Su Xiaoge: "when noxas invaded Ionia, one of the generals felt more sad than death after seeing the cruelty of the war and the indifference of the upper class of NOx. By chance, elder soma rescued her seriously injured."

Su Xiaoge: "when she wakes up, she wants to ask elder soma to break her weapon, so as to draw a line from norhus."

Su Xiaoge: "then the rune power contained in that weapon was too powerful. In the process of breaking, elder soma did not control his power well and was attacked by the enemy. And that weapon, which happened to have a deep origin in the art of controlling the wind, so... The situation presented is that long soma always died under the wind control skill."

Su Xiaoge: "I said these, do you understand?"

Happy wind man: "so... Is that it?"

A general of noxas?

But... In the face of the general of norhus, why didn't elder soma kill him and save him?

Even at the end of the day, at the cost of your own life?

Happy wind man: "administrator, can you tell me the name of the general of norhus?"

Su Xiaoge: "do you want to find her revenge?"

Happy wind man: "can't say revenge, this is the decision of elder soma himself, I look for that general, just to prove my innocence!"

At the request of others, elder soma was accidentally bitten back when he broke his weapon, resulting in his death.

It's not vendetta!

He didn't kill him!

So for a while he didn't know what to do.

But the most important thing now is to find the general of norhus. Only that general and her weapons are the only way to prove his innocence at present.

In the end, he didn't trust the mysterious administrator in this magical communication group.

Even if the communication group is bizarre, the administrator knows everything about him. It sounds reasonable. It is likely that it is the truth of the matter.

But he always came back and said that he had just joined the exchange group and didn't know everything very well.

He chose to believe and do it, which was just a choice made in his mind at present.

Anyway, there is no direction. Why not do it?

Su Xiaoge: "in terms of the future clips I see, you two still have the picture of becoming CP

Happy Feng man: "CP? What is that? "

Limulus Tempest: "husband and wife..."

happy man: "husband and wife?

He and a general of North Texas will become husband and wife in the future?

Are you kidding?

In his whole life, he did not intend to find a marriage goal.

In this small waste of life, only sword company can!

His other half is the sword in his hand!

Now, suddenly someone told him that he was married in the future, and that he was still the culprit for his injustice?

Tony didn't have money: "although I don't quite understand the development of things, but from the administrator's words, it seems that I have found something wonderful secret."

Tony didn't have money: "would Yasso and the general of norhus live together after a love hate relationship?"

Marquis wobang: "I listen, it seems to be the same meaning."

Tu Shan shouldered the handle: "this sounds like a bit of romance mixed with tragic tragedy."

If Rongrong is here, she will be very excited to say a lot of praise, but she is not Rongrong.

But as fox demon, for this kind of love, will still have some congenital sympathy.