The five of them were doing their job in the Boxer Kingdom and received a lot of attention. Li Zhaoao, Dongliang, Gao Liangbo, both of whom had good martial arts skills and were responsible for training the soldiers in the Boxer group.

Li Huayi and Li Zhaoyi were the descendants of the Li family. The two of them had excellent medical skills and worked as doctors in the Righteous Peace Corps. The five of them were all prominent figures in the group, they had worked hard to save the country, and they were not afraid to sacrifice themselves.

At that time, the five of them were gathering troops at the Tri-Yi Temple. Drinking together on the Dragon Boat Festival, the five of them talked about their bros' friendship, and all of them felt that no one could compare to them. They all wanted to develop their friendship from generation to generation.

In the midst of his happiness, Gao Liangbo said: "Legend has it that the ancients were friendly and often married at the same time. We might as well emulate the ancients. Now, my two sister-in-law and my wife are in their sixties, so they can follow suit. If you have same-sex babies, make them brothers or sisters; if you have heterosexual babies, make them husband and wife. Thus our friendship is passed on. "

At the time, Li's wife Gao and Dongfang's wife Zhang were both pregnant for more than six months. At the time, the couple had happily agreed to the proposal. Li Huayi and Li Zhaoyi also happily agreed without any objections.

After three months, Li's wife, the Gao family, was first conceived in October, gave birth to a thousand gold and named Li Qian." Qian is a fragrant grass with strong vitality and delicate fragrance. At that time, everyone was happy and hoped that Zhang family would give birth to a man. He was so happy that he said, "Our baby is on the left side, it must be a man. The marriage between our two families has been decided.

The daughter of the Gao family had not even reached the full moon, and the Zhang family did indeed give birth to a fat son, named after a hero. Both families were delighted and delighted. On the day of the full moon of Zhang's son, Dongfang Liang held a large banquet to gather relatives and friends for celebration.

During the meal, Gao Liangbo once again proposed the Dragon Boat Festival, and both families happily agreed. Gao Liangbo was happy to write, and in the midst of his cheerful voice, he made an engagement for Li Qian and Dongfang Yijie.

The marriage contract clearly wrote: "Li Zhenao, the author of the evidence, Dongliang. Author's Note: Li Zhaoao married his daughter Li Qian to Dongfang Yijie, the son of Dongfang Liang. The two families happily agreed and were willing to make such an agreement. The marriage was not the same as the one before, the two of them had been engaged at the same time, the feeling was earth-shaking. It must not be changed for a hundred years. Just wait for Li Qian and Dongfang Yijie to have a good life together. Gao Libo acted as a mediator. Li Fangpu (name of the abbot of Yanming Temple) as a witness. On October 1, 1896. " Then each drew a bet.

Gao Liangbo also wrote a "marriage contract" under the words "certifiable", in duplicate, each holding a copy. This was the origin of the engagement between Li Qian and Dongfang Yiping.

At that time, Li Zhaoao, Dong Fang Liang, and the other brothers were under the command of Red light Zhu, the leader of the Boxers. Their team operated in Shandong, Hebei, and Henan.

Later, their team was attacked by the Shandong Patrol Officer Yuan Shikai and the landlords' armed group. Red light was arrested and sacrificed. Li Zhaoao and his men led a portion of the regiment and joined Zhang DeCheng, the other leader of the Boxers. Zhang Decheng led the Boxer League and continued to fight the foreign devils.

Zhang Decheng was killed on the battlefield when he attacked the French Concession in Tianjin. The Boxers were successively brutally suppressed by the Qing government and the foreign devils.

The Boxers had failed. Li Jiayao, Dong Fang Liang, and the other brothers were lost in the war. Li Zhaoao and Dongliang, husband and wife, with their children, and the bachelor Gao Lianbo, fled to Henan, secluded in the Yanming Temple. At that time, Lee Yanyi was ten years old, while Li Qian and Dongfang Yijie were both four years old. They were all wanted criminals by Yuan Shikai.

With the help of the Elder of Yanming Temple, it didn't take long for Li Jiayi to arrive. There was still no news of Li Huayi. The elder of Yanming Temple went out to find someone to secretly contact with. He heard from the other leaders of the Boxer company that Li Huayi and Li Lanqing were in charge of protecting Zhang Zhicheng's wife and children in the heavy encirclement. Li Zhaoyi, Dongfang Liang, Gao Liangbo, and Li Zhaoyi all thought that Li Huayi had died. The four of them were unwilling to accept their defeat. They also hated the Qing government and imperialism.

