It just so happened that in Europe, in August and September of last year, Germany joined the Austrian states in their invasion of Serbia. Serbia and Deo, each with a accomplice in the war. Unexpectedly, there was a huge battle. The sound of the cannon was getting louder and louder, the blood flow was getting farther and farther away, and the battlefield was getting bigger and bigger. Germany is no longer able to take into account its vested interests in China as two military conglomerates are fighting in Europe to the bitter end.

Japan took advantage of this opportunity to declare war on Germany in anticipation of its demise. Therefore, Japan did not say anything to China and directly sent troops to invade China. Japan sent out a large number of naval troops to attack the German forces stationed in Qingdao. The German army, accustomed to being free and unguarded in Qingdao, was forced to retreat in a panic. Within a few days, the Japanese army had taken over half of Qingdao. The main German army was driven to the Lau Shan area to put up a resistance. There were also a number of German troops stationed in Lausanne Bay, who rushed to reinforce the German army in the Gulf of Jiaozhou. The combined German forces were now in a stalemate with the Japanese.

The German commander, while commanding the operation, telegraphed for help at home. The German government was unable to send its troops and kept dragging it out. Seeing that there was no hope of rescue, the Qingdao Germans had to first offer a negotiated peace to Japan. The Japanese and German armies then went to an armistice in Qingdao to discuss how to divide Qingdao. The Japanese troops refused to accept the conditions offered by the Germans and demanded that they surrender to them. The Germans would not surrender so easily and give up their wealth. There was a pure German army in the German army.

This army was barbaric and strong in combat. Not only did they not surrender, they even took advantage of the unprepared Japanese and suddenly counterattacked the Japanese. They still wanted to defeat the Japanese army and take back the entire Qingdao, which was the reason for this war. The casualties of the Japanese and German armies were more or less unknown. Only the people of China had been caught up in the fighting, and the people had been killed in the fire. The buildings and buildings that had been destroyed by gunfire from both sides were now in a state of disarray. The Chinese women and children, who were homeless because of the war, were crying and wailing endlessly.

The Taiqing Palace was located on the summit of Lau Mountain, a luxurious ancient building that had become the headquarters of the German army. All the families in the temple were driven down the mountain. Hua Chunfeng and Yuan Ming led everyone around in search of escape from the flames of war. Unexpectedly, the German Army and the Japanese Army had sealed off the entire area. Hua Chunfeng and Yuan Ming were helpless. The two of them wanted to lead the crowd through the Japanese army's blockade to the mainland to avoid the flames of war. They broke through at night and were caught by the Japanese as spies for the Germans. The Japanese were like wild beasts. It was undeniable that they had all been killed with bayonets. Yuan Ming, Hua Chunfeng, and the rest were at the foot of the mountain. Their corpses were in a horrible condition. At Qingdao, the two armies were in a dispute with each other over the victory of the monk with copper heads and the monk with iron heads. The two of them were not allowed to go near Lao Shan, so they did not know that Yuan Ming had died.

After the Steel Head Monk finished narrating what had happened, he comforted Fa Ming, "Master, do not be anxious. As long as he is here, we can definitely bring him here. " The Copper Monk had many thoughts in his mind. He analyzed, "I heard that all the families in Supreme Purity Palace died in the fires of war. I estimate that Yuan Mingsheng's chances are very small. Japanese soldiers are there to massacre the Chinese they will kill in cars and throw them into the sea. "

Fa Ming said, "In the Russo-Russian War of 1905, so many of our people from the Northeast died tragically. There were countless houses, buildings, and livestock damaged by the war. At the time, people were cursing the Qing government for being incompetent. Now that he was a Republic of China, what was the result? It is still up to the imperialists to slaughter the Chinese people and do whatever they want in our land. What does a government like this want it for! " Si Kong said: "We need to establish a strong country, a government that can protect Li Shu and expel the barbarians."

Fa Ming continued: "These traitors under Yuan Shikai's lead are more than capable of being brutal on the inside, and have surrendered to outsiders. There was really no hope. The Japanese occupied the Liaodong in the north, Taiwan in the south, Fujian in the middle and Shandong in the middle. They clearly want to nibble away at our China. On the other hand, traitors like Yuan Shikai were still colluding with Japan and colluding with them. "He really recognizes thieves as his father!" The Si Kong said: "I hope that Cai Songpo will succeed in his great cause soon, and sweep through the entire country, overthrow the Yuan Shikai Selling the country's government, and rebuild a strong country."

Fa Ming was extremely furious, and said: "Qing Qing left behind such a grievance, the jackal has entered the nation. There were demonic dances everywhere, wantonly killing people. In the face of such a miserable scene, the pain cut through the hearts of the nation. What day does China have? Who will save Li Min? "

At this moment, the deacon had brought the small box that he had cleaned out of the rubble when he arrived at the top of the palace. The deacon monk said to Si Kong: "Elder, I have already washed this small box clean. So it turned out to be so exquisite and beautiful. Ever since I saw it that day, I've always wanted to see what was inside. Is it the sariras, or the buddhist beads. " Si Kong caught it and said, "Ever since that day at the top of the collapsing palace, I have been suffering from continuous illnesses. I forgot it because I was upset, and now I am playing with it. " The Si Kong invited Fa Ming again, "friend, stop reciting poems that are sentimental, quickly come and look at the treasures, to relieve the anger in your chest." After Si Kong finished, he sat in front of the Eight Immortals Table with the Treasure Chest in his hand.

