Tony has no money:

Tony had no money: "administrator, am I right? The pioneers are going to kill you

Limulus Tempest: as I can testify, Mr. big shit, you read it correctly. The administrator just said that, as if that's what he meant

Limulu Tempest: I thought about the reasons why so many pioneers gathered in bander City, but I didn't think they wanted to kill the warden

Limulus Tempest:

Marquis wobang: "Alas! How do you say that? The ignorant are fearless

The pioneers went to kill the administrator. It was obvious that the pioneers did not know the identity of the administrator.

Or you'll kill them?

I'm afraid that at the moment of knowing this news, I don't know where to hide?

Administrator, even if it is only a sub body, even if the sub body only has six levels of cultivation, it can not be resisted by pioneers.

What's more, if you really want to annoy the administrator, don't mention these pioneers, even if it's the will of the fallen time and space gods behind the pioneers?

It is possible that the God of time and space was at the same level with the administrator before his fall, but he has died. At present, there is only a trace of will left. Can he be regarded as a great power?

Perhaps we can say that the vitality of those great powers is very tenacious. As long as someone in this world remembers them and has a trace of them, they will not die.

But they will fall, which shows that they are facing more terrible enemies!

Will those enemies allow their resurrection?

Now in the period of total victory, and even the administrator who is related to the Taoist master at the end of all roads, will he care about this evil idea?

It's lucky that the administrator doesn't know the God of time and space. Otherwise, whether it's a friend or an enemy, this evil idea will surely die!

Ha ha!

What an irony!

A group of pioneers who claim to be God's land dare to surround and kill the administrator?

To tell you the truth, will the evil thoughts of the innate gods behind them be scared to death when they know this news?

"Bandel city? Please rest assured, I will be there soon! "

Quiet and obedient Xiaoyu: "my God! The big brother of the administrator should be besieged? Really, I really want to see it. "

Limulu Tempest: jade, don't talk

Tony didn't have money: "really, Xiaoyu, if the administrator does, what else can we do?"

Tony doesn't have any money:

although Xiaoyu says what they think.

They are also like watching the administrator kill these enemies!

After all, a group of ants dare to offend the authority of the administrator. How can the administrator wipe them out?

A cold hum, directly killed its soul?

Or does a giant palm come down from the sky and directly crush the pioneers through the world?

In other words, when the word "Mie" comes along, the word goes with the law, and heaven and earth change, and all the pioneers die at the sound of it?

The administrator's level is too high and the gap between the two sides is too big. He really can't guess the means of the administrator.

Of course, the premise of all this is that the administrator is a little annoyed.

However, since the administrator said this in the group, it means that he wants to see them do something. Maybe this means to train them.

The most important thing is, kill these pioneers, they get points!

If the administrator kills them, what else can they do?