Chapter 4023

"Ning Bao, take the medicine and go back first. I'll lead them away!" Tong Tong said.

"No, what do you think? Run together, stay together!" Baby can't agree with her.

"We can't run. If we stay, we'll both have bad luck and die in the summer. Do you want to see this result? This is the result of my calm analysis! Listen to me Tongtong suddenly put the herb in her hand into her baby's hand.

"Tong Tong, no way!" Baby shakes her head.

"Go, go, I can't run any more. Go Tong Tong pushed her hard all the time. She turned around and ran in another direction.

Baby anxiously looking at Tong Tong, looking at Tong Tong has run away, she knows that she has no choice, she can only force herself to turn and run to their car.

Now all the herbs are on her. She must find the car. She can't help Tong Tong. She can't save summer!

Absolutely not!

Baby desperately forward, really is to use the strength of the milk, finally found the car, driving away, baby cry is full of tears.

She felt that she was a coward. She couldn't leave Tong Tong. When she sent the medicine back to save the summer, she came to find Tong Tong immediately.

Tong Tong intentionally leads those people to run in other directions to gain time for the baby's escape. At this time, Dongfang Jin has already got the reward. He knows that his life is in danger in summer and he needs help.

He had a good relationship with Xia Xia when he was a child. The boy was very loyal. Although the girl couldn't stand her bullying huangfutong, he also knew that she didn't really hate herself, and uncle Beiming and his wife were pretty good to themselves.

So it's not that you can't give up two herbs to save summer.

He Dongfang Jin is not ungrateful, but the three people are let her hate, there is no way not to hate.

The first one is old lady Huangfu. She dug her own eyes and almost killed herself. He can't help hating her.

The second is huangfutong. If it wasn't for her, he would not have been persecuted to that extent. He couldn't help hating her.

The third is the birth mother of Huangfu night

As for the rest of the people there, he didn't hate them and even felt grateful.

After running for a short time, Tong Tong was surrounded. She was so tired that she had no strength. Her forehead was dripping with sweat. She looked nervously at Dongfang brocade wearing a mask

Dongfang Jin came over to her. He stood in front of Tong Tong and held her chin. This little face didn't change at all. It was beautiful.

He reached out and took off the black rimmed glasses on her face, which softened her beauty, and threw them away.

"What are you doing?" Tong Tong nervously looks at him, she also does not know why, she feels this man is very good, hates oneself!

Liusha was a little surprised. He didn't know what Shao was doing. He remembered this girl, the one they met when they went to Hades, and sent her to the hospital.

But what happened to the young master today.

Dongfang brocade wearing black gloves hands slowly down, pinched Tongtong's neck, he slowly raised her up, sneer, "originally want to let you go, but you send yourself, don't blame me impolite!"

Tongtong's neck was pinched by him. She couldn't breathe at all. Before she lost consciousness, she heard the man's words, but she couldn't hear what he was saying , the fastest update of the webnovel!