Su Xiaoge: "ha ha, our Lim Lu is always like this. People are cute and kind-hearted."

Su Xiaoge: "well, let's get to the point. You can describe in detail the clothes of strange people near Tu mountain. Let's analyze them for you."

"Ding, brother Su got the red envelope."

Tony doesn't have money:.... "

Tony didn't have money: "the administrator still gets the red envelope while talking, and he can't delay it."

Wave wind water gate: "ha ha, the administrator should want us to understand that there is no rebellion for free. If you want to get it, you have to pay."

Tony has no money: "Pooh!"

Tony had no money: "Watergate, how did you get this way?"

Tony had no money: "when did you become a licking dog?"

Wave wind water gate: "huh?"

Limulus Tempest: "Hey, it doesn't matter. I'm not afraid. I'm just right! (slim's arrogant face) "

Tony has no money:"

The administrator's authority warned that the group's way is more and more cross-country.

Anyway, the administrator doesn't come out to take care of it?

Su Xiaoge: "well, Watergate is right. I agree. (permission warning) "

brother Su:" Mr. Shida, don't make any mistake. Go and develop your steel battle suit quickly! In the future, if your enemy comes out, you will be embarrassed if you can't fight. "

Su Xiaoge: "don't expect us to save you. Cross border seal characters are so expensive that we can't afford them."

Tony doesn't have money:.... "

Marquis wobang: "hahaha, the administrator is right. Cross border seal characters are so expensive that we poor people can't afford it."

Marquis wobang: "of course, if Mr. shidazhen undertakes the cross boundary seal script, we are not unable to rescue it, but the entrance fee It's a little expensive! "

Marquis Vauban: "as friends, if you call us only when you are in danger, we will be very sad. Once we are sad, we don't know what will happen after we go there. "

Limulus Tempest: "no, no, no, Mr. big shit, I'm not the same."

Limulu Tempest: "I don't have to pay for my appearance. Even my cross-border seal script can pay for it. As long as I go to help, Mr. Shida Da Da will give me some different sets of steel war clothes."

Limulu Tempest: "of course, of course, I'll bring a batch of ore, the magic stone."

Tony doesn't have money:.... "

Is there still no entrance fee?

If so, how much is the entrance fee?

Also bring a batch of ore in the past, this is already prepared materials, waiting for their own production?

Bo Feng Shui men: "Tony, as an ally, I have a duty to support."

Wave wind Watergate: "but allies come to support, do you want to give something meaning? (slim's smiley face) "

Tony doesn't have money."... "

Where are so many shameless people in the group?

His steel battle suit, feel covetous a lot of ah!

But then again, the administrator will not be aimless. Since he said it, it means that he will meet some powerful enemies in the future.

Well The memory scene is iron man 1. The administrator must have Iron Man 2.

I need to get this memory scene over!

Su Xiaoge: "ha ha, it seems that Shida is very popular. Only in this way can the quality of our communication group be very high if the members of the group get along well with each other

Tony doesn't have money:.... "

He felt very tired now.

Why are there some shameless people in the communication group?

The administrator is such a big power, can open his eyes to tell lies, completely does not care about his own feelings.


No way to mix!