Chang Jing continued: "Your disciple is extremely cunning. He went out of here and changed into his usual clothes. Sometimes it's like a rich young master, sometimes it's like a gentleman in a suit. No wonder you couldn't find him anywhere in the city. Because as you walk in the opposite direction, you wouldn't even think of him. "

Ru Feng said: "What you said is correct. The Fourth Master had saved him from the convent, but had not recognized him. At that time, he was forced to the middle of the pillar with a sword, and could not escape. It was Pu Xian who killed off the spy and let him go. "

Abbess heard and said, "How dangerous is this?! Your disciple only knows that he is bold and dares to charge in. He is here, and I have taught him many times. Why don't you control him when he's running around? " Ru Feng recounted the grievances between him and Yuan Ming once again. When the Abbess heard this, he finally knew the truth.

Ru Feng passed his gift to Abbess, and told her the message Fa Ming had brought from Shandong. When the Abbess heard that the Pure Jade Abbess was still here, he was so excited that he cried tears. Ru Feng took his leave. The Abbess tried to urge him to stay. Ru Feng was helpless, and ate a meal before returning to State Protecting Temple.

Ru Feng returned to the temple and told everyone what the Abbess told him.

"Yuan Ming may not have been able to find the treasure, but he singlehandedly broke into the mosque and killed Ma Li and put his gold and silver in there. He is worthy of being someone who walked out of our State Protecting Temple. He has kindness and righteousness, valor and courage, and is a good man. "

Fa Ming said: "This excludes the relationship between Yuan Ming and the treasure. From today onwards, we will keep an eye on the movement of Japanese spies, find the place where Guo Chengliang is being held, and rescue him. That way, we'll be able to recover our treasures. "

Everyone analyzed the place where Guo Chengliang was being held. Ru Feng said: "Guo Chengliang is not an ordinary prisoner. He must be under house arrest somewhere. If he is still in Beijing, it will not be difficult to find him. If Yuan Shikai secretly got him out of Beijing and sent him to another place, it would not be difficult to find him. "

"Because there are people with Revolutionary Party everywhere in the capital. He wanted Ru Feng to make an outstanding effort to contact them and find Guo Chengliang's whereabouts. The others continued to keep an eye on the monasteries and the activities of the subterfuge. This way, we can have the confidence to retrieve the treasure. "

After a moment's deliberation, they split up the next day. For several days in a row, Ruifeng did not find Guo Chengliang's whereabouts. 4 The little man visited the hemp-bag shop and found it empty. He visited the monastery and found it empty too. Without a special agent and Guo Chengliang's whereabouts, everyone in the temple was at a loss.

On this day, Master Fang gathered more people to discuss how to find Guo Chengliang and analyze the reason why the spy was not active.

Pu Xian said: "I did not expect that those spies would not leave Beijing. They must be lurking in the shadows. Even though we didn't see their movements, they were still secretly searching for treasures. They would not easily give up their pursuit for treasures. The Temple of Repatriation was also monitoring the activities of the secret service. They might know something about the secret service. We met at the monastery that night with Fahrenheit, he said. Like us, they will try to destroy some of our secret hideouts. Don't think they didn't tell us. Fa Hai and the others still did not know that the spy was looking for Guo Chengliang to look for the treasure. I would like to go to the Temple of Repatriation and ask Fa Hai about it. "

Fa Ming said, "Yuan Shikai doesn't trust anyone very much right now, so he can't possibly send Guo Chengliang to another place. Don't look at it too many times, we couldn't find Guo Chengliang's location, and he also didn't go out in the capital. We're still looking around the city. I have searched through the forbidden grounds of the Yuan Shikai and his son, and I believe that I will definitely find him. "

He immediately agreed with them and said: "Don't be discouraged, Ru Feng, continue searching for Guo Chengliang. My prediction was exactly as Fa Ming said. On the Secret Service: The Temple of State is closer to mosques and monasteries than we are. It was possible that Fahai and the others would know the activities of the agents. The southern part of the city was flourishing with all sorts of information. I reckon that the place where Ru Feng and Yijie heard about the so-called 'Miss' from the night at the Ma Bao store might be under the surveillance of the National Reporting Monastery people. It was necessary to go there. I hope Pu Xian can bring back good news. " Pu Xian immediately took his leave and went to the National Reporting Temple.

