Chapter 3817

The dinner table became silent because of the lack of baby and summer. After dinner, we chatted for a while and went back to sleep.


Baby and summer wake up, the two little guys are locked in a cage, there is a layer of wood outside the cage, leaving only a small hole, the two children can see a little light.

When he woke up first in summer, he saw the fainting baby pushing her, "baby, wake up."

Baby's eyelashes trembled a few times, finally opened his eyes.

"Where are we in summer?" Baby looked around nervously.

"Don't be afraid. With me, I won't let you do anything. I don't know where I am now. It seems that we are caught by bad people." Summer brings the baby up.

"Bad guys How could that be? In summer, I miss daddy and Mommy. " Baby's tears fell down all of a sudden, her little face was dirty, her hair was in a mess, and she looked very pitiful.

"Don't be afraid. With me, I'll take you out and go back to daddy and Mommy." Summer hugs her.

"Well, don't leave me again in summer." Baby also hugged him, she was really scared.

"Don't you always say it's my sister? Why don't you be my sister at this time? "

"I I'm afraid. I'm really afraid. " Baby, don't dare to be brave.

"Don't be afraid. I'll always be with you." Summer promised her.

Baby nodded at once.

Summer knows it's day, he has been teaching baby self-protection methods.

Baby now also dare not careless, very seriously listening to him, if put in the past, she certainly will not dislike.

"In summer, I'm hungry." Baby pulled his clothes.

Summer also hungry, he just has been enduring, now see baby hungry, he stood up, hard knock on the board, "anyone? We need food! You don't want to starve our brothers and sisters here, do you

As soon as the summer was over, they heard a sound outside. Before long, someone really gave them food.

The food was simple, but it was pretty good for the people who had been arrested.

And there's a soup.

Summer immediately to eat back, and baby eat together.

"Brother, is this the way people are treated?" Baby is not stupid, she was also caught by bad people, at that time the treatment is not so good as now.

"The people who catch us should have their own plans. Let's observe again. Eat first, and then we will have strength." In summer, I served a bowl of soup to my baby.

Baby because the food at home is too good, has developed a picky problem, but now, she is not picky at all, eat what are particularly fragrant.

After eating, the summer went to knock the board to send out the plate, but also to each other for water.

No matter what he asked, the other side will do, which makes summer a little strange, but also has the bottom of my heart.

Summer with water back, baby drink, asked, "summer, they seem to be very obedient, in the end who caught us?"

"I don't know. Let's wait until we can get out." Summer said.

Baby will no longer ask, she also knows that now the summer and she do not know anything.

The next few days, the two children have been locked up, as long as it is not a special request, the outside people are responsive to them. , the fastest update of the webnovel!