"Go back with your rats! Where to come from, where to go back! "

Su Chen said softly: "in the future, if you encounter danger, you can inform me directly through this contract. But this time, the mice that have hurt human beings, let them stay!"

"In the future, for no reason, you shall not harm mankind."

"Of course If the cultivator attacks you, do as you please

In fact, he just came here to kill the leader of the rat tide.

The devil slaughtered the city, which he would not ignore.

But this rat from the heart, let him feel a bit interesting, also let his heart surge an idea, he can cultivate this from the heart mouse.

The ability of rodents to reproduce is very strong. If the rodents have the ability to evolve again, it may be a disaster for other species in the world.

It can be controlled by the contract scroll. It will only be the power in his hands.

This is only a conjecture in his mind. As for whether it will succeed or not, it will be known after trying.

The natural disaster of rat tide sounds like something.

He also knew that the outbreak of the rat tide by black mice was certainly not to reduce the number of their own ethnic groups, otherwise there was no need to come to human cities.

There's always a way to reduce the number of races in the dark fog forest, isn't it?

Of course, he didn't expose it.

But he is a person, so those who have hurt Linjiang city people, all stay!

"Yes, master."

The black mouse nodded and said, without any hesitation, he raised his head and let out a hiss.

Then, ten thousand rats roared in unison, especially in Linjiang city.

Because they already know the king's orders, but as subordinates, they can only obey.

So for a moment, there was a constant wail.

"A contract has been signed. Can I directly benefit the black mouse through the contract?"

Su Chen looks at the figure of the black mouse far away and asks silently in his heart.


"Can you use points to transform the black mouse's group to have the ability to fight and devour evolution?"


"How many points do you need?"

"The simple transformation, roughly has the phagocytic evolution ability, needs 100000 points; the meticulous transformation, simple has the phagocytic evolution ability, needs 300000 points; the perfect transformation, lets it have the extreme combat phagocytic evolution ability, needs 1000000 points."

Su Chen listens to the cold voice's reply, the corner of the mouth slightly twitches, a trace of helplessness flashed through her eyes.

Can transform, explain oneself can realize the conjecture in the heart.

But is there too much integral in this transformation?

Perfect transformation, need 1 million points?

This is just a transformation. Who knows whether it needs to be strengthened in the future?

Although he has only become the leader of the communication group for a short time, he probably has some understanding of the communication group. This is a communication group that wants to score and knows how to pit money together.

With integral, you can be powerful quickly.

No integral, then wait!

"All three levels need to be replaced."

"Replace blood? It seems that as long as there are integral points, basically anything can be done, right? "

After a moment of silence, Su Chen asked in a low voice.

But the exchange group did not make a sound again, is default, or powerless, which requires Su Chen to guess.

"It looks very proud."

After finishing this sentence, Su Chen chuckled, then turned around and disappeared in situ.

Here, soon, someone will come.

Now, he doesn't want to be the focus, please!