Just when she thought the other party would not open her mouth, the man's vicissitudes low voice took on a trace of love.

"The one who loves you."

The answer pricked her heart, and the anger that had accumulated in her chest seemed like a volcano, about to erupt.

A strong. Traitor, how do you want to be in the name of love? This kind of behavior itself is the biggest blasphemy to love!

She suddenly raised her voice and scolded, "don't think I don't know who you are. When I get the evidence, I will sue you!"

The man was silent for a moment, then suddenly opened his mouth, grinned grimly and said, "welcome."

She was so angry that her face muscles twitched uncontrollably, and she hit him again with her fist.

Unfortunately, the full strength of the attack has little effect, the man's body is like a steel wall in general can not shake.

Her resistance fell on the man, and unexpectedly produced a kind of effect of refusing to return to welcome, but even more ignited his desire.

The men's movements became more violent, like a storm on the sea. And her leaf boat, with the waves rolling, gradually lost its direction.

Soon, under the attack of men, she completely lost the ability to resist, and her strength seemed to be emptied in an instant. All she felt was soft and weak, her throat seemed to be strangled, and she couldn't make a sound at all.

In the confusion, she fell asleep again.

The next day, early morning.

The morning light scattered into the room through the clear glass.

The woman in deep sleep unconsciously turned over her lower body, an indescribable pain, awakened every cell in the whole body.

She covered her aching waist and sat up. Suddenly, as if she had been thrown cold water, she could not help but stir up.

She scrambled out of bed, connected the pinhole camera to her laptop with a data cable, and scrutinized the video of last night.

As she expected, in the middle of the night, the bedroom door was opened and the light from the corridor came in. The man in black crept to the bed.

The man's figure and Lu Zhengbei are the same, tall and straight, wide shoulders and narrow waist, and slender legs. He wore a silver mask on his face and gauze wrapped around his left wrist.

"This scum She murmured, choked in her throat, and slowly vomited out.

We've got the video file, so long as we take the evidence for examination, we can bring the bird to justice.

She went to the bathroom step by step, and when she examined it carefully, she found that the man had not left a trace on her body.

Maybe, there will be traces on the bed?

However, after a detailed examination, she was greatly disappointed that there were no other traces on the sheets except for the folds she had pressed out.

Lu Zhengbei is so cunning! Actually, all traces have been erased again!

Anger came back to her heart again. She only felt the red in her eyes, which made her eyes swell.

Now, can we find more evidence than this surveillance video?

She pondered for a moment, and her mind suddenly came to light. She did not care to dress up and went straight to the direction of the study.

Sure enough, because Lu Zhengnan was sleeping in his study last night, he gave the masked man a chance to take advantage of it.

She glanced at the sleeping Lu Zhengnan, and saw that his chest fluctuated rhythmically. His breath was even and clear, and he seemed to be sleeping soundly. Man's resolute three-dimensional facial contour, delicate full facial features, flawless wheat skin, that beautiful face is really unspeakable.

She felt that her heart suddenly missed a beat, so she quickly raised her hand and patted her face.

Now is not the time to be crazy, it is important to confirm the monitoring video.

She moved cautiously forward to the front of the desk, reconfirming that the man was still asleep, and then turned on the computer on the desk.

According to the surveillance video, the man in the mask came down from the upstairs. Unfortunately, all the monitoring equipment is in the corridor, so it is impossible to capture the real situation in the room.

At this time, a new question appeared in my mind: is that scum not afraid that Lu Zhengnan will return to his bedroom in the middle of the night and break into his good deeds?

She immediately called out the monitor at the door of the study and found that Lu Zhengnan had never walked out of the study.

It seems that the other party is convinced that once Lu Zhengnan chooses to sleep in the study, it is impossible to affect his own plan.

In order to do evil, that scum has done a lot of work!

She snorted, shut down the computer and walked out of the study.

Back in the bedroom, she picked up her mobile phone and dialed Li Xiaoxian's phone number.

"Xiaoxian, the masked man came again last night. I'm sure he is Lu Zhengbei." She said, gnashing her teeth, with anger in her voice.

"Has the evidence been collected?" From the other end of the phone came Li Xiaoxian's anxious inquiry.

At the mention of this, her anger did not hit a place, and her teeth clenched."I haven't found it at present, so I can't sue him. I can only bear it first." Her chest was full of anger, and every word she said seemed to be squeezed out of her teeth.

"Mengyu, you can only get the evidence." Li Xiaoxian pause for a few seconds, the tone is extremely firm, "you must think of a way next time."

Smell speech, Tang Mengyu's eyebrows wrinkled together. The other side deliberately erase all traces, just do not want her to collect evidence. Every time her resistance is useless, how can we force men to leave evidence?

"Xiaoxian, do you have any good idea?"

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