"Old man, don't pretend to be dead again. Come out and tell me about it. What's the situation?"

The man with the sword on his left eyebrow picked, and the sword trembled slightly behind his back. The sword spirit swept around him, and then condensed into a dazzling and magnificent sword Qi, and directly cut to a position.

"Oh, dear! Do you have to force me out in this way? "

The next moment, the sword spirit broke, and Zhao Yongyan, dressed in white, walked out of a space crack.

"The next one is the Terran. Can you explain the situation?"

The man with the sword on his back did not change his face and asked lightly.

"Is it human? It's like you're not a human being? "

Zhao Yongyan sneered, then said: "as for the following situation, I am not very clear, you do not want to ask me everything, you really want to know, you can go down to ask ah!"

Speaking of this, Zhao Yongyan pauses for a moment, and then says: "of course, I know you are very resourceful and play at will. Really, I will not stop you."

Shenziyu heard the speech and said with a smile, "master yuan still likes to make fun of. We all have a good idea of the people concerned."

The true God's followers may not care about them when the chance of becoming a God appears in the future.

Because at that time, I am afraid that God will not have the heart to care about these backhand.

Of course, by that time, these backhand may have played their own role, and those who did not play a role would be abandoned chessmen.

The most important thing is, who has no God behind you?

Especially as the son of God, there is a strong real God behind him, so he doesn't care very much.

But at this time to destroy a true God's backhand, no matter from which aspect, it is a faint move.

If because of their own bad father God's event, then really die hard its blame!

"What are you talking about? Who is yuan? How do you do it day by day, just as you recognize that I am yuan? "

Zhao Yongyan's face changed and he was very angry and said, "what kind of character is yuan? god 's favored one! There is no one evil person in the world! How can I compare it? "

"If you say that again, what do you want me to do if it reaches yuan?"

Shenziyu heard this, a trace of strange light flashed in the depths of his eyes. How could this sound strange?

Yuan, what kind of person?

God's favorite?

An immortal monster?

How to listen to this is to praise yuan?

"Feather, we are just a simple inquiry, should not be in the way?"

An enchanting woman in red, with a charming figure, chuckled softly.

Some sages could not help but look up at the woman in red with a ironic smile in their eyes.

Simple questions?

A super pulse explodes. What can I ask?

Even if these three detonated, but what?

If it wasn't for the crash, they wouldn't care about this super pulse.

But now even if you care?

A real God's chess piece, do they dare to move?

Only the true God dare to step into the layout of the true God!

Unless you are in a chess game, you have to struggle to survive.

"No problem. You can ask as much as you want."

Zhao Yongyan Lang laughed, raised his hand and said, "who doesn't know the means of your enchanting red? If you can ask, I really thank you

"After all, it's... Isn't it?"

With these words, he made a meaningful look towards the magic red.

Of course, the sages around see it.