After the demons were destroyed, the western regions were left with only the most powerful races but the golden fairyland of Taiyi.

After the powerful night owls opened their mouths, the only ten remaining races in the western regions formed the alliance of the western regions to fight against the mysterious race together.

Among them, as the leader of the western regions alliance, the owls have the right to give orders to the other nine races.

Although discontented in the heart, but because of the power of the owl clan, these races can only choose to accept silently.

The forest of demon clan, which was once covered with luxuriant vegetation, turned into nothingness under the fire of the empress. Today, the forest of demon clan is no longer as lush as ever.

Instead, there was a piece of burnt black land, and some black dead wood.

Once the demon clan hall, now has become a scorched black.

"When are we going to invade the territory

There was a bleak voice in the demon clan hall.

A moment later, another voice with dignity sounded: "no hurry, it's just some mole ants. If you want to kill them, you can kill them at any time. The urgent task now is to build the transmission array."

"Commander in chief, the transmission array still lacks some flesh and blood essence. If you kill those races, the number should be enough."

The previous voice rings again.

Now there are dozens of figures standing in the dark in the demon clan hall.

The whole body exudes a chilling and chilly breath, with a strong murderous and evil spirit.

"In this case, kill those creatures. As the vanguard of the demon world, we will naturally complete the task of transmitting array."

Sitting on the position of the head of the demon family, the big black shadow, spits out cold and indifferent words.



Dozens of figures in the hall all kneel on one knee and respond loudly.

Then dozens of figures disappeared and disappeared.

If there are strong people here, we can see that the strength of these black shadows has reached the level of Taiyi golden fairyland at least, and the black shadow sitting on the position of the head of the demon clan has reached the level of the later stage of daraojin fairyland.

This kind of strength has been equal to the most powerful in the holy world. These people from the demon world have strong strength.

And with such strength, they are only the vanguard of the demon world, and they come to the holy world just to establish a transmission array.

As for the strength of the demon world behind them, I'm afraid it will exceed the imagination of the holy world creatures.

A great crisis is unknowingly covering the holy world.

In the desert of the western regions, after the ten races decided to form an alliance, they moved their entire races here.

At this time, the first meeting of the western regions alliance was being held.

The night owl Ming is in the top position. Behind him are three ancestors of the owl clan. The strongest power is only one step away from the great Luojin fairyland. The strength of the other two is only slightly weaker than that of the night owl.

Below sat two rows of old men with white hair. These are the ancestors of the other nine ethnic groups. Their strength is also the golden fairyland of Taiyi.

"Today we call you here to announce the first decision of our western regions alliance."

The owl glanced at all the people in the scene with a smile in his mouth.

Everyone looked at the owl, waiting for his next words.

"After our investigation of the owls, it is found that those mysterious races are not the creatures of the holy world, and there has never been such a race in the holy world!"

"What's more, they built a big array in the depths of the demon clan forest. We don't know the purpose of this array, but all the extinct races have been put into the array and become a white bone."

Speaking of these things, the owl's tone also has a trace of panic that is hard to hide.

According to the people, if he had not left before the other party found out on that day, he would have been left there because of his strength.

And that clansman is one of the ancestors standing behind the night owl at this time, and its strength has reached the middle stage of Taiyi golden fairyland.

It is hard to imagine the strength of the mysterious race to what extent, even the two soldiers guarding the formation of the other side can not cope with such strength.

After hearing the words of owl Ming, the faces of other races on the scene changed, including those ancestors whose strength reached the golden fairyland of Taiyi.

Someone asked, "chief of the owl clan, have you found out the strength of each other

"I don't know, but I still feel palpitation when facing the soldiers who guard the formation with the strength of Tai Yi Jin fairyland, the ancestor of the owl clan. I'm afraid the strength of the other party is beyond our imagination."

The owl frowned slightly and said solemnly.

When I want to open my mouth, I feel strong.

Not only this breath, but also more than ten!

More than ten strong men of Taiyi golden fairyland come here!"Enemy attack!"

The night owl's face changed greatly, his eyes were dignified and he exclaimed.

All the creatures on the scene changed their faces when they heard the words, and they were on guard one by one.

Just a few days later, the western regions alliance hall was punched a hole with one hand, and the top of the hall was almost overturned.

"So you ants are hiding here, but it's easy for us to find."

Cold words came from the mouth of the dark figure.

With cat and mouse banter and rich disdain.

The night owl's face slightly changed, looking at the sky dozens of Taiyi golden fairyland strong figure, the heart filled with bursts of despair.

"Ants, sacrifice your lives for the arrival of our demon Kingdom army! Ha ha ha

The black shadow's voice was frantic, and his voice was full of disdain. He did not put the ten golden fairylands under his feet in his eyes.

With a wave of his big hand, dozens of figures behind him swooped down like goshawks.

"War! For our people, for the western regions! "

In the hall, someone began to shout.

However, no matter how he yelled, he could not change the huge gap between the two sides in the number of Taiyi golden fairyland.

Dozens of dark shadows of Taiyi golden fairyland, with the knife in hand, one by one, the creatures in the golden fairyland and Xuanxian land fell into the pool of blood silently.

Watching their own people fall one by one, the faces of the dozens of Taiyi golden fairyland ancestors have changed greatly.

His eyes were filled with anger, which seemed to engulf all the shadows in front of him.

But because they were entangled in the shadow, they could not spare their hands to deal with those who were slaughtering their clansmen.

"Who the hell are you?"

Night owl Ming will his opponent a slap back, looking at the other side's solemn tone asked.

"Who are we?" the shadow sneered? You are not qualified to know! "


With that, the figure turned into black fog. , the fastest update of the webnovel!