Chapter 4002

There was a complete mess outside. The explosion did not cause any injuries. Instead, several bodies were found inside. These bodies were taken away by the police, and the scene was being dealt with.

Even so, this incident has caused great panic and aroused great attention. Now, countless policemen are sent to patrol the streets. Everyone has to be interrogated, and all the suspects have been taken back for interrogation.

It was not until the evening that people's sense of panic finally eased.

When the police came to check, baby had already figured out a way to send these people away with her own identity.

Liu Na and Zhang Chao accompany her to go back in the evening. Baby is going to watch the summer tonight, so she calls gardenia and tells her that if Lu Moxiu goes back to ask her, she will stay at Ning's house for two days.

Gardenia know that she is now and before, she did not ask, just told her to pay attention to safety.

After hanging up the phone, the baby came to the bedside and looked at the comatose summer. She reached for his big hand and sighed. Now she just wanted him to wake up.

Zhang Chao said that he is OK, he will be OK, baby constantly comfort himself.

It's very late, baby will lie on the bed for a rest, she suddenly heard a painful voice, baby suddenly opened her eyes, she saw summer frowning, a very painful look, she was scared, nervous cried, "summer, summer, how are you? It's painful, isn't it? I know you must be painful, but you have to hold on! You must get better. "

Summer heard someone talking around, efforts to open his eyes, he saw a strange face.

"How do you feel when you wake up in summer?" Baby saw that he opened his eyes, his heart was both surprised and happy.

"Where am I?" The voice is very dumb in summer.

"In a hotel, drink some water first." Baby took the cup, put on the straw and sent it to his lips.

Summer's eyes have been looking at the baby, he opened his mouth and bit the straw to drink half a glass of water, the original burning throat is finally comfortable.

"Drink more, drink up." Said the baby.

Summer and drink half a cup, this just let go of the straw, long relief.

"You saved me, thank you." Summer thanks to this strange girl first.

"You're welcome. I should have saved you." Baby looked at him with strong emotion in his eyes.

Summer felt very strange, he was sure he had not seen this girl, but this girl gave him a very familiar feeling.

"Who the hell are you? Do we know each other?" Summer looked at her face, very beautiful and clean face, but still strange.

"You don't know me, but I know you. Don't talk about this. How do you feel? Tell me if you want to take some painkillers. Are you in pain?" Baby looked at the wound on his body nervously.

"No, I can bear the pain. What's your name?" Summer looked at her and asked.

"My name is Ning Bao Baby accepted her fate. She knew that she couldn't tell her own situation in front of him, even her name.

"Ning Bao, good name, why did you save me? You seem to know what happened? " Summer knows she won't be bad for him, he's just curious. , the fastest update of the webnovel!