Chapter 5308

When he came out, lizu'er had already changed his clothes and came out. His staring eyes were equally murderous.

"Where's ye?"

"Young master may have taken refuge." Luo Zheng light answer.

"Go! This stinky boy Lizu'er sneered. He had better not come back!

Luo Zheng ran away.

This one or two are so angry!

It seems that the young master is really in trouble.

When summer came out, lizu'er was sitting in the living room. Seeing him coming out, he said, "go ahead, you put me to sleep yesterday. What are you going to do?"

"Not for the first time." Summer replied.

"You You're not so irresponsible, are you Lizu'er stares at him.

"Want me to marry you, dream!" The cold answer of summer.


Li zu'er bit his lip and changed his expression. "I didn't want you to marry me. I just hope you can agree to let me keep my children."

Summer looked at her become depressed, the mood inexplicably irritable.

"No way!"

"Are you going to keep me in captivity? It's a child you want to take. I agree, but you have to set me free Lizu'er thought that he should be free first, and then make plans.

"I can let you go, and you don't want to play any tricks."

"Yes, it's a deal." Lizu'er felt a little better when he heard that he could leave.

Yesterday, I thought I was bitten by a dog.

Anyway, it's not the first time!

Two people finish talking, Lizu son without saying a word, directly back to the room, simple clean up, directly left.

She didn't even look back, and her pace was very fast, which showed how much she wanted to leave here.

Looking at the door closed in summer, he didn't want to see it, but his eyes couldn't help drifting there.

Lizu'er leaves. Lin doesn't know where to hide. The house is quiet.

Sitting here alone, he suddenly felt very uncomfortable and even suffocated.

"Luozheng, ready to go to the company!" Summer orders.

Luozheng went to prepare immediately.

When lizu'er came home, he was finally relieved. God, he came back at last.

More than a week is like a dream for her. Her small home is comfortable. Although it is a little old, how to look at it is pleasing to the eye.

Lizu'er took a bath first and put on her own clothes. She was sitting there for a moment at a loss. She didn't know what to do next.

Her hand gently touched his belly, this little life is still growing, do not know what it is like now.

Think of this child, Lizu son is more determined not to take off the child's determination!

She must keep the child!

This is her baby. She'll take care of it!


Lizu'er woke up after a full day and night's sleep at home. She felt less pain and relaxed.


When he came home in summer, he was faced with a cold room. He didn't have a good lunch and didn't know how to come back. Originally, he wasn't very picky about the food and could eat the food in the canteen. But yesterday, he found the food very bad.

It's hard to swallow.

Now back home, there is no one, not even a little popular, the kitchen is cold, his heart inexplicably restless.

"Young master, do you order takeout at night?" Luo Zheng asked. , the fastest update of the webnovel!