Hearing that they were from the reconnaissance battalion, Fatty Wu understood that there were three division-level units in the Chengbei Military Region, but only one infantry division was equipped with a reconnaissance battalion.

Fatty Wu sighed in his heart, I'm afraid this matter is not easy to handle, this is Zhao Erhu's person.

When Fatty Wu said the name, Wang Jun's heart also slammed, this guy is not too easy to provoke.

There is a rumor in the army in this city that there are two tigers in this city. One is Wang Jun's father, Wanghuo, in the south of the city, and the other is Zhao Erhu in the north of the city. This guy is an evil tiger in the north of the city.

Both of them are very famous, but their behavior is very different. Wang Jun’s father was sent by everyone, he did a lot of good things, and saved many people. This Zhao Erhu is different. Now, the reason why Zhao Erhu is famous is purely because this guy is so conscientious and does no evil.

This guy used to have a very awesome thing, that is, he was eating empty pay. His infantry division should have 18,000 soldiers, but only 8,000 soldiers were found during the inspection above, and the remaining more than 10,000 were empty. , So this guy is also called the empty general.

Of course, this guy was not in this base city at that time, but in other base cities. If such a crime was committed in this base city, Mr. Wang would not be able to rub the sand in his eyes. He would have given this guy a long time ago. Disposed of.

Liu Ning doesn't quite understand this matter. Is there another force under the jurisdiction of Mr. Wang?

Looking at Liu Ning’s eyes, Wang Jun knew that Liu Ning didn’t quite understand, so he explained the matter to Liu Ning. In fact, in this city, in addition to the strength of Mr. Wang, this Zhao Erhu represents something else. A force, this force is against the old man Wang, they directly take orders from the Central Base City.

According to the army’s management regulations, Zhao Erhu’s actions should have been dismissed long ago, but this guy has someone in Central Base City, and he has already reached the position of major general. This is a position that Elder Wang cannot take away. If Wang If the old man wants to remove Zhao Erhu, he must have the order of the Central Base City, so this guy is also very rampant.

Go and prepare. I'll call my grandfather, take the manpower, and let's go to the division reconnaissance camp. "

Wang Jun thought for a while and said, since this matter has already been up for its sake, if you just retreat, not only Wang Jun’s people will be lost, but the entire Wang family will be lost. This involves the city. The confrontation between the two big hills, so at this time, it is absolutely impossible to retreat. Many soldiers below are watching here. They cannot fall into the majesty of Grandpa. If the majesty is lost, the hearts of the people will be scattered.