Chapter 88

PS: thanks for xuanyuluo, Zeng naivety, and local computer sense. Mmda!

Darkness, endless darkness, only hazy light

After passing through the room for help, the other end was supposed to be the disappearing cabinet in Diagon Alley, but everyone didn't expect to come to this island in the sea, which was covered by thick clouds and could not be seen three feet away.

Compared with Azkaban, it seems to be a bit more sinister here.

"What is this place?"

In the dark, Dumbledore angrily roared at the Lantern Festival standing on the cliff by the sea.

"Yes, yuanxiao. Where is this place?"

The wizard apprentice Lei Jun roared.

"Do you need to ask?"

The Lantern Festival listened to the sound of the sea tide and said calmly, "you can't have not found out that we are in the coverage range of the space maze. You may as well tell you that the only way for us to leave this island is to enter the wizard tower in the heart of the island.

"Wizard tower..."

All the wizard apprentices were frightened.

The most humble semi-finished wizard tower needs at least three-level wizard to have the ability and financial resources to build. As for the formed wizard tower, it must reach the level of the seventh level wizard at least. The space magic lock is the most basic defense measure of the wizard tower of the seventh level wizard.

There are less than 100 wizard towers of this level in the whole wizard Academy.

"Wizard tower of nicoleme..."

Four of the wizard apprentices exclaimed with one voice that they all got magic wands that could bring out the plot world like Lantern Festival. When they had learned about the world for more than a year, it was not difficult to guess who had their wands.

Yuanxiao stands on the cliff by the sea, grabs Nana and pulls her to jump into the sea.

Suddenly, everyone was shocked. Several members of the order of Phoenix and Death Eaters flew down. But once they left the cliff, it was like evaporation from the earth. There was no light and shadow at the bottom of the dark cliff, and there was no response.

The cold sea breeze blows, the girl Nana holds the Lantern Festival tightly.

She did not know why Yuanxiao pulled her to jump into the sea, but since Yuanxiao did so, there must be his reason.

After a few seconds, there was no expected coldness.

Like the loss of gravity around, Nana opened her eyes slightly stunned, she and Yuanxiao jumped into the sea, but this time appeared on a beach, and two people were still slowly falling in the air.

"It's the teleportation capability of a spatial puzzle."

Yuanxiao rubbed Nana's golden hair and chuckled.

"This is a friendly fan lock. I said last time you didn't allow me to come in, just let a few shadow figures go to the island to check." The girl Nana thought for a moment and said in surprise.

Yuanxiao nods and follows Nana to come here. He will transfer a channel of the room to here. He will know that this space magic lock is a kind one. Otherwise, even if nicoleme gives more rewards, he will not dare to indulge.

Space maze is not, in essence, a defensive measure for killing enemies.

As a permanent defense mode of wizard tower, low cost makes it impossible to deal with the enemies who can destroy the wizard tower. In the final analysis, only those low-level professionals who break in by mistake can be trapped.

If it is a malicious enchantment lock, it will be full of various lethal spell traps.

If it's a kind of good intentions, there will be relatively few magic traps with lethality. Even the space magic lock will be transformed into some tests for low-level professionals. Some small prizes will be left in the space maze as rewards for the low-level professionals who break in.

There is no doubt that the wizard tower in nicoleme has opened a friendly lock.

However, although it's a kind of good faith fan lock, it just means that the fatal danger will not be very high, but it does not mean that this kind of space magic lock is easy to crack. On the contrary, it is a test for future generations by the master of wizard tower, and the difficulty of breaking through it will be higher than that of malicious one.


Yuanxiao suddenly stops and looks back at the water mist at the edge of the beach.

Hum, three shadows were thrown out of the sand.

"Damn it, it's really lucky."

Yuanxiao's mouth twitch low curse, there is no doubt that the whole space in his side of the most secure.

Not only did he empty the library of the whole apprenticeship castle, but also because his perception of danger could avoid many deadly traps, he was confident that he was the safest around him.

Space maze transmission random, such a huge Island, less than 100 people hard to hit together.

But in the face of the protagonist who is born with constant real fortune, Yuanxiao has no choice but to accept the transmission of the Harry Potter trio to his eyes. When he has the power of fate, he likes it very much, but when he sees others have it, he unconsciously produces infinite killing intention.

"You can't do it yet. It will reduce the evaluation of the task."

Yuanxiao hesitates to the three members of the Savior group who have yet to find out what happened."Get up for me."

Yuanxiao kicks the fallen Ron and flies him horizontally.

Except for your weapons!

Dizzy to the ground!

Harry Potter and Hermione react and wave their wands to rescue their companions.

In addition to your weapons, needless to say, how can a wizard's martial arts cultivation be taken away by this level of magic.

It's even more ridiculous that a wizard can fight with a super brain.


After stepping on the Lantern Festival a few steps down, Ron's ribs broke and he let out a scream of pain and resentment.

"Listen to me from now on. If you disobey my command, he will suffer once."

Yuanxiao indifferent road.

"You let him go and I'll take his place."

Harry, holding on to his black rimmed glasses, said angrily that his best friend was hurt.

"You don't have the qualifications."

Yuanxiao snorted, "Hermione is an excellent little witch. As for you, although you are a little bit useless, but the dog's excrement is against the sky. As for this trash, I can't see any advantages. In addition to recklessness and arrogance, he can cast a few magic charms."

Ron struggled to say something on the ground. Yuanxiao stepped on it directly and blocked his mouth full of sand.

Death haunts!

Yuanxiao wipes the ring on the fingertip, and the bat spits out an invisible silk thread of fate from the mouth of the bat on the ring face. The silk thread extension has already tied the three saviors together. They do not want to escape unless their necks are cut off.

Although space maze lock is a kind of good intentions, it will also produce a lot of danger.

Harry Potter is a lucky Pathfinder to step on the trap. I believe that he can get rid of a lot of danger. In addition, his sense of danger in his death fate makes it possible to pass through the space maze.

"How many of you go..."

Yuanxiao waves his wand to drive them into the dark fog of the island.

Just like the giant mouth of a monster swallowing everything, the three pathfinding stones disappeared as soon as they entered. Even the silk thread of fate was strained. Yuanxiao felt a little surprised, and they were more than 300 meters away from themselves.

The problem comes, the black iron LV1 death god entangles, the destiny silk thread extends 100 meters at most.

Unless there is a fault in the space of 300 meters, and the silk thread of destiny has the effect of making itself invisible and immaterial, it is not broken. When the girl Nana is pulled down, she walks into the black fog along the silk thread of fate. , the fastest update of the webnovel!