The little Taoist came back from the city and said, "The guard battalion has a new battalion commander. His surname is also Guo. As soon as he arrived the day before yesterday, at night, he brought people to capture two special agents wearing green masks. After being interrogated, the special agent came to inquire about the place where Guo Chengliang was being held. The new Battalion Commander was at the house discussing work with the Deputy Xu. At this time, Weidong was leading a patrol and found traces of spies. He saw the agent hiding in the air, pretended not to know, and went in to report to the battalion commander. The new Battalion Commander had surrounded the Special Agent with his men, and they were all captured alive on the spot. The Guardian Office also caught a spy. The Secret Service had sent two of their men and one of them had run away. They also stabbed two policemen. It was the police who shot and injured the agent. After being interrogated, the special agent also went to find out the whereabouts of Guo Chengliang. "

When everyone heard this, they were shocked. Fang Shen said, "Pu Xian's estimation just now was correct. The spies were indeed operating in the dark. Where are they hiding? "

Fa Ming said: "I think that these special agents are not from the monastery. They were another group of hidden agents. We haven't seen them yet. On my way back, I once went to a restaurant for dinner, and there were some old gentlemen in the house talking about current affairs. They said that the Japanese were secretly helping Yuan Shikai overthrow the Republic of China in order to rebuild the feudal empire. As a result, Japan had sent many agents to China. Japan actually wants to monopolize and exterminate China. "According to the analysis of the news, there must be more Japanese spies in Beijing than just the abbey, the gunny sack shop and the Guandi Temple."

Ru Feng also said: "At this stage, we have been keeping an eye on the monastery. Yama Takashi definitely did not come back either. To be able to send out spies and scout out two government agencies overnight showed that this hidden spy den was not small. We need to find this spy den as soon as possible and see who's leading them. "

"It's also easy to understand this new spy den," Fang said. Tomorrow, let the little Taoist go into the guard camp and find out where the special agent came from. There's no way the guard battalion wouldn't admit the agents they caught that night. "

The little Daoist said, "My martial sister knows that the Japanese spies is targeting my senior brother. She is very worried about senior brother's safety. My sister-in-law wept and told me. Originally, Yuan Shikai sent someone to deceive my martial sister, saying that my senior brother would be released and reinstated. "Now that there is a new Battalion Commander here, there is no hope for Martial Aunt."

"Don't worry, you have to comfort your sister-in-law. If the government doesn't release him, we won't let your senior brother fall into the hands of the Japanese. Right now, the news about your senior brother is very tight outside, and Japanese spies activities are rampant. Yuan Shikai not releasing him is actually good for your senior brother. "

At this moment, Yan Gang and Ming Dong came back to investigate. See Yan said: "We are in Tsinghua Garden, listening to those students in the gown say: Yuan Shikai is a traitor. He has signed a private agreement with Japan to sell his country. Japan wants to use Yuan Shikai to monopolize China and destroy China... In front of the Summer Palace again, we saw the little boy. He was leading a new group of Englishmen, and he was preaching the same thing. Schools, playgrounds, parks, streets, shops. They go everywhere, where there are people. "The little boy is going to expose Japan's crimes in China, and he's going to make Japan very famous.

I saw those students talking in a low voice, a little scared and scared. Shorty was still afraid of speaking softly to the iron horn. He said, 'Ladies and gentlemen of China, students, people, friends: the Japanese Empire plotted to destroy your China, to enslave your nation. Japan is determined to overthrow your new Republic of China. They wanted to help Yuan Shikai rebuild a feudal empire under Japanese rule. The Japanese special agent Inoue Shizuo and the Japanese minister Hioki have secretly colluded with the entire Sectarian Party to abduct and force your President General. They have already signed five types and twenty-one secret treaties with them. Your actual sovereignty will be in the hands of the Japanese Empire. You are all going to be Japanese slaves.

Japan is only waiting for the Chinese Empire to be completed, for the treaty to enter into force, to accept your rights and monopolize your country. If you do not rise up against Japan, your country will die and your people will be under Japanese rule.

Our British Empire is your reliable friend. You must ally with us, defeat Japan, and not let their plot succeed. '…

The little man was still worried that he might not be able to say what he wanted to say, so he wrote it down in a book and read it every time he went there. The little man was tired of talking, and Lally and Rigaud had changed shifts with him. and exposed all the heinous crimes that Japan has committed in China these past few years. " This is: the master of the wishful slave, the guest of the anti-host spirit. Later on, it was not Li Dazhao, and it was difficult for the students to speak loudly.