Chapter 456: Use poison

Liu Ning patted his head at this time, was he blinded by their bullets? When I was out of the city, I knew how to use poison. Now these people are within their own range. Of course, they have to use poison to deal with them.


what happened? Why am I so sad..."

Liu Ning did not raise his head to look out, only heard the sound from outside, these guys outside had been poisoned by Liu Ning, so these people all felt very sad, but they didn't know. what reason.

How is this going? Look at my hands as if they are poisoned. Are these guns poisonous? Is that gang trying to harm us? "

One of the guys opened his gloves, and there were small green spots on the back of his hand. He felt an abnormal itching, so he grabbed it hard, and soon the whole hand was bloody.

Liu Ning watched carefully at this time. When the beast was poisoned outside, it seemed that the skin of the beast had not changed. That is because the skin of the beast was relatively rough, so even if there were changes, Liu Ning would be unsightly. from.

But human skin is relatively tender. Various reactions have appeared on these people’s skins, and some even have small holes three centimeters in diameter. At first glance, they are caused by toxins. The blood is all black.

Some people still have green pus spots on their bodies. They also understand at this time. It turns out that there is a poison master nearby. If they had known it this way, they would not dare to come here. It was purely a kind of The act of seeking death, the poison master, if you want to kill people, no one can find them. It is very likely that the beggar next to him is a poison master.

The leader is stronger, so this guy is a while later than others. After 20 seconds, this guy is about to reprimand his subordinates, but suddenly feels that he can't stand up.

This guy didn't feel anything before, but now he feels that the sky is sinking, and he has no strength in his legs, and there are some red dots on his hands. This is the same as everyone else. It must be Something happened.

What exactly is going on? Is there a poison master nearby? But Poison Masters are so rare. If they weren't Poison Masters, it would be Old White. This guy wanted to cut the grass and roots, even we would kill. "

The people outside were extremely tragic. Liu Ning didn’t know what it was like when these poisons acted on people, but Liu Ning knew that he had remembered the name Old White, and Liu Ning didn’t bother to look out the window because it was outside. These people must be out of help. Liu Ning felt like vomiting just because of the smell coming in. If he saw people, he would definitely throw up the food.

There was no sound outside. These people were able to crawl on the ground just now, but now they don’t even have the strength to climb. Even many people’s bones are broken, leaving only a fleshy skin on the outside. These people are not simple. All of the people were above the fighter level, but under Liu Ning's poison attack, they couldn't hold on for even a minute.

Liu Ning also wanted to stay alive, and he might be able to ask something, but Liu Ning only knew about poisoning, but there was no way to recover these toxins, so he could only let these people die.

There was the sound of a police car coming from outside. The people from the patrol station are only late to arrive. In fact, they have arrived in the next block just now, but they only have weapons such as pistols, and there is no way to fight these people. , So they can only stay where they are, and when they can't hear the gunshots from here, they come from the side, and the people in the inspection station can do this too.

Do not move all, stay in your own garden, pull up a cordon within 20 meters of the surrounding area, and don't let anyone come over, these corpses can't be touched, haven't you seen the liquid next to them? This is already poisoned, if you don't want to die, stay away from these liquids. "

A person in the inspection station is very knowledgeable and knows how these people died, so let other people stand behind first. If you rashly touch these liquids, you might endanger your life.

Liu Ning heard a lot of vomiting sounds, and the people in the transportation control office were well-informed, but the smell outside was so unpleasant, so basically they couldn’t stand it. At the beginning, they could hold it back, but then some people's skin broke and some blood came out directly from it, and the whole person was just like human skin, so they really couldn't hold on.

Although these people are still wearing combat uniforms, they are also very valuable things, but no one thinks that those things are valuable. Even if they are worth tens of millions, they don’t want them. They are already stained with so many toxins. I don't know how long it will take to clean it up. If there is any more residue, I am afraid I will have to follow suit.

It's dying. It's really hard to breathe inside. When you pushed me in just now, I felt that the end of the world was coming. Master, you would really find a place. "

Zhao Lele was finally released. Just now I was nervous. Liu Ning directly pushed the girl into the box. The box was airtight. If Zhao Lele had better lung capacity, he might have really suffered some harm.

Is there a poison master here? How can I not remember that there is such a person around. "

Zhao Lele has also seen this situation, so he is not unfamiliar with the outside situation, but Zhao Lele's endurance is relatively high, and he did not vomit like these people.

Seeing the expression on Zhao Lele's face, Liu Ning knew that Zhao Lele had a prejudice against this profession. If this profession played well, it could also bring some harm to the beast. Unfortunately, the common people did not approve of this profession.

Liu Ning now prefers this profession. Even if he came out to apply for the job in the situation just now, could he be able to avoid it in the face of so many machine guns? Of course it is impossible. If a poison master is here, there is no need to show up. All of these people have fallen on the ground one by one, but the final situation is somewhat unbearable.

Don't move you, don't move, you just lie on your stomach, the captain, come here, there is a living disgusting me..."

A patrol member yelled loudly, Liu Ning's eyes lit up, and there was still life...