"It's not shameful for you to come here to buy discount bags!"

At the end of his speech, he turned to the salesman, hooked his fingers and said, "give me the bag."

Tang Mengyu rewarded him with a cold eye, and then turned away, ready to ignore this shameless man.

Lu Zhengbei took the bag from the salesman, pushed it into her hand, leaned down in her ear and said, "I'll help him do what big brother can't do."

What can't Lu Zhengnan do?

Does he mean to buy a brand-name bag or?

She suddenly realized that Lu Zhengbei had something to say. Judging from his evil expression, what he said was not just buying bags, it seemed that there was something about it.

If he was not guilty, how could he say such a thing casually?

She could almost confirm that Lu Zhengbei was the man with the silver mask.

Hum! Never show weakness in front of this man.

Tang Mengyu generously handed the bag to Li Xiaoxian beside him. Then he took out the card Lu Zhengnan gave her from her purse and handed it to the salesman. He said, "I have money. It's from my husband. I don't need anyone to buy it for me. Although I don't like this bag, but my good friend likes it. So buy it and give it to her. Please swipe your card

The salesman felt embarrassed. She took a look at Lu Zhengbei and asked him to make an idea. Lu Zhengbei is not sure, and he has time to stare at Tang Mengyu.

Lu Zhengbei's female companion saw that the bag was robbed by others. Her eyes were wide eyed and said angrily, "who are you? "You are unreasonable!" Zhou Shaohui yelled angrily and tore off the mask of hypocrisy.

Hearing the speech, Lu Zhengnan's face was suddenly gloomy.

His facial features were deep, and when he was still, he had an aura of not being angry and self threatening. At the moment, this feeling was more and more fierce.

He raised his eyebrows in disapproval and sneered: "you have done unreasonable things, but dare you say I am unreasonable? I tell you the truth, Mengyu is still kind-hearted. If it was me, I would not just slap you in the face! "

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