Cross border seal characters are enough to cross all barriers of the world.

Although the world he had experienced was not as powerful as this one, he believed in the power of communication groups.

Since the cross-border seal character is introduced in this way, the world barrier can not stop him.

In fact, if he didn't want to cause big trouble, he could break out and force out a big hole.

Within the world, it can be said that no world can stop the top strong.

It's just that if you do this, it will cause too much change. If it can be carried out safely and simply, why should he be so manic?

After all, this world is different from other worlds!


The cross boundary seal script trembles slightly, and a tiny ripple appears in the front of the world barrier.

This ripple is turbulent, obviously only one person can pass by.

A cross-border seal character, a person in the past, this is very normal.

Su Chen immediately flashed into the world.

"Finally, I can go home."


the Milky way.

A large number of practitioners are all over the periphery of the galaxy. There are all kinds of creatures. They are crouching here and studying something very seriously.

According to the truth, such a small and ordinary galaxy should not be valued by so many practitioners.

After all, the universe is vast, and there are thousands of galaxies in an ordinary star region.

What's more, the galaxy has not been born any famous strong demon recently, but a year ago, a great force came and directly frozen the whole galaxy.

Freeze time and space!

If it hadn't happened in front of your eyes, who would have believed that?

It is not difficult for a strong practitioner to simply freeze a person's space-time. It can freeze the space-time of the entire galaxy. Even the strong man at the top will not have such a great power, right?

But at the end of the day, none of this matters.

The powerful people of all ethnic groups gather here to feel the aftereffect of the great power at a close distance, hoping to see a clue from it.

Even if it's just a little bit, it's good for their future.

"Frozen, the entire galaxy?"

Su Chen stands not far away from the boundary of the galaxy, after making clear the whole story, his face is ugly and murmurs.

Among the practitioners gathered here, the weakest is the sixth level cultivation.

But Su Chen wants to check their memory, or easy, even after the end of the investigation, these practitioners will not know.

After all, the gap is too big, even if Su Chen left traces, but these traces are not what they can see.

"Calculating time is the moment after I left that galaxy was frozen by a force."

Su Chen looked at the front and thought, "that is to say, I have been away for more than a year. In fact, for the time line of the earth, it is only a moment in the past."

"Although I can't enter the Milky way now, but from another angle, why did the great force coming down freeze the galaxy?"

"It's for..."

after thinking for a while, he sighed, and then began to call out Nangong Ruohan's name in his heart.

Within the world, as long as there is a practitioner thinking about the name and deeds of the nine level strong, then the nine level strong will have a feeling and lower their mind.

Nangong Ruohan's cultivation is far above the nine steps. As long as he calls, Nangong Ruohan surely knows.

Freezing the whole space-time giant force, perhaps let oneself through, is also a great power.

A powerful person with the same level or even higher level!


The next moment.

A beautiful woman in a long white dress and smiling face appears near Su Chen.

This woman suddenly appears. The practitioners around should cast their eyes and raise their vigilance in their hearts.

But the eyes of the practitioners around him did not change and what to do, as if the white skirt woman did not exist at all.