Lin has just arrived at the iron man's position. People around him seem to have paid no attention to him.

He sat at a table thinking about how to get close to Tony Stark and invited him to his rental home.

He knew that Tony Stark was at the back of the casino, happy and at his side were four strong bodyguards. It's impossible to get close to stark yourself.

And even if he is close to him, it is impossible to persuade him to give up the comfortable and luxurious seaside villa and live in the broken house made of his own colored steel.

If you are a beautiful woman, you may be a man.

At this time, Lin also inadvertently glimpsed the figure of a woman and walked back from the side door of the hall.

Lin Yi's eyes brightened: Yes!

He found the waiter next to him, borrowed a piece of paper and a pen, and wrote a few lines quickly.

He was surprised to find that the writing was in English.

It turns out that under the transformation of the system, whether he speaks Chinese or writes Chinese characters, he comes out in English. And then he realized that he could understand the people around him and talk in English.

Press in the heart of surprise, quickly write those lines, Lin also quickly toward the hall side door.

Next to the side door is a lounge.

Lin also glanced a little and found the target.

It was a woman with good figure, blonde hair and blue eyes, and she looked beautiful.

It's just that she doesn't seem to pay much attention to dressing up, and her blonde hair is casually stuck behind her head.

She was pepper Potts, Tony Stark's assistant. Tony Stark nicknamed her chili.

Lin quickly came to peper Potts and said, "Miss pepper, can I talk to you?"

Little pepper raises her head in surprise and looks at Lin Yi.

Only Mr. stark had called her. No one else knew. How could this Oriental boy know?

But in spite of her surprise, she nodded politely and said with a smile, "yes."

Lin also handed the note in his hand to the pepper and said, "you can keep it and take a look. If you ever want to find me, I'll be here."

Little pepper took the note inexplicably and didn't even look at it. Then she chuckled and said, "I know. Is there anything else?"

Lin also shook his head: "the only thing I can do next is to wait for you here so that I can serve you at any time."

With that, Lin also sat in the position not far from the pepper.

Pepper nodded politely to Lin, then simply tidied up his clothes, stood up and walked outside.

When she went outside to the trash can, she unfolded the note and took a casual look.

One line of the note said, "tonight, Mr. stark will take a woman home

Only to see here, the small pepper chuckled twice.

This man is so puzzling that Mr. stark doesn't take a woman or two home at a party?

Pepper did not look closely, the paper will be a ball, thrown into the next bin.

As Mr. Stark's assistant, she often encountered some inexplicable harassment. She had already learned how to tell who was in business and who was harassing. Tonight, this must be a nuisance.

After handling the note, chili pepper is like throwing off a problem. He is relaxed and walks towards the parking space next to the casino.

Meanwhile, Tony Stark is out of the casino. He was followed by four bodyguards and was about to get into his car.

At this time, a female reporter suddenly came out from behind.

"Mr. stark, I'm sorry to disturb you. This is vanity fair reporter Christine Everhart..."

Tony Stark didn't want to pay any attention to reporters, but when he heard that it was a woman, he stopped and asked the bodyguard, "is she beautiful?"


Tony Stark turned around and talked to the woman reporter.

After a few words, the woman reporter got into Tony Stark's car.

Small pepper will this scene complete income fundus, suddenly surprised. Then like suddenly think of something, quickly came to just next to the garbage can, endure nausea, put his hand into the garbage can.

Several people nearby were surprised to see such a beautiful woman taking things from the garbage can.

A moment later, pepper took out the note, unfolded it, and looked at the first line on it by the light of the street lamp:

tonight, Mr. stark will take a woman home. She's vanity fair reporter Christine Everhart

Pepper immediately understood that it was not easy.

Stark often takes women home for the night, which almost no one knows. However, it was the first time that the name and occupation of the woman who stayed with him could be known in advance.Has this been arranged for a long time?

But the next moment, pepper denied his speculation.

Because the second line of the note says: tomorrow morning, Mr. stark will be three hours late at the airport.

Chili knows that Mr. Stark is going to the airport tomorrow morning, and he is likely to arrive late. But it's very clear how long you're late. It's a little strange. Is this man a prophet?

Is this supernatural ability too unscientific?

But just now, it has proved that at least the first one on this note is right.

Let's see if tomorrow morning, as the note says, Mr. stark will be three hours late.


The next morning.

Tony Stark's luxury villa on Malibu coast, California.

Pepper has just sent off the female reporter who stark brought back last night. After looking at the time, it is 10 minutes before Mr. stark goes to the airport.

I don't know why, but I feel a little nervous.

She unfolded the note in her hand and looked at the second line.

Is Mr. stark really going to be three hours late?

If it is true, it is necessary to find the Oriental boy last night.

Just now Mr. Stark has gone down to his basement workshop, where his greatest interests lie. It seems that it won't come out in a short time. But is it really three hours long?

Half an hour later, Mr. stark hasn't come up yet.

Pepper is not in a hurry. Mr. Stark is half an hour late, which is normal.

An hour later, the airport has already called to urge.

Pepper also pressed the communicator on the desk and said, "Mr. stark, your private plane should have taken off an hour ago. Please get ready and start at once. "

Stark's unruly voice came: "it's strange that if a private plane doesn't wait for its owner, can it still be called a private plane?"

Pepper is helpless. It seems that Mr. Stark is really going to be late for a longer time today.

She unfolded the note in her hand and murmured, "will you really be three hours late?"

Another hour.

The airport has already urged three times.

Chili could only put down what she was busy with, went down to the workshop and urged, "Mr. stark, you should be on the other side of the world now. They have been waiting for two hours

Stark kept busy with what he had in his hand, waved his hand, and said, "isn't it usually other people waiting for me? Should I wait for them? Are you kidding me

"Mr. stark, today's business is very important. If the guests are impatient to wait... "

"Only I am impatient with others, no one else is impatient with me. Because all of them are waiting to buy my latest weapon, understand? "

Tony Stark continued to fiddle with the engine of a cool car.

The chillies can only be left to dry and wait.

Another half an hour later, Tony Stark finally finished the work he was doing. He took a breath and said to pepper, "OK, can I go?"

Little pepper looked at the time and was surprised.

Now Mr. Stark is two and a half hours late. At his driving speed, it only takes half an hour to get to the airport, which is exactly three hours late!

God, it really happened!

She had always thought that even if Mr. stark was late, it could not be three hours;

even if he was three hours, someone must be playing tricks and deliberately delaying for three hours.

But now Mr. Stark is not only three hours late, but also because he is working and no one is delaying him.

How could that Oriental be so magical?

Does he really know the legendary prophecy?


[under normal circumstances, three shifts a day. Seven in the morning, one in the afternoon, and one in the evening. At the same time for a collection of recommended reward. In particular, the first three hundred thousand words of the new book are free of charge, so I have lived on the reward for more than a month. ] , the fastest update of the webnovel!