Chapter 5559

"Xiaomeng, it's not that the teacher doesn't believe you, it's just that the class leaders have found out the answers. If I don't deal with it, the students will definitely have opinions." The head teacher spoke.

"Teacher, I understand, but I can swear that I didn't copy. If you don't believe me, you can check the monitoring." Bai Xiaomeng said frankly.

"Yes, check the monitoring. From the monitoring, we can see whether Xiaomeng copied or not." Jiang Meng agreed.

Since Bai Xiaomeng said that she didn't copy, Jiang Meng believed that she certainly didn't copy. However, it's a bit absurd to say that the answer was picked up on the road.

Chi Fang stands beside him in a hurry. He suddenly wants to know that he stole the answer, which has nothing to do with Bai Xiaomeng.

Bai Xiaomeng seemed to see his intention and put a peeled sugar into his mouth.

"Chi Fang, thank you for your concern for me, but I can solve my own problems. Just watch." Bai Xiaomeng winked at him.

In any case, the pool must not be involved in this matter.

If the teacher knows that Chi Fang stole the paper, he will be expelled. It's a big deal.

Chi Fang, "..."

He looked at her simple and lovely smile, heart palpitating uncontrollably, he really liked her more and more.

Although he didn't know what it meant.

"Teacher, you can check the monitoring, I sit at the back, the distance from the monitoring is the nearest, if I really copy the answer, the monitoring can shoot clearly." Bai Xiaomeng turned his head and said.

The head teacher was relieved to see that she was so determined to check and monitor. As a head teacher, he certainly didn't want such a thing to happen in his class.

When the party went to the monitoring room, Bai Xiaomeng didn't seem to be affected by the incident at all. He was still joking with Jiang Meng and Chi Fang.

Because it was a matter of great importance, this incident also shocked the leaders of the school, and the vice principal also followed.

We adjusted the monitoring of the exam two days ago. However, from the beginning to the end, we didn't find any answers from Bai Xiaomeng. However, it's doubtful that she didn't use calculus paper.

This is a very unscientific thing.

"Bai Xiaomeng, you don't need calculus at all?" The Academic Committee asked the questions in her mind.

"Yes, you don't have to do calculus? It's impossible. "

"How do I do the problem? It seems that it's not in the content of our discussion?" Bai Xiaomeng gently clenched her lips.

"You really don't need to discuss how to do the problem, but if you don't calculate, if you can get a high score, it means there is a problem." Said the monitor.

Bai Xiaomeng, "..."

She doesn't need calculus at all, OK? She didn't use calculus paper since high school.

"This only shows that I have a high IQ, good learning, what else can I have?" Bai Xiaomeng looks at several people speechless.

"That's crazy, isn't it? What a shame

"Shut up Chi Fang roared angrily.

"Even if you can't see anything on the monitor, it can't prove that you didn't plagiarize. Since you find the answer in your desk, it means you have a problem!"

Class cadres are also reluctant.

No matter how Bai Xiaomeng explains it, everyone doesn't believe that she didn't copy the answer, and the head teacher is also very embarrassed. After all, so many class cadres insist that finding the answer means Bai Xiaomeng has a problem, and if he doesn't care, it's not good. , the fastest update of the webnovel!