Chapter 6461

"Uncle Huang, an'er is still in prison. Where can people live in that kind of place? Father Huang, an'er is wronged. I beg you to make a clear investigation and give an'er justice!" Meng Yi began to kowtow to the emperor.

"Yes, emperor, eight princesses and concubines don't know Luo is pregnant at all! There's no way she'd want to kill a royal heir. " Zhao Xiang also hastened to speak.

"Father, my cousin is right. Ann doesn't know that Luo is pregnant. How can she think of harming her?"

"Even if she doesn't know, it's her who knocked down Rou Fei! Is it not murder to kill someone by mistake? " The emperor was angry and gave a cold hum. As an emperor, what he didn't like most was that someone was murdering himself.

"No, she didn't! An'er said that she didn't push at all. Her son's minister is willing to guarantee with his head that an'er won't do such a thing! "

"Son of a bitch, you dare to say anything for a woman! At that time, people in the palace saw that one person wronged her, but did everyone wronged her? " The emperor angrily smashed the things at hand to Meng Huo.

Meng Huo was smashed, and the blood on his head immediately came down.

Zhao Xiang was startled.

Meng Yi, who had been standing on one side in silence, said at this time, "you two all shut up! Brother, you should calm down first. The eighth Prince and his concubines have always been in a good relationship. He can be forgiven for his anxiety. Zhao Xiang has a lot to do with the eighth Prince and his concubines. It's also natural for him to come here to ask for help. "

Meng Yi's words made the emperor calm down a little, and his younger brother was right.

"You two are too impatient. How can you really deal with the eight princesses and concubines? It's the Royal daughter-in-law. She really made a mistake. Even if she didn't mean it, it's right to give some necessary punishment!"


"But Uncle Huang, a place like Tianlong."

"Or you can take out the evidence that she has been wronged. If there is no evidence, everything you say is in vain. You have to believe your father!" Meng Yi interrupted him.

What else did Meng Huo want to say? He was pulled by Zhao Xiang. He immediately admitted his mistake, "yes! Uncle Huang is Mingjun! There will be a clear decision about the affairs of the eighth Prince and concubine. We are reckless! And ask Uncle Huang to make atonement. "

The emperor was more comfortable to hear this.

Thinking about Zhao Xiang's little deformity for the sake of his country, I can't bear to see that he is his nephew. Although he is not his own, he has done a lot for the country recently.

"I also believe in my father. I'm worried. I'll go back and reflect on myself. I'll believe in all my father's decisions unconditionally in the future." Meng Huo also saluted the emperor. With the emperor's permission, the three men withdrew.

"Uncle Huang! What on earth can Ann do? How can she stay in such a place? " After he came out, Meng Huo became anxious and his eyes were red.

"If you ask for help now, you will only make your brother more tired, and she will not be able to get out. As I said, it's very easy to save her. Find out the evidence to prove that she was wronged." Meng Yi spoke calmly.

"You know what happened at that time. How do you find it? There can be no evidence at all Zhao Xiang is a little anxious.

"Since there is no evidence, you have come to force the emperor to release people. You are harming her!" Meng Yi's voice cooled down.

"Since this matter has happened, the emperor brother can't refuse to punish, but he will have discretion, just punish, won't want her life, if you don't trust her, go to see her, say hello, don't let her suffer!" Meng Yi said, ignore two people, stride away. , the fastest update of the webnovel!