Fa Ming also went over to take a look, and was immediately shocked. Seeing the small box was no different from seeing the Treasure Chest that was filled with the "International purple-white plate". It was even clearer and brighter than that. Fa Ming sat down and read again. The patterns, carvings, Yin and Yang, the Seven Stars Lock, all seemed to be the same as the previous one. Fa Ming was surprised: "Clan elder, we are really lucky, what is in here is our national treasure!" When everyone heard the word "national treasure", they immediately came to watch. Seeing Fa Ming smile happily. Everyone was also happy as they said, "Let's see what kind of national treasure it is!"

Si Kong looked at the box and said, "This thing is flawless. I've never seen anything so delicate in my life. I can't even find the mechanism to open it. "

Si Kong pushed the Treasure Chest towards Fa Ming and said, "friend is very knowledgeable, open it."

Fa Ming picked up the Treasure Chest and said: "I won't hide it from everyone, our temple lost a similar Treasure Chest, and inside it is our national treasure, the" International purple-white plate ". The Treasure Chest and their treasures were unfortunately plotted against by the thieves and were stolen away at night.

Monk Yuan Ming went to chase after the thief overnight. He had yet to return. At this point, I was ordered by our Lord State Protecting Temple to come out and search for Yuan Ming. The goal is to find out the whereabouts of the treasure. "

When everyone heard this, they were shocked and confused. They all asked: "How can State Protecting Temple have such a treasure? Who stole it? Could it be that Yuan Ming has been chasing after the thieves all this time and has come to Shandong again? "

Fa Ming replied, "State Protecting Temple did not possess such a treasure in the first place. In order to restore the Peerless Emperor, Yuan Shikai did not hesitate to betray everything. He gave that treasure to the Japanese envoy Inoue Shizuo in exchange for bribing the Japanese envoy in order to restore him to the status of emperor. It was the Monk Ru Feng from Mount Song, who happened to visit Yuan Mansion and eavesdrop on the secret. Master Ru Feng then plotted to plunder the treasure from Yuan Shikai's hands. He turned the treasure around and brought it to his State Protecting Temple. That treasure had originally been worshipped in the palace, and generations of emperors had treasured it. It is very precious. "

Fa Ming continued, "The moment the news of the looted treasure from Yuan Shikai's hands spread out. Some foreigners were trying to get their hands on the treasure, and the Japanese and British were the ones who were after it the most. They had all tried every possible means to find the whereabouts of Master Ru Feng in order to obtain the treasures from him. Ru Feng looted the treasure and hid it inside his Leisure Temple. Not long after, he was discovered by the Japanese. The Japanese entered in the dark night, dozens of men and women wanting to capture Master Ru Feng. Master Ru Feng immediately escaped to our State Protecting Temple through the night. Not long after, the British Church's Buddhist Monk McCreary found out that Ru Feng was hiding in State Protecting Temple. He had his eyes on Master Ru Feng. At that time, our State Protecting Temple people did not detect the thieves in the slightest. That night we were sitting around the crowd in the Master Fang's Zen hall, enjoying the sight of the treasure under the lamplight. Then the monk, with a sharp knife in his hand and incense in his hand, went to investigate and prepare to steal the treasure. He reached into the yard and saw us sitting around the lamp, looking at the treasure. He killed two of our monks outside to make peace. Then, he sneaked into the house, and while we were unprepared, he used incense to lure all of us into stealing away the treasure along with the Treasure Chest. Yuan Ming, who lived in the back room, came to the abbot's Zen Hall to look for candles and witnessed some of the thieves' crimes. He went after the thieves at all costs. "

The bald monk was angered and said, "These foreign devils are truly hateful! How dare you kill and steal treasures in our country! "Then what happened?" Fa Ming said: "Later on, the culprit was killed on the way back to the church. It was unknown who killed him and took the treasure. We all suspected that Yuan Ming killed the thieves and obtained the treasure. "Now that Yuan Ming cannot be found, it will be very difficult to find out what is going on."

The bald monk said, "I don't think that Yang monk was killed by Yuan Ming. He must have died at the hands of us Chinese. The treasure is naturally still in the hands of us Chinese, and it will never fall into the hands of foreigners. " Fa Ming laughed: "I hope it's like you said. No matter which Chinese has the treasure, it is still our treasure. "

When Si Kong heard that there was another Treasure Chest, he pointed at the one in front of him and said, "This treasure and that treasure must be a complete set. Only when they are combined can there be any meaning." Fa Ming nodded: "What elder said is correct. It is very significant that they come together and are in tacit agreement with all sides of the country. When I was looking at that half of it with my State Protecting Temple, I wished that I could see that half of it. I saw it so soon. This treasure is fated to be mine! I would be honored to do so in my lifetime! "

The Si Kong raised his hand again and said, "That day, when the High Monk came, the roof of the palace suddenly collapsed. It didn't hurt, so it's hard to say if it wasn't heaven's will. It was time for the treasures to appear. I thought that once the main beam broke, the Lord's life would end. I think so. The sudden appearance of this treasure must be a good omen, as it symbolizes the prosperity of our country. Once the treasure set appeared, it meant that China's people and lands would be stable. Expulsion and recovery wouldn't be too far away. This is great! "Great!"

Fa Ming had originally not only listened to Si Kong's explanation, but also felt joy in his heart. Fa Ming said: "Elder's explanation is reasonable. "So it seems that our country is going to have a group of great saviors?"

Si Kong said: "Exactly!" He counted with his fingers and said, "This group of great men is about to be born."

When everyone heard this, they were overjoyed. Hearing it as if it was real, Fa Ming laughed again: "How did elder figure it out?" Si Kong also laughed, and then, using the logic of Zhou Tian Bu Yi, he began to talk again. Hearing this, everyone burst into laughter and laughter. They were overjoyed.