"Explain it to you?"

Su Chen appeared in his room and couldn't help but make complaints about it: "what do I show you? I'm still at a loss about this new feature, OK? "

The communication group said that adding new functions would add new functions, and that changes would change, without informing the group leader and administrator.


How to explain it?

Say you don't know anything?

Say it out, lose more?

"But then again, this extra main task is also a way to get points!"

Su Chen rubbed his chin and whispered to himself, "well... This time the group task is over, I don't know when the next time it will be opened?"

"But it's not the same if there's a main task. There's also the degree of space exploration in this cycle. Since this standard has come out, it means that every one percent is a considerable integral."

With this sentence, Su Chen coughed twice and asked in his heart, "communication group, what is the reward, glory and reward?"

These three no products, not only Tony, they are a little confused, he is also ignorant.

"The reward is divided into group reward and private reward."

"Group reward is automatically triggered when a group member encounters an important enemy of the other camp, or the group leader and administrator offer a reward on their own initiative."

"Glory is the point reward after completing the reward task."

"When the total glory of group members reaches a certain level, the glory bar will be opened. The items in the honor column are precious and unique, which can only be exchanged with glory."

"Of course, the source of honor points can also be exchanged through treasures."

"The reward is to calculate the integral value after destroying the enemy's power according to the evaluation of the enemy's combat strength and other factors when the exploration value reaches 100%

Communication group cold voice in Su Chen's mind, for Su Chen to answer the doubts in the heart.

It can be said that reward and glory are inseparable.

But the reward and the two are not too much related, can only say the last summary, after completing the main line task integral evaluation.

And the reward this function, let Su Chen is very moved.

Group reward, in addition to the exchange group passive hanging, administrators and group owners can also actively hang.

Well... Is this one of his benefits?

However, it is not clear at present, who will get the honor after the task he has hung up is completed?

Is it him or the communication group?

If the communication group out, I am afraid his reward is limited.

"This is, the exchange group has been updated!"

Su Chen sighed and sighed: "completing some things will trigger the communication group, so that the communication group can be updated and upgraded."

"Unlock achievements?"

Speaking, Su Chen can't help laughing, but also unlock achievements to update and upgrade?

How can it be more and more like playing games?

"Ding, complete a group task and get an invitation."

"I'm not super cute."

"Happy man."

"Red hair."

"Bone elf."


Su Chen looked at the five names floating in front of him, and his eyelids couldn't help jumping.

What are these fairy names?

Five names, except for the second, he had a slight guess that this might be a hero from the continent of Valoran.

The other four are confused.

I am not super cute, had appeared a similar name before, oneself is and this name have predestined?

Red hair, orange, what are these two names?

The last bone elf, he thought, had a little bit of fun.

Although the name is a little strange, but at least can prove that this is not an ordinary person.

"Well, there is only one invitation. It seems that we can only choose him."