Soon after his arrival at Yanming Temple, because he didn't want to be lonely, Li went to Beijing to open the Resurrection Hall Pharmacy and started a medical business. He was always afraid that he had been caught and killed and had never dared to marry or have children. He was very afraid that he would be killed along with his family. He would be implicated too much and die with regrets. He maintained contact with Yanming Temple in Beijing.

In less than half a year, Li Jiao, Dong Fang Liang, and the others had been living in seclusion at Yanming Temple. Yuan Shikai had been promoted to a higher official. As he had done well in suppressing the Boxers, he was protected by various empires, and the Qing government appointed him to succeed Li Hongzhang as Beiyang Minister.

Yuan Shikai was transferred to Beijing for political participation. Seeing that Yuan Shikai had left, Li Jiagao and Dongliang no longer had a host to deal with the remnants of the Boxers. A few people dared to wear Daoist robes and openly walk on the streets.

After several days of peace and quiet, everyone was happy. It was truly a blessing in disguise, a blessing in disguise.

On this day, a bunch of people came to the temple to enjoy the incense. The palanquin was filled with red flowers and green willow trees. The men carrying the palanquin were all young and dressed neatly. Li's wife, Madame Gao, and Dongfang's wife, Lady Zhang, went out to see. Seeing the bridal sedan falling to the ground, someone hit a pestle and a noble lady leisurely walked down.

The two maidservants supported her from left to right and were extremely cautious. The Madam raised her head and saw Lady Zhang. Zhang family and Gao family also recognized her, so they hastily turned around to avoid her. So this lady was the concubine of the Henan lieutenant, Zhang Zhenfang. She was a girl from the same village as Madame Gao and Madame Zhang, and they were very familiar with each other.

Mrs. Zhang was very displeased to see the two of them avoid her. After returning home, she told her husband, Zhang Zhenfang, what happened to Mrs. Gao and Mrs. Zhang in Yanming Temple.

Zhang Zhenfang knew that the Gao and Zhang families were the wives of the righteous general. He immediately sent people to investigate in secret at Yanming Temple. Zhang Zhenfang was determined to help the imperial government.

The scout quickly made the call. Li Zhaoao, Dongfang Liang, and Gao Lianbo all hid in the Yanming Temple and reported Zhang Zhenfang. Zhang Zhenfang's heart was full of joy. She led a battalion of soldiers and surrounded Yan Ming Temple to capture them.

When the monks in the temple saw the Manchu troops surrounding the temple, they hurriedly reported it to the abbot. The abbot's analytical officers and soldiers were here to capture Li Zhaao and the others. They immediately came to discuss ways of dealing with the situation.

Li Zhaoao said to the abbot, "The Manchu troops come in large numbers, so it's hard to avoid a massacre. My two children, I can't take them out. I ask the elders to take care of him for me. If they survived, it was all thanks to the elders. Please! " The abbot accepted the entrustment in a hurry and hurriedly took Lee Yanyi to hide.

Dong Fang Liang tied a Jie on his back, vowing to live and die together with his wife and children. Thus, Li Zhaoao, Gao Liangbo, and a few other monks all opened up a path with swords in their hands. Zhang Clan, Gao Clan, and a few other monks were holding swords behind their backs. In the middle stood Dongfang Liang and Dongfang Yijie. They fought with the Manchu soldiers in the courtyard, and Dongfang Ming ran off with his son. More than four hundred soldiers surrounded Li Zhaoyao and the others.

Seeing that Dongfang Liang had run away, Zhang Zhenfang was enraged. She ordered the soldiers to scare him, "Shoot! Don't live! The leader of these bandits is very stubborn, we can't let one of them escape! "

Li Jiayao, Gao Liangbo, and the Gao Clan had just charged out of the encirclement and were about to run away. Seeing that the Zhang Clan had been injured by the Manchu soldiers, it was already difficult for them to escape. The three of them returned to save Zhang Clan.

At this time, the Zhang Clan's heavy injuries were already too severe for them to sustain and they fell to the ground. When Li Jiayao saw this, he was furious. He immediately let out a thunderous roar, and his red eyes shone with a fierce light. He killed all of the soldiers, causing them to scatter.

Li Jiayao supported Zhang Clan members up from the ground. Then, he rushed out to kill them. The cunning Manchu troops deliberately moved aside. A few men were running outside, and they immediately opened fire. After being beaten to a pulp by Li Zhaoyao, Gao Liangbo, Gao Shi, and Zhang Clan, they all died in a pool of their own blood. Zhang Zhenfang had ordered the four of them to cut off their heads in order to return the favor.

