Chapter 3687

If Xiaoxun and the children have an accident, he will destroy everything to bury them.

Beimingyu didn't dare to think about it any more. He just asked the driver to speed up again.

The driver has stepped on the accelerator to the deepest level, and he is still pushing hard. The car is about to fly.


When Jian Haixun wakes up, she knows that something has happened. She goes to youYou for the first time. When she sees youyou still lying on the ground, her heart shrinks.

"You you! You you! What have you done to my son? " Jane Haixun is going to be crazy. If youyou has something to do, she will be crazy.

No one answered her question. These people stood there like piles, motionless.

Jane Haixun's hands and feet are tied, she will desperately move to the direction of her son, rough ground with her delicate skin, she is ignorant.

It's not easy to rub her son's side. Jane Haixun tries to kiss her son's mouth. She is relieved that her son is in a coma.

Even so, she is still very worried about youyou's situation. She is an adult, and even if she is given the overpowering drug, she can discharge it. But youyou is too small, and she doesn't know how much medicine he took.

Jian Haixun has been patiently calling her son's name, but youyou doesn't reflect at all. She is really worried.

"Don't cry. You're dead when you're asleep, and you're dead when you're awake!"

Jian Haixun turns her head when she hears the sound. When she sees Rong qianxia, she wants to bite the woman to death!

"Rong qianxia, youyou and I have no injustice or hatred. Why do you harm us like this?" Jane Haixun stares at her angrily.

"No injustice, no revenge. If it wasn't for you, would the northern Ming emperor do that to me?" Let thousand summer sneer a to come over, stepped on the head of small smoke to grind hard all of a sudden.

Xiaoxun only feels that her head hurts. She is biting her teeth and doesn't let herself breathe out.

"Rong qianxia, your mind is not pure, you have a lot of intrigues, and you blame others for not liking you! I tell you, you can't blame others. You are the one who made the situation today! " Jian Haixun said angrily.

"Shut up, if you dare to talk nonsense again, I'll sew your mouth up with my own hands!" Let qianxia's feet leave Xiaoxun's head, she stooped and slapped Xiaoxun!

Xiaoxun inhales in pain. This abnormal old witch is really cruel.

Jian Haixun knows that Rong qianxia is not easy to deal with, and the long-term psychological backlog may have made her a little abnormal.

Jian Haixun is not afraid of anything else. She is afraid that Rong qianxia will hurt you.

Youyou is too small to stand any harm.

"Rong qianxia, what do you want? You tell me, I'll satisfy you. " Xiaoxun forces himself to calm down.

"What do I want? First of all, I want the lives of you and Gu Qingxin! " Rong qianxia stares at her coldly.

"I understand you want my life, and I have nothing to say, but how did you offend your sister, and why do you want her life?" Jian Haixun asked slowly. She wanted to delay. She believed that Beiming Yu had come to save herself and youyou.

Now all she can do is divert this Pervert's attention.

"Ha ha ha, I hate Gu Qingxin ten million times more than you! It is clear that I met beiminghan first. Why does beiminghan love her and not me? I love him so much and bear humiliation for him for so many years, but he can't see me at all , the fastest update of the webnovel!