The abbot of Yanming Temple led a few monks and buried the four corpses after seeing their tragic deaths. From then on, the elders secretly raised Lee Yanyi. The elder even taught them how to practice martial arts. When Li Qian was eight years old, the elder unfortunately passed away. At the end of his life, he instructed Lee Yanyi to look for Dongfang Liang and Li Jianyi. From then on, Lee Yanyi began to roam the world. Don't mention it below.

Lee Yanyi went to Chaozhou. The two left Beijing and went to Tianjin, crossing the Yellow River and crossing the Yangtze River via Nanjing and Shanghai... After a few days of travel, they arrived at Chaozhou City. Chaozhou City was an ancient city with a variety of ancient architecture; the streets were bustling with business; government merchants rode palanquins, the foreigners rode cars; the streets were crowded with people, the Li people smiled; and it was a rich place. The two of them walked and watched.

Li Qian exclaimed, "Brother, I never thought that Chaozhou City would be so big! We don't know the address of the Dongfang family, how are we supposed to find him? "

Lee Yanyi smiled and said, "I am relieved. Don't look at how big this place is, I have my own ways of finding people. I don't need to be questioned in the alley to find the Easterners. It's just that these days, we have been so greedy for time that we can't eat well. We can't sleep well, so tired that our little sister is haggard. Her clothes are also covered with dust. If you go to meet people like this, I'm afraid you'll be embarrassed. Passing those big cities, big shops, I urge you to buy happy clothes, you do not want to stay, the heart of the journey, to insist on buying and dressing is not in a hurry. You haven't bought a new dress yet. Take a look at yourself in the mirror, your face covered with dust, your hair tied up, and you are still dressed; if you let Dongfang Yijie see you in this state, he will not be able to match you. He had heard Yuan Ming say that he was extremely handsome. His choice of wife must be carefully chosen. "

When she heard this, she looked at herself in the mirror and said, "Aren't I still what I am? His hair was not smooth and he could comb it. The dust on his face could be washed. What can't I see of him? "

Lee Yanyi smiled and said, "Sister, don't be anxious. I'm just trying to scare you." Who doesn't know that my little sister is extremely beautiful? He's seen by Dongfang Yijie, so he's got to keep his word. " Li Qian smiled in reassurance.

Lee Yanyi continued, "Now that we have reached Chaozhou City, there's no need to worry. "Let's find a shop to stay at first, buy some clothes to change into, buy some cosmetics to change our appearance, then we can go to the Dongfang family." Li Qian happily said, "Bro, your words are just right, I was just about to stay here and modify myself."

The two of them chatted as they walked, looking around to find a suitable place to stay.

Lee Yanyi carefully examined the clothes worn by the Chaozhou citizens and said with a smile, "Sister, you miscalculated. You might as well buy it in Shanghai." Although this place is good for me, I'm afraid you won't be able to buy the clothes you want here. Look at their clothes, none of them are in the right time. "

Li Qian also said, "Brother, you're right. I have looked at people's clothes from Beijing all the way to here. Seeing that they were in different regions, the clothes they wore were different as well. Some were new and some were old-fashioned; some were loosely dressed and some were thin; some sought beauty and some sought simplicity; the people of the North sought fashion and the people of the South antiquity. The people here were all wearing national attire, and it was even more special. On the way, I was dazzled and lost in my own thoughts. I don't know how to dress myself now. Look at those ladies, they're all dressed in red and green, with all the colors of the sect, which makes it even more impossible for me to buy clothes for them. "

Lee Yanyi said in a displeased tone, "You and I have been in the martial arts world for so many years, yet you don't even know these things." Our country is big, our people are many, and we have two mother rivers in the middle. Prairie people love to dance, mountain people love to sing. Plains people love to sing and play, and people on the water are lonely. The city people like to peddle, the country people like to work. Girls love to be beautiful, and boys are afraid to be long-winded. Different regions, different people's clothes, different voices, different tastes and different habits. Therefore, there is a thousand miles of different customs, anywhere the wind said. In my opinion, it is only proper that you dress yourself as we Northerners dress. Uncle Lai Lai told me that I knew it was hard when I heard it. You said it was easy to ask, but now you know it's hard? If it is fashionable, it is not bright; if it is bright, if it is not, it is harder to be beautiful. "No matter what I think, it would be hard to do as uncle says."

Li Qian said, "At that time, I didn't think about it too much, so I didn't think about it. It would be hard to buy clothes from us northerners here, what should we do? " Lee Yanyi had no idea at